2: The past

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Two years ago

It was past the dead of night when I sat in my balcony, stargazing. Somewhere between those burning starts, I found peace, as though, I was looking at someone so close to my heart.

A lone tear escaped from the corner of my eyes. After all the years of my life being a complete misery, I finally had her gone, helpless and caged in the same golden cage she built for me. My mother.

Calling her mother would be a shame to the woman raising their kids. I had her out of my life.

Despite everything, the emptiness in my heart remained untouched. I had convinced myself that the ache was fueled by a thirst for revenge, believing that once I finally had it, the pain would fade. But even after achieving what I thought would bring me peace, I still felt the same—hollow, as if something deeper inside me had shattered long ago and could never be mended.

I looked at the pair of bangle in my hand. It belonged to my mother. I left a sigh and walked down to the store room. More like the prohibited room.Except my mom, no one was allowed to enter. I finally had the keys to it.

Unlocking the door I walked in. It was dark and a sufocating smell of contamination filled the room. I turned on the lights and meticulously scanned around the room. There were books all around, like the vintage pieces kept safe. I looked around to find the wooden box mom told me about. After searching for a while I finally got it.

A medium sized wooden box, kept in the corner with a lock on it. I lifted the box and tried each and every key I had but it opened with none. Becoming impatient to open it while there was no key. Having no option I chose to break the lock.

I hit the lock with a hammer hard enough to shake the table i was kept on. It took me five tries and it finally opened at the sixth hit. I took out the lock and open the box.

It had nothing precious as I thought. There was no jewellery or any precious antique. It was only an old album, accumulated with dust.

A tiring gasp left my lips, I lifted up the album and opened it after dusting it off.
There were alot of pictures of our family. Especially of my childhood. A small smile crept on my lips when my eyes fell on our family photo.

Me, Dad, Mom and Dadi.

I flip through the album until I reached the last picture. It was in a small size, probably of a wedding. I took a closer look as it was a small picture.

"A fucking child marriage?" My brown frowned as I took the photo out of the album. I flipped the photo and the date entitled '13 September, 2007'.

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