The Return Of Dr Robotnik

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Just when they began their way back to Green Hills, a Warp ring portal opened up and Wade, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles drove through it on their motorcycle, and ended up in some sort of energy cage. Wade: "Okay... didn't see this coming..." Knuckles: "Who is responsible for this?" asked Knuckles, before Tails noticed another energy cage besides the one he and his group were in, and inside it was another group of aliens. The first one was Amy Rose (voiced by Shannon Chan-Kent), and she was an alien hedgehog like Sonic, but it was pink and a girl with five short head quills point downwards, somewhat resembling a bob cut, and has three spikes for bangs on her forehead, having emerald green eyes, wearing a red sleeveless dress with two white trimmings, a pair of red and white boots, a pair of white gloves with golden ring bracelets, and a red hairband. The second alien was Cream the Rabbit (voiced by Michelle Ruff), and she was a little rabbit alien girl that was a little younger than Tails, had cream colored fur with brown eyes, an orange dress with puffy shoulders, a blue tie, a pair of orange and yellow shoes and a pair of white gloves. The third alien was Vanilla the Rabbit (voiced by Rebecca Honig), and she was like an adult version of Cream as she was Cream's mother, wearing a lavender and white dress with a burgundy vest, a blue ascot, a pair of white gloves and a pair of burgundy low heeled shoes. And finally, the last alien was named Cheese the Chao, and he looked like a little fairy like creature with a rain drop shaped head and had a red bow tie. When Amy sees Sonic, she gasped in shock. Amy: "Sonic... is that you?" Sonic: "Uh... have we met?" Amy: "You don't... remember me?, it's me, Amy Rose, we met before when we were little kids." Sonic: "We did... wait... did you wore a green dress with puffy shoulders, an orange skirt and a pair of purple and white shoes?, along with carrying some cards?" Amy: "Yes!, that was me!" Sonic: "Whoa... you look uh... different..." Amy: "Well it has been 10 years since we last met." Tails: "So... you two know each other?" Sonic: "Yeah... I met her before when I was little... on the day when... I lost everything..." Amy: "Yeah... me too..." Sonic: "What do you mean?" Amy: "Um... it's a little hard to explain... but tell me... what's Knuckles doing here with you?" asked Amy, as she noticed Knuckles next to Sonic. Knuckles: "Let's just say we settled our difference a while ago and now we're guardians of the Master Emerald..." Cream: "The Master Emerald is real?" Sonic: "Who might you be?" Cream: "Oh sorry... forgot to introduce myself, my name's Cream, and this is Cheese, my pet Chao." Vanilla: "And I'm Vanilla the Rabbit, Cream's mother, and Amy happens to be my adopted daughter too." Wade: "Wow... who knew aliens could look so pretty..." Vanilla: "Oh... well I don't know if I'm really pretty... for there are other species that are more beautiful than me..." Amy: "Come on mom, you're one of the most beautiful rabbits in the galaxy, so don't doubt your beauty." Vanilla: "Thanks girls..." said Vanilla, before Cream noticed that Tails was staring at her while blushing a little. Cream: "Hey, are you okay, Mr Fox?" Tails: "Huh?, oh yeah... I'm fine... my name's Tails by the way." Cream: "That's a cute name, and it's nice to meet you." Tails: "Yeah... it's nice to meet you too... but I wished we met in better circumstances..." Vanilla: "Me too... this place is quite frighting..." said Vanilla, before a group of little robots that looked like flying eyes with a single red eye came to the scene, followed by a certain bald man that was far and a large messy mustache. Sonic: "No way... Eggman?!" Dr Robotnik: "Hello... hedgehog... did you miss me?" Knuckles: "Robotnik?!, how is this possible?!" Tails: "Yeah... we saw you fell to your doom when your giant robot got destroyed!" Dr Robotnik: "Ha!, that is where you were wrong... for I managed to escape death by using some of the rings I took from that idiotic echidna when he and I were still allies, and managed have been hiding here in this lair ever since." Tails: "Yeah... but uh... what happened to your... body?" asked Tails, as he noticed that Robotnik was much fatter than the last time he saw him. Dr Robotnik: "Oh... I might have gained a few carbohydrates after eating nothing but junk food and sitting on a chair, watching monitors that showed footage of my Badniks on Earth for the last few weeks..." Sonic: "Wait... on Earth?" Dr Robotnik: "That's right... my hideout is beyond Earth... a world that I have explored for over 240 days..." Knuckles: "We're on the Mushroom planet... aren't we?" Dr Robotnik: "Yes... that's correct." Sonic: "Ugh... the Mushroom planet... why did we have to end up here of all worlds..." Amy: "Um... do you know this man or something?" Sonic: "Yeah... we have a history with him... and it's not a pleasant one..." Dr Robotnik: "Yes... and in the passed few weeks, I have been watching you through my Badniks in secret... waiting for the right moment to make my move... which was now as I lured you lot to my trap." Tails: "But what about them?" asked Tails, referring to Amy's group. Dr Robotnik: "Oh you mean Pinky and the rabbits... they were picking up some mushrooms here when my Badniks caught them." Amy: "... Pinky?... did you... call me... Pinky?!" shouted Amy, before she somehow summons a hammer that she uses to repeatedly bash the energy cage she was in, before finally breaking the circuits in the energy cage, making it lose power and freeing herself and the rabbits and Chao, much to the others' shock. Dr Robotnik: "What the?!" Amy: "Don't call me Pinky!" shouted Amy, before she begins to try attacking Robotnik with her hammer, while Robotnik begins running for his life, trying to avoid getting hit by that hammer of hers. Sonic: "Whoa... Amy sure has a temper..." Vanilla: "Yes... she really hates it when someone makes fun of her color..." Knuckles: "Yes... I learned that the hard way..." Sonic: "What do you mean?, do you two know each other or something?" Knuckles: "Well... let's just say you weren't the only one who knew the pink hedgehog when you were little." said Knuckles, while he and the others continued to watch Amy trying to bash Robotnik with her hammer. Dr Robotnik: "Wait!, let's talk this over!" Amy: "Too late creep!, not only did you kidnap me and my family... but you attempt to harm my Sonic!, not to mention calling me Pinky!, prepare to enter a world of pain!" shouted Amy, before Vanilla came over and stopped her. Vanilla: "Amy!, stop!, you're scaring Cream!" called out Vanilla, before Amy turns around to see that Cream was looking a little scared, making the pink hedgehog to stop and took a few deep breaths. Amy: "Oh... sorry Cream... I didn't mean to..." Cream: "It's okay Amy... just don't kill anyone... please..." Amy: "Sure thing..." Sonic: "Hey uh... could you perhaps now uh... help us get out?" Amy: "Huh?, oh sure." said Amy, before she finds the buttons on the energy cage that contained Sonic's group, freeing them at last. Sonic: "Thanks, now let's get the heck out of here!" Wade: "No need to tell me that twice." said Wade, before he and the others began to make a run for it, trying to escape from the mad Dr Robotnik, who sends out his Badniks to go after them. Once the aliens and Wade got out of the base, they went into a forest of giant mushrooms, which got them separated into three groups, like Sonic was alone with Amy, Tails was alone with Cream and Cheese, and Wade was alone with Vanilla and Knuckles, and the Badniks were still right on their tail.

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