The accident...

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2 months later

Serena's POV

Since I met my real family, we all gotten really close over the past couple months. We have family dinners 2 times a week and They even all gotten a house together in the same neighborhood as us, mainly as a safety thing for me. In case there is ever a situation where Finn has to leave and I cant go.

Finn continues to surprise me as he surprises me with being there for me through this whole thing and is being such a good sport about it. I love him so much and it makes me even more happy about us potentially making this family bigger one day. Would Finn want that with me?? I know for sure that I would want that with him. I think he would be a great father.

We talked amongst ourselves for a while and any questions that I had either my parents or my brothers would answer.

I felt like everything was starting to turn out alright but I was worried about one thing , Eliza. She looked at me with such envy and hate and I felt it coming off of her. She will do something to cause trouble and that is not something that I want to happen.

"You know this thing with Adronio is more personal then you all lead on. What's the deal with that?" I asked and Antonio stepped up. By the way Antonio is the oldest and the twins are the younger siblings.
"He killed my wife and daughter . He slit there throats and just for laughs he butchered my 2 month old son in his crib . I long to have my time with him so I can cause him the same pain he caused me. He will live to regret ever messing with my family." He growled and I felt his pain like it was my own.

I hope I never have to cross paths with this guy. I don't want to lose the family that I just got. I can't have that happen.

"I'm going outside for a cigarette and some fresh air. Would anyone like to join me?" I asked and Antonio stepped up..

"I'll go. I would like to have a cigar." He said and Finn speaks up.

"I am going to let you two go but Serena promise me you'll be okay and stay safe. " He said and I nodded my head.

"I promise baby I'll be fine. My big brother will keep me safe." I said and I left with Antonio.


We were currently standing on the sidewalk to get some peace and quiet to smoke.

"You know Finn is not that bad of a guy ." He said and I smiled.

"Well he loves me and he has always been there. I would do anything for that man. He's it for me big brother. I love him." I said and he patted my shoulder.

"My baby sis is growing up."

"I am 20 years old." I said and he just rolls his eyes.

"I'm 32 , I'm 12 years older than you. I'm the adult
Your the baby.."

"Are you kidding me right now ??" I asked and we laughed together.

"Sorry sis. I'll back off." He held up his hands in surrender and it just happened all too fast.

I felt myself flying through the air and landing hard on the concrete. My head was spinning . I felt my body give out and I went paralyzed.

"OH MY GOD !! SERENA !!" I hear someone shout and my ears were ringing so the voice wasn't familiar to me.

My vision was fucked up but I could clearly see what happened. I was hit by a car. But the person who hit me is already trying to get away from Antonio. I knew the face. Once I saw her I couldnt help but my world comes crashing down .

It was Eliza.

She hit me ...

End of chapter

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