32| Waves of Confusion

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"Stop embarrassing me! For god's sake

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"Stop embarrassing me! For god's sake." I exclaimed, kicking my legs in the air as Nishaan carried me out of his car.

Fortunately, the entire college was absorbed in the concert, and the security guards seemed half-asleep, oblivious to me being carried in Nishaan's arms and placed into his car. I pondered whether Nishaan was aware of the guards' drowsiness or simply didn't concern himself with it.

"Sorry, honey. I would have, but unfortunately, I don't believe in God." He replied, smiling, his teeth gleaming as he escorted me upstairs into his apartment.

There was an unmistakable sense of pride on his face, as if I were a trophy he had just won and was proudly taking home. I was torn between blushing at the attention or feeling the urge to challenge his arrogance. Despite my genuine happiness and excitement about going to his place, my moral compass couldn't help but intervene.

What would people think of a girl entering his apartment at this hour? And what would my neighbors assume about me being out all night?

He pulled me close with one arm while juggling the keys to his apartment with the other. His veins strained and darkened under the weight of my body, almost on the verge of popping, but he didn't utter a word of complaint. If anything, the sweat forming on his forehead only added to his rugged charm. Despite his efforts, a pang of guilt gnawed at me.

"You know the bruise is on my head, not my legs." I remarked as he ushered me into his dimly lit apartment, closing the door behind us.

"I know, it's just an excuse to touch your body." He replied nonchalantly, flicking on the light switch as if unaffected, treating me like I was nothing more than a piece of paper and I couldn't help but blush a little in response.

"Let me bring you some water." He said, gently placing me on his blue couch and giving me a quick peck on the forehead.

Caring Nishaan check!

As soon as he disappeared into the kitchen, which was just a few steps away, I relaxed on the comfortable, bouncing couch. The cool air from the AC and the cozy atmosphere of his home tempted me to doze off, but my curiosity piqued, compelling me to wander around and explore more of his place.

"Could you make some tea, please?" I asked, rising from the couch and gazing at the white walls of his apartment.

"Anything for you, darling." his voice echoed as I took in the details of his home. Beyond the wooden door, the dark blue couch greeted visitors, while a glass table with marbles inside stood proudly at the room's center, catching my eye.

The kitchen counter nestled in the far corner completed the layout. With dark blue boundaries and shelves contrasted against the pristine white walls, the ambiance exuded a refined sophistication. Every detail contributed to the apartment's charm, epitomizing a blend of class, comfort, and coziness that made it irresistibly inviting.

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