10. Being Of Destruction

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"Casimer, you say? quite the interesting name," said Leroy as he approached him with his hand out. "This world needs to be purged, Casimer, and I need your help," Casimer stood in silence for a moment before taking his hand.

"I'll accept your offer seeing how you did unseal me," said Casimer.

"Leroy, I won't let you get away with this," said Star Scourge as he drew closer. Star Scourge attempted to slash the two with his blade but was suddenly stopped.

"You must think you're strong or something attempting to attack me," Casimer said, appearing behind Star Scourge. Star Scourge tried to turn around but was punched in the face falling to the ground.

"How did you close the distance so fast?" questioned Star Scourge as he choked on his blood.

"I altered the imaginary space between the two of us to attack you before you could even react," Casimer responded. "Seeing how you couldn't withstand one of my blows you're clearly not worth my time let's get going Leroy," Leroy nodded and proceeded to take out a shard then smashed it creating a portal gate.

"Farewell for now Star Scourge I'll be seeing you soon," waved Leroy as he entered through the gate. As the two finished entering the gateway it crumbled into shards leaving no way to follow. Star Scourge slowly got to his feet and turned his head to see Max running towards him.

"MAX YOUR STILL ALIVE?" Yelled Star Scourge dropping his blade. Max ran up and hugged Star Scourge.

After the two were finished reuniting Max asked, "What happened here?"

"Leroy betrayed us all he stole the Soul Catalyst and released a monster that I don't know we can beat," explained Star Scourge. "Not only that he got Melissa," Max stood in silence for a moment or two before nodding his head in understanding.

"Well, we can't just sit here Star Scourge, we need to inform the rest of the Sorcerer Society," said Max. The two traversed their way back to the Sorcerer Society and informed the head council of the situation. Preparations were beginning to be put into place for the possible attack on the world. Later that night Star Scourge stood upon the wall surrounding the Sorcerer Society gazing off at the surrounding landscape.

"Hey, Star Scourge, you alright?" said Max as he reached the top of the wall. "You've seemed out of it ever since I found you,"

"I'm fine Max what you should be worried of is the upcoming fight. Leroy and that thing are something else," Star Scourge responded dodging his question. "Max, I want to give you something,"

"Oh, uh sure," said Max. Star Scourge pulled out an amulet and placed it in Max's hand.

"This was passed down in my family for generations and I want you to have it now," Star Scourge said.

"Are you sure Star Scourge it sounds very important," Max said hesitantly.

"I'm sure of it Max," Star Scourge reassured with a smile. "Now of enough of this moping around let's get back to training like old times,"

Meanwhile in a far-off sector of the world the two Leroy and Casimer conversed in his hidden lair. "What was it like in the Soul Catalyst Casimer," inquired Leroy, taking a sip from his glass of wine.

"It was an infinite subspace in all directions leaving no way of escape," explained Casimer. "There were no living beings not anything at all, the only thing that was there was Arcane Spirit massive amounts of it as well,"

"Quite interesting indeed, but onto more pressing matters," said Leroy switching the topic. "We have the Sorcerer Society to deal with,"

"You really believe they are an issue?" Casimer questioned. "From what I can tell that Star Scourge fella seemed to be quite weak and you described him to be one of the strongest people there,"

"Star Scourge was heavily exhausted from his battle with one of my soldiers. Not only that but the Sorcerer Society has special tricks up their sleeves," Leroy explained as he got up from his chair. "Although with our combined power we should be able to get them out of the picture. I've set up a plan of attack. We'll strike them down after exhausting their forces. There is one problem though I've exhausted most of my Arcane Spirit from unsealing you, so we'll strike after I've fully recovered," The two agreed as they clinked glasses together starting what would be known as the "Fall of the Sorcerer Society". 

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