- Thirtieth -

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When Taehyung came back down the stairs, Yeona, the head maid, was relieved to see that he had a certain boy in his arms. Jungkook had clung to him like a koala, his face buried in his neck. The evening had been such an emotional rollercoaster that the teenager wanted nothing more than to stay in Taehyung's arms. Only there could his heart be at peace, and he could forget his insecurities.

The woman watched them approach with a small smile on her face, while Taehyung buried his nose in Jungkook's hair, sniffing it lovingly.

"Everything's alright now?" Yeona asked.

Jungkook snuggled a little closer to Taehyung, while the man gave her a small smile.

"Hm. I'm taking him with me tonight." Taehyung explained.

Yeona nodded, and stepped aside to let them pass. In any case, the boy would have a better night with Taehyung than in this house.

The car journey passed in silence. Jungkook had agreed to come back, but it was clear that not everything was back to normal. They had to talk, there was too much left unsaid between them. But they would do it in the warmth of their own home. Taehyung contented himself with driving silently, keeping a protective hand on the boy's thigh.

It wasn't until the two men were in bed, snuggled up under their duvets, that the sound of their voices broke the silence.

"Sweetheart?" Taehyung called softly in a whisper.

Jungkook snuggled a little closer to the man, but nodded to indicate that he was listening. He had a good idea what Taehyung was going to ask him.

"Did you really think I'd end up leaving you?" the man asked. "Why?"

The teenager didn't answer immediately. How could he admit it to Taehyung?

"Tae... The battle ahead of us is going to be hard..." he began, uncertain. "And... and for a moment... it crossed my mind..."

Taehyung frowned. Jungkook was beating around the bush, so he guessed he wasn't going to like what came next.

"Maybe you'll come to realise that I'm not worth it. You'd get bored."

Taehyung couldn't contain a sigh. So this was what was going through his baby's mind, and what was putting him in such a bad mood.

"It's not going to happen, Jungkook."

"You don't know the future."

"I don't know what to say to reassure you, my love, but you can be sure of one thing, it will always be you and me against the rest of the world. Look, I was fighting for you before I was even in love. So now that I love you, my resolve is only stronger."

He forced Jungkook from his hiding place and kissed him as soon as he saw his lips.

"I'm going to fight for us now." he explained, with something dangerous in his voice. "I'm going to sort out the problem that is my parents, and then I'm going to attack yours. I promise you won't have to worry anymore."

Jungkook was worried, he couldn't deny it. But he wanted to believe it. He wanted so much to believe it.

"You've always relied on me, baby. So this time again, please trust me."

Jungkook's eyes filled with tears and he nodded feverishly as they rolled down his cheeks.

"Don't abandon me, hyungie."


Mr Kim watched the Seoul skyline, illuminated by the powerful sunlight. He had wedged a cigarette between his fingers and brought it steadily to his lips, looking thoughtful as the ash accumulated and the tobacco burned.

Mr Kim was a tall, rather imposing man, but extremely calm. He was a man of few words, so when he spoke, everyone fell silent to listen attentively. He had quickly gained respect in the world of business, and was one of those men who deserved everything they had, because they had worked so hard to get it that no one could question them. His company's headquarters were in one of the wealthiest areas of Seoul, but he never forgot where he had come from.

He heard the door open behind him, then as it closed, footsteps came towards him. He was on the roof of the company building, and access had been restricted. So it could only have been two people.

"Dad..." Taehyung sighed, stopping beside him.

The man didn't move, continuing to observe the landscape serenely, a small smile on his lips. Eventually, however, he took his right hand out of his pocket, where he was holding his packet of cigarettes, and held it out to Taehyung. The young man stared at him for a moment, before finally grabbing a cigarette. Taehyung wasn't really a smoker, but he sometimes smoked when he was stressed. The events of the previous day provided the perfect opportunity.

He lit it and raised it to his lips.

The two men smoked silently, next to each other. Taehyung quickly joined his father in contemplating the city, the building dominating a large part of the capital.

"You made quite a show last night." Mr Kim finally said.

"I'm sorry about that." Taehyung replied. "We'd worked hard for that evening, and I ruined it."

Mr Kim shook his head.

"Your mother went too far. Someone had to put her in her place. But when it's me, she doesn't listen to me."

The man paused for a moment, as if searching for the right words.

"You know, unlike her, I don't really care how you and your brother lead your lives. I've entrusted the succession of my company to you, but I know that for wanting to go to work, you have to be happy to come home first. That can't be the case when you've married someone you don't love. Joonie is happy, and that's reflected in his work. That's all that matters to me. It doesn't matter whether he's single, married, with a woman, or with a man."

Taehyung smiled as he brought the cigarette to his lips, taking a long drag. He felt the tobacco burning his lungs, and for a moment, the sensation soothed him.

"I love someone, Dad. I love them to death."

"I kind of suspected it. They're... a man, right?"

Taehyung nodded, his gaze still lost in the distance.

"He's the only one I want to end my life with". continued the young man. "Last night, Mom nearly ruined everything. I was scared to death. If he'd left me dad, I would probably kill myself."

Even though his father didn't show much reaction, Taehyung knew he understood him. He had always been like that: cold on the outside, but with a big heart inside. Mr Kim understood humans better than anyone, and he knew that you couldn't go against the desires of the heart. Something his wife tended to ignore. Unfortunately.

"It's Jungkook." he added finally, after a long silence.

"Jeon Jungkook... ahah, everyone would say you have nothing in common. Nobody would have bet on you two."

Taehyung turned to his father.

"And what about you?"

"Let's just say that if I'd bet... I'd be even richer."

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