The attempt

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Serena's POV

Finn lead me upstairs to our room and once the door was shut, he turned me around and hugged me tight and of course I had hugged him back.

"It's going to be okay Babygirl. I am going to take care of this mess, I promise you. "Finn said I pushed him away and began to scratch at my skin very badly. I felt so damn disgusting. Why is Finn touching me?! He shouldn't be touching me at all.

"Baby girl what's wrong? Why are you scratching at yourself?" He asked worried and i screamed into a pillow before picking up a random object and throw it across the room and it shatters. I start to break other things and suddenly I am grabbed and held close to a hard chest. It was Finn. I tried hard to thrash away from him, but he was too strong. I screamed out and he just kissed my forehead and makes me sit down on the floor. I began to cry, I couldn't take it.

"It's okay baby. Im here. Im not going to let anything bad happen to you. Your safe and sound."He cooed into my ear and I just sat there and cried.

"I cant take it anymore Finn. I can still feel their hands on me. Holding me down, choking me, holding my head over water. They DP'd me....they did everything to me.  It wasn't quick and painless. I don't know what I would have done if Jason didn't follow me." I said and i began to calm down.

"I guess I owe him a thanks, don't I??"He asked and made me chuckle.

"I guess so. Let me get up and get myself together ,and you can go talk to Jason ."I said. I needed to get Finn out of the room. With what I planned to do, cant go through unless he is gone.

"Alright baby. I'll be back soon alright?"He said and I nodded before leaning in and kissing him. I kissed him like its the last time that I will be this close to him again.

"I love you."He said and It made my heart warm in love.

"I love you more."I said and he smiled at me before turning around and leaving, shutting the door behind him.

I immediately strip of my clothes and head to the bathroom, under the counter i have hidden a bottle of patron and I get out my depression pills from the cabinet along with my sleeping medicine and I even went as far as to grab my hidden stash of cocaine I had and locked myself in the bathroom once I got everything. 

I turn the water of the jacuzzi tub up to the hottest it will go and began filling it up. I turn to the mirror and take a long look at myself . I started to break my own heart, looking at all the scratches and bruises littering my face. one of my eyes is swollen shut and my other eye is as black as midnight.

"Why ....what did I ever do to deserve this?"I asked my reflection, but of course I dont get a answer.

I open all the pill bottles along the large bottle of patron, and take them all at once while washing it down with the patron. I feel myself get dizzy but I didnt care.

As the water finished filling up the tub, I set up the cocaine on the counter and take line after line until it was all gone. I could feel the drugs making it's course throughout my body. I feel like I'm on cloud nine but at the same time I felt like absolute hell.

I get into the tub, ignoring the fact that the water is scolding my skin and I laid back before whipping out my knife. I hold it up and start to carve into my skin, so high off the drugs that I didn't even feel the blade penetrate my skin.

After a good few moment of that, the water is now red, I pick up the bottle of Patron and start to chug it until its completely empty. The alcohol and drugs put me in a state of numbness and peaceful quiet. My vision started to get blurry and i almost couldn't breathe. I was dying. Which is what I wanted.

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