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Let there be darkness! Muahahahaha
Lights go off and evil laughter echoes through the auditorium

The case of the missing stage lights but there is no Scooby Doo to solve this one! evil laughter

Coughs Now, let's get down to business before the stage crew find their lights.  Spotlight!

Snaps fingers and the spotlight shines down on the maksed mole.

Who am I? You might be wondering. Who is this season's mole? You whisper amidst yourselves. Well Cribbers, you can call me TMZ because I have the tea on all the contestants. Laughs maniacally

Now, while I am no Lady Whistledown, Strokes chin thoughtfully but maybe in retrospect, I might be.

Hiding in the background, gathering gossip and bringing ruin to those in the social circle. Exposing lies and truths, disrupting life...

But what is life without a little gossip?

Adjusts, Queen Charlotte-like gown

Dearest gentle reader,

Do gather round, for I have the most scandalous tidbits to share. For in the hallowed halls of Project Pen, there is  much happening up and about.

Ah, the contestants! So confident, so bold, so... delusional. Crowning ourselves as Pen Masters even before the competition begins! Now isn't that the height of it all? Laughs in Lady Danbury While this season is off to a delicious start, I believe trying times are yet to come. Sorrows, sorrows, prayers. Blows nose into Tori's handkerchief that I stole.

The new season is barely on its feet and cupid is already shooting arrows. THE BOWL OF FIRE and JAY, a pair so smitten with each other they believe their love can conquer all... How quaint. Let us hope their love can handle the entanglement THE BOWL OF FIRE and MAN OF STEEZE had last season. Because as we all know, you never truly outgrow your first love. So much for 'together forever', eh JAY?

THE ASCENDANT, after suffering rejection from her lover (THE PENREAPER) has finally been accepted by the deadly writer and they hope to stay together till the end. How thrilling (Not!). Can THE PENREAPER truly be trusted?  And is THE ASCENDANT really that smitten by 001?

Friendships are sprouting like wild weeds and everyone is such an outstanding personality. Well, almost everyone. There are the ever present ghosts here and there and don't get me started on the busy bodies and the I Too Knows, always eager to please. How tedious. This author merely hopes those early submitters do make it to the next round with all that...attitude.

And the Cribbers all starstruck by this MAN OF STEEZE and THE WORDSMITH? How predictable!  While there are more pressing matters than that of 'steeze', the Cribbers are allowed to their shallow likes.

The first stage had the house silent as a graveyard. One would think we had lost all our high spirits once the reality of Project Pen had hit us, but a leopard never changes its spots. The quiet was short lived as the complaints came rushing in like a river.

"What kind of genre is light romance?" "What was wrong with the judges when they chose this genre?" "How do you fit something so big into such a small word count?"  Always complaining, this set of contestants. But in all sincerity, what  was the council thinking? Light romance? There is nothing light about the grandeur of romance!

Some of us did rise to the occasion while others... Well, let's just say we hope for the best from everyone. Even those fresh to the writing game.

We bonded over our shared plight caused by this 'light romance' demon. And we have soon come to realize that we are all green snakes in a green grass. For in this game of wits and luck, deception is the greatest asset.

Second timers had their "steeze" intact, claiming they were not in the least frightened by Lady Wendyton and her empty scares, as they upheld maximum composure. Looks like the MOSACs are growing in number.

MEDUSA did come up with a solution to our 'romantic' problems. "We all write dark romance. The judges can't evict all of us." I'm not sure if she was joking or if she's simply so... special. Because in this house, we would sooner stab each other in the back than rally together. THE ASCENDANT and MEDUSA learnt the hard way when THE PENREAPER betrayed them during their protest. So much for being together till the end.

Though the anxiety and pressures are getting intense, we are all trying to dish out something worth the while and keep the energy flowing. We've bonded and laughed over ideas, writer's block, yellow cards (THE BOWL OF FIRE, JAY) and even old cartoons. Something called Lolirock had HOMA, MEDUSA and THE PENREAPER all giddy.

Of Course this author would not fail to mention the disqualification of LICORICE and DOKJA KIMMY from the Project Pen community. While  RENE and MEDUSA did share some sympathy with the disqualified contestants, the house soon came to a conclusion that quitting is indeed a foolish and selfish way to exit the Project Pen stage. SMERALDO gets the gist.

On happier news, birthdays have been celebrated in the house and so have graduations. Happy Birthday in arrears to THE ASCENDANT and RENE and congratulations RENE.

While we are all hopeful for good reviews from the judges, HOMA, THEPENREAPER, LIONESS, MEDUSA and THE ASCENDANT especially. There are some of us who seem to have a lot on our mind (ELAN), and there are those who are... in their words, 'finished'. Good luck to you SETH. Just to keep the judges in the loop of things, we have promised to go Jeffery Dahmer on any Judge who decides they want to  be like last season's Judge; Jane Austen.

This author would like to raise a pen to the skillful, yet delusional writer of the delulu hub. What a striking piece of... gossip you have going on there. But as the name implies, it is nothing but delusional gossip. For only the mole knows the ups and abouts of these hallowed halls. Laughs in Lady Whistledown

LIONESS didn't seem to mind being Antonio's new eye candy and ofcourse MAN OF STEEZE seems to be happy that he is wooing all the ladies in the Ton. Talk about a Colin Bridgerton comeback. Insert Penelope Featherington eye roll

Now, if you do not mind, I fear that Lady Wendyton has found me out and I must be on my way. Tata for now, you gossip hungry Cribbers!

Throws smoke bomb and disappears

Lights flicker back on

PROJECT PEN [SEASON III]Where stories live. Discover now