Chapter 8

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As we entered hell it was hot. Damn I feel like I'm burning up here.

We landed on hard ground and look at the lava around us. "This is Hell?" I ask Crypt.

"This is the entrance to Hell." He answers me.

"So where do we go next and did you bring me extra clothes?" I ask being in only a dress and converse.

"I brought you a pair of shorts and a tank top." He hands it to me. I put on the shorts and the tank top under my dress. I see that he is in a pair of shorts and and a shirt. I've never seen him so casually.

"Thank you. Now let's go." I hold his hand as he guides me to the bridge with a man on the side with a big cloak on.

"Hello Reaper how are you?" Crypt asks the man. He takes off his hood and reveals a brunette girl. Well I guess it's a she.

"Crypt long time no see, what brings you here?" She asks nicely.

"I'm here to get her heart back from Chamber." Crypt tells her.

"Oh, well go on through. Just be warned that Hell is meant to deceive and tricks you. And if you need help just call out my name. I'm Ari by the way." She smiles at me.

"I'm Morgan and thank you." I tell her.

"Let's go before it's too late." Crypt tells me as he drags me to the bridge.

"Nice meeting you Ari." I call the her as we cross the wooden bridge.

"Where are we now?" I ask Crypt. The place is dark with lots of fog around.

"The land of the forget and forbidden. You see there are 3 levels through hell and this is the first one. It is controlled by envy and sloth." Crypt tells me.

"How do you know about this so well?" I ask him.

"I used to live here, just like Ari and Chamber. This is where all reapers are from." He explains.

"That makes sense." I agree.

"Yeah so you ready for this?" Crypt asks me. I nod as we enter the fog cloud. I would do anything to not be Heartless.

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