38| Pull Back the Curtain

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I took a deep breath, digging my nails into my palm as beads of sweat formed on my skin

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I took a deep breath, digging my nails into my palm as beads of sweat formed on my skin. My hands smoothed over my dress to adjust it slightly while I gazed at the shadow in the mirror before me.

I can do it!

I began unpacking the scented candles I had ordered with my first salary and started placing them in different corners of his room. The sweet aroma of roses and cherries calmed my senses the moment I lit them.

It's been a while since I returned to this place that feels like home. It is a home. Wherever Nishaan resides is home to me. Keeping up with the internship has taken away my precious time with Nishaan, and I have seen the disappointment on his face due to our separation, even though he never admits it.

"Bhabhi, is this good?"  I glanced toward the door and saw Bunty holding the chocolate cake I had asked him to make.

My eyes immediately gleamed at the sight of the cake, taking in the fresh smell of dark chocolate. I took it from him and placed it on the table in the center.

"It's perfect, Bunty bhaiya!" He took a seat beside me on the floor, his face showing a hint of apprehension. Concerned, I asked,

"What is it?"

"I've told you before, Nishaan doesn't like chocolates. I had to endure his wrath the last time I made something he despised."

"Hmm... I understand. I really wanted to use another flavor, but when I saw the chocolates in your fridge, I couldn't resist asking you to make it. It's okay if he doesn't like it—more for me."

I said playfully to make him more comfortable while I draped the white curtains around. I hated that even his best friend was intimidated by him. I don't want anyone to be scared of my boyfriend—he's the sweetest with me.

"How did you two become friends? I haven't seen Nishaan close to anyone else but you."

He placed the cake in the refrigerator and then surveyed the decorations with a thoughtful expression.

"It didn't happen overnight. It took time—days, months. When he first moved into the apartment, he looked so dull, as if he had lost everything. He didn't trust anyone, but for some reason, I felt the need to be his friend. You know, there was an emptiness in his eyes beyond the anger."

Something I now find in Maan.

He looked quite down while talking about the past, and I realized I wouldn't be able to get much more information from him. There's this bro code between them.

"But as the years went by, he finally found himself again. And if you want to know a secret, I've seen him laugh his heart out only with you. You make me jealous! You took my Friday nights with him."

"It wasn't personal." I scrunched my nose, giving him a guilty yet mocking look.

Bunty helped me with the remaining decorations, and we got busy with preparations around the house when the doorbell rang. My heartbeat quickened suddenly. We hadn't even finished half the work, and he's here. How will I explain everything to him?

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