Coffee Scented Love

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Juliet, Miguel, Gabriel, and Kasey all went to William's bar to celebrate.
"Hey, guys did I mention, I love you?"  Gabriel said drunkenly.
"Yes, babe, we all know." Kasey said like she was babysitting a toddler.
Juliet and Miguel chuckled then looked back at each other.
"Want another?" he asked Juliet, offering a walnut.
"No, thanks. I'm kinda full."
"Have you called your family about Alchemax, yet?"
"No, but I'm sure their going to find out. My tía will probably be the first one to find out, then the rest of the family, you know how it goes. "
He chuckled once more, "Yeah."
"Jalapeño challenge?" She held up the small plastic container.
"No, thanks."
"Oh, what you can fight Alchemax but not a vegetable?"
"Ok, fine. Gabrie, Kasey you wanna play?"
"Yeah." Gabriel answered.
Juliet gave each of them a jalapeño and they all held it up.
"Ok, go!" As Juliet spoke they all put the jalapeños in their mouth. Kasey made a nasty face in response but didn't spit it out. The rest of the group was fine until thirty seconds or so, then Gabriel's eyes started to water. Juliet and Miguel's face started to turn red but they still held eye contact daring the other, to spit theirs out. Gabriel started to cough but held it together,"It's not even that bad." Gabriel choked out, then suddenly he spit his out and started to drink some water; Kasey was next to fail, but Juliet and Miguel we're still in. Juliet noticed a sweat drop going down Miguel's red face, "You wanna spit it out?"
"It's not spicy." she said with a red face. Miguel started to cough but kept it together. Juliet's hand hit the table once, and Miguel's eyes started to water, then he spit his out and Juliet followed after.
"Yes! I win!" Juliet said chugging water.
"Hold on wait, I've got something for you." Miguel then reached for his back pocket then brought his hand back up, flipping her off, "Oh wait, here it is."
"Why would anyone do that to themselves?" Miguel said whiping the tear drop off of his cheek. Juliet continued to laugh then high fived Kasey.
"You get'm girl." Kasey said hugging her.
Juliet sat back in her seat happily then, the atmosphere calmed back down. Everyone had left the bar and Kasey laid out onto the bar while everyone else relaxed in their seats.

Juliet was barely even drunk and she was sitting near Kasey. "Oh my! This is probably one of the best nights ever." Kasey said letting her head rest upside down and off of the bar's side. Juliet laughed and got the wiskey bottle, and poured it into her mouth. Kasey burst out laughing then spit it out. Both of the girls were giggling away, while Miguel watched in aw of Juliet.
"So, you two gunna bang it off tonight?" Gabriel said putting his arm around him, Miguel punched him in the stomach lightly,"That's none of your business," then pushed him away.
"Ok, fine. I won't call tonight either, we both know how that ended last time."
"Hello there." Juliet said to Kasey.
"General Kenobi." Kasey laughed back at her. She tried to get up then fell off of the bar. Juliet pointed to Kasey and they continued laughed,"You're a fuckin' idiot." Juliet laughed.
"I know." Kasey responded dieing of laughter on the floor.
"Ok, come on. Don't you wanna wake up in your bed tomorrow?" Gabriel said picking Kasey up bridal style. Kasey waved goodbye, hanging her head over his arm, then Juliet waved goodbye as well.
"I'm about to close up." William said.
"Ok, thanks." Miguel said now sitting next to Juliet. There was a moment of relaxing silence then Miguel spoke, "So, uh-"
"I'll see you around, Spider-Man." Juliet said turning her head to him, smiling.
"Not if I see you first." He replied smirking. Juliet rolled her eyes, then held out her hand, and he shook it.
"It's been real." She said cracking a smile and breaking away, then she headed for the door. I want to stop her but its late and she said she need time. I'll wait, however long it takes, I don't care. I'll wait an eternity if I have to.
As Juliet put her hand on the door she paused, ask me to stay please, souls don't meet by accident, right? Beg me to stay. This is not how I first thought us parting ways would go, I thought I would love it but, I want you more than life itself. Miguel saw Juliet pause then she left with what felt like part of his heart. Juliet wanted him to stop her, but that's the thing he didn't.
(N.) something that can make you forget grief or suffering.

Juliet walked out of the coffe shop, she had her coat on because it was raining and a little chilly outside. Even though she loved the cold, it was for sure bitting her in the ass now.

Miguel rushed to find his keys, "Lyla, where are my keys?" He asked impatiently opening a couple of drawers.
"There in your hand, Miguel. What's this about?"
Miguel looked in his hand, there were his keys, "Oh right...I need to tell Juliet something, it's important."
"Ok, have a good day!" Lyla said as Miguel walked out his penthouse.
Miguel sped toward the coffee shop and then parked arcoss the street. He saw her leaving out of the door, "Juliet, Juliet wait!" Miguel said running towards her, she stopped in her tracks,"Miguel? Are you ok? Why don't you have a jacket on? It's raining." She said throwing her sweet tea cup in a garbage can. Miguel's hair was now slowly going from damp to wet, his high cheekbones were shinning even with no sun in sight. His shirt and jeans were now also becoming wet even though it was only barely pass drizzling. It was a punch in the gut how much she loved his face.

Miguel started to breathe hard, working up the courage to tell her.
"What is this about?" She asked pushing her hood off of her head. Her black hair and brown tinted skin started to collect raindrops,"Estás bien?"
"No...I-I love you." He paused, breathing heavily and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, because she didn't expect that response. "I have loved you at the dance, everytime we fought, every confused look that we gave each other and even the hating ones, and most of all the kisses we have shared. You have a place in my heart no one else could, my mind drowns in the possibility of you and I. Even though, I did my best not to fall in love with you, I failed, every...single...time. You have the other part of my heart, I haven't and never will feel completed without you. I want a happy ending with you, I don't want anyone else. My heart is so full of you I can't barely call it mine. And I love-I love you."
She still looked at him shocked as ever, "Don't you get it? You are my soul, my beating heart. I cannot live without you near. I love you. And I will wait however long you need, we can have a future together without kids. Spider-Man can do both."
"I don't know what to say." She replied.
"You don't have to say anything-"
"Other than I love you too, I've fallen for you as well...I need to to heal," he looked down in despair,"But I want to do it with you." She assured him.
He came closer to her, still a head and a half taller than her.
"Ask me to kiss you." He said licking his lips.
"You do know that there will not be a day that you do not annoy me!" she smiled.
"Is that a promise, Miss Black?...Ask me." he smiled.
"Kiss me, please." She said then he smashed his lips into hers. The rain felt cold but they didn't even notice anymore, Miguel grabbed her waist and pulled her in more. The faint coffee smell now more noticeable than ever.
"Are you sure this is going to work? I mean, traveling to another Multiverse has never been done before." Juliet said sitting on the desk of the used to be Tyler Stone. Every since Alchemax had been taken down and the Undercity had mostly been rid of crime, Juliet and Miguel made it their base.
"It's going to work, you're the one who suggested we go to this specific dimension. When this does work we'll finally have Gabriela as our own. We died in that Universe and it wont matter she'll never notice the difference."
"Sorry, did you just mansplain what we've been going over for the past hour?" She crossed her arms and crunched her face.
"Fuck, that stubborn feisty look always makes me want to kiss you." He spoke powering up his watch, "Put on your watch, mi amor." He spoke.
"Did you say goodbye to Gabriel and CoCo?"
"Yes, and it's not forever, we can travel back whenever we please."
"As usual Peter voice his opinion today and then said 'be safe'."
"Ugh, I can't stand him."
"Why? I think he's cool."
"He blew a hole in the multiverse, him and that spray painted outfit nerd."
"Woah, ok calm down, Miggy."
Miguel sighed,"I hate it when you call me that." He said activating the portal. She picked up her bags and so did he then they both put them over their shoulder. They both were scared but didn't say anything, they grabbed each other's hand,"Ready?" he asked.
" 928 here we come." She said as they both stepped into the portal, a new kind of coffee smell was now hitting her nose.

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