1. Mission C-321

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In the large city of Celestium, a robbery in progress has gone wrong and 2 are currently being held hostage. "Where is he, we need eyes on the target ASAP!" Exclaimed a swat member getting into position.

"I swear I'll blow this chick's head off if you get any closer!" Yelled the thug as he clenched a handgun pressing it to a woman's temple.

"Please you don't have to do this," Whimpered the woman as tears of fear ran down her face. Without a clear shot the armed forces couldn't do anything to help the hostages. Then out of nowhere a boy appeared.

"You guys really are worthless these days you know?" Said max as he walked towards the building.

"Max, we have this covered, we really don't need your help," explained the swat personnel in a disappointing tone.

"I'll finish this quickly. Hey, you," Max called out.

"I thought I told you I'd kill this girl if you got any closer!" Boomed the man. "It's over for this hag!" He grips the trigger about to fire just then Max uses his arcane power, Geographical Landscape. His ability allows him to create any two-dimensional shape and fire it with extreme speed and power.

"Heh, too slow," said Max as he fired a circle. The shape traveled faster than the man could pull the trigger and blew a 3-inch hole into his forehead.

"AHHH!" Screamed the hostage pulling herself out from under the perpetrators lifeless body. Max took out his phone and dialed a number into it. "Mission has been completed," said Max with a smirk.

In this world there are sorcerers that can use Arcane Spirit. Arcane Spirit or "AS" is the power that manifests from phenomena in the world, everyone possesses this power, but the majority have little to no Arcane Spirit. The exception have Arcane Power which is an ability that is a representation of one's soul.

Max has made his way back to the Sorcerer Society which is a secret base of operations for Sorcerers. "What's up, party people?" Exclaimed Max as he entered headquarters.

"How was the mission, Max?" Asked Dequan.

"Way too easy he didn't even put up a fight when do I get to do actual missions?" Replied Max rolling his eyes.

"You're just a few missions away from ranking up man don't worry about it," Explained Dequan. In the Sorcerer Society there are different ranks of sorcerers to deal with different levels of threats. The ranking system is Sorcerer, Super Sorcerer, Advanced Arcane User, Ultimate Arcane User, and for the rare few that surpass the rank UAU there is the rank Celestial Sorcerer. Due to Max's inexperience, he was given the rank of Sorcerer.

"I'm almost a Super Sorcerer, I just need to catch the eye of a higher up," said Max kicking back in a chair. Dequan was promoted to a Super Sorcerer after proving he was worthy of the rank.

"Maybe you would get promoted if you weren't such a slacker," snickered Dequan. Max rolled his eyes as Dequan was laughing. Just then the Ultimate Arcane User Star Scourge entered the room spooking Max causing him to fall out of his chair.

"AUGH!" Yelled Max as he fell off his chair.

"Good afternoon, Dequan... you too Max," said Star Scourge in a concerned tone. " We have an important meeting. All available sorcerers are needed,"

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