12. War Approaches

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Over the course of the last 6 months, Max and Star Scourge have finished their training along with preparations for the attack Leroy's launching. Dequan had finally recovered from his injuries and began to train again with Max. During this time Black Hand Members ranked 5 and below have perished during attempts to breach the Sorcerer Society. Plans were set and everyone was just waiting for Leroy to make his move.

"Hey Max, aren't you nervous about the upcoming battle?" asked Dequan, tightening an arcane infused vest to himself.

"No, I'm not in the slightest. They took Melissa and hurt my friends," Max said in a serious tone. "That I can't forgive,"

"Don't worry Max, we'll get her back no matter what," promised Dequan.

"Are the two of you prepared for battle?" asked Star Scourge as he walked into the room.

"Yeah, Star Scourge I think we're ready," Max said as stood up. "Do you think I should call the two twins for this battle?"

"The more Sorcerers on standby the better," replied Star Scourge. Max nodded as he placed the rune on the table issuing out a call to the twins.

As Max was finishing the call Star Scourge thought to himself, "Max has grown so much over the time that he's been here. He's survived so much too after this whole thing is over, I think I'll promote him to an UAU,"

"Alright they said they should arrive in around 30 minutes," Max said, picking the rune back up.

"Sounds like a plan," said Dequan, popping his knuckles. "I think we should get down to the ground floor with the others now,"

The group traveled down to the base floor meeting up with the other Sorcerers. About 15 minutes went by before a portal resembling the one Leroy used to escape from Star Scourge appeared in the sky letting out 4 individuals.

"Who do you think those guys are Star Scourge?" asked Dequan.

"More than likely those are the remaining Black Hand upper ranks," replied Star Scourge. "Although I'm getting a weird feeling about this, why isn't Leroy and Casimer here?"

"Hello members of the Sorcerer Society!" announced one of the approaching individuals. "My names Blade I'm ranked number 2, and these are my comrades Violet, Luna, and Nova,"

"Can we just get this over with?" Nova asked with they're hands in their pockets.

"I'm with Nova on this one," agreed Luna, crossing her arms.

"You guys are such let downs you know that. I just wanted to have a little fun before we erase them," sighed Blade. "But whatever, let's get this party started!"

Luna, Blade, and Violet left Nova's side and spirit shifted towards the army of sorcerers immediately commencing battle. Sorcerers were dropping left and right due to The Black Hand's pure strength. Max dashed towards Blade whilst he was distracted fighting another sorcerer slamming right into him.

"Hey, you actually seem pretty strong kid," Blade said with a smirk. "Maybe you'll give me the fun I'm looking for,"

"You're an obstacle in my path and I will strike you down," Max said as he fired two squared at Blade one grazed his arm slashing his vest sleeve open.

"Ah you almost wounded me there!" Blade laughed. "All too bad for you I won't even bother learning your name seeing how you're going to die!"

Blade unsheathed the sword resting at his hip and pointed it at Max leaving him covered in slashes and cuts.

"H-how did he reach me from all the way over there?" questioned Max as he used arcane infusion to heal his wounds.

"Oh, that right there is my Arcane Power Slash Strike. I use a weapon or anything with an edge to use it as a medium to attack through," Blade said, twirling his sword around in a circle by its hilt.

"So, all I have to do is get rid of that sword of yours and your useless powers? Sounds good to me," said Max as he spirit shifted to Blades side. "3D shape Sphere,"

Surprised by the attack, Blade instinctively used his sword to block the attack attempting to push it back. That's when Max appeared from behind him hitting him with a barrage of circles causing Blade to drop his guard.

"Damn it that hurt like hell you know," Blade barked holding his broken sword along with a hole through his shoulder. Looking at some crystal shards he saw on the ground he got an idea. "Take this!" He yelled, throwing his broken sword at Max.

Summoning a parallel line he easily blocked the attack, "Is that it?" Max asked looking back at Blade.

"Nope," smirked blade as slash cut Max's arm.

Letting out a slight groan of pain Max asked, "How did you?"

"You act as if my sword is the only thing my power worked on," Blade responded. "At the rate this is going I wonder how long you'll last. You're not fast enough to dodge my attack and you don't have enough strength to harm me fatally either,"

"I'll show you just how far I can really go," Max said as he dashed towards Blade.

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