8. Revenge

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Star Scourge had left the Sorcerer Society in search of The Black Hand; he had asked Melissa where she found the two in the forest, using it as a starting point. Before long Star Scourge had found the entrance to The Black Hand's hideout. "Who are yo-" called out one of the cultists' members chanting before being pierced by Star Scourge.

"It doesn't matter anymore," Star Scourge said as he removed his blade from the man's chest. "Soon all the rest of you will join him for what you've done to Max," Star Scourge began to cut through the ranks of The Black Hand with much ease until a Black Hand number 7 appeared.

"A UAU here at our humble commode?" said Charlie Black Hand number 7 as he appeared behind Star Scourge.

"How did you?" Star Scourge questioned as he slashed at Charlie. He easily dodged the attack letting out a laugh.

"You were just too slow to harm me, that's all. Now how about we take things seriously and you stop swinging that thing around?" Charlie asked in a cocky tone.

"Before I destroy you along with the rest of your little group here tell me this. Which one of you hurt my student, Max?" commanded Star Scourge.

"I didn't lay a finger on the boy, the one who landed the finishing blow on him was number 10," Charlie replied. "Although she was killed by that other one with him," He finished shaking his head.

Star Scourge gripped his sword, "I see then... in that case I'll just have to destroy the rest of this place," He finished with a smirk. The two began to clash with Star Scourge attempting to slash Charlie's arm. Suddenly his arm stretched out of the way slamming into Star Scourge's chest.

"I don't think so!" Charlie boasted retracting his arm back to normal. "My Arcane Power is quite simple but effective, it's the ability to stretch my body to extensive lengths,"

As Star Scourge got to feet, he began to think on how to counter this threat, "If he really is telling the truth and that's all he can do then I just need to not give him any room to stretch,"

"Cleave of the Burning Star," mumbled Star Scourge as he slashed the air creating a wall of flames. Star Scourge suddenly appeared behind Charlie, "Nowhere to stretch this time!"

"Heh is that so?" questioned Charlie with a grin contorting his body inwards before countering Star Scourge's attack. "You thought I could only stretch myself outward, didn't you? Unfortunately, for you I overcame that weakness a long time ago,"

"Darn it...," Star Scourge mumbled.

"Now that you don't have any way to stop me, I think I'll end this little game," Charlie said with a smirk.

Meanwhile, at the Sorcerer Society...

"Max?" Called out Melissa as she opened the door to his quarters. "Where is that guy he's supposed to be resting," Melissa looked over to the nightstand finding two letters. One from Star Scourge written to Max and one from Max written to her.

The letter said, "Going out to find Star Scourge I'll be back soon. -Max,"

"Oh, Max, I can't just let you get hurt out there by yourself, you're still hurt," Melissa said to herself. She quickly made her way down to the Arcane library close to the center of the Sorcerer Society. After finding the right book she began to chant a spell, "Rune of passage guide me through, find the way to bring me to," Suddenly Melissa's body started to vanish as she appeared where Star Scourge and Charlie were fighting.

"Melissa what are you doing here?" Questioned Star Scourge turning away from his opponent to face her.

"I used an Arcane Rune spell to lock onto your energy and manifest here," She replied. "Look out Star Scourge!" Just then Charlie tried to ambush the two missing as they leaped back.

"Aw what's this now? Bringing in back up Star Scourge?" Questioned Charlie retracting his arms. "No matter it's fine I'll just kill the two of you!" Shouted Charlie throwing an extended punch. Deflecting it with his sword, Star Scourge dashed towards Charlie and the two began to clash. As the battle went on Star Scourge landed a few blows on Charlie, but as time drew on Star Scourge was growing exhausted.

"Star Scourge get out of the way!" Yelled Melissa charging up an attack. "Flash Freeze Act 1," Suddenly a massive wave of ice encases Charlie's limbs.

"Darn it!" cursed Charlie as he failed to move his legs. "I can't stretch my limbs at these temperatures or else I might shatter. Guess I have no other way...," Charlie thought to himself.

"I'll deliver the final blow Melissa," said Star Scourge raising his blade. He began to approach Charlie thinking that he had won just then Charlie yelled out,

"It's over for you Star Scourge, you're close enough I don't need to stretch to hit you! Pure Technique Subatomic Stretch!" In a split-second a fist emerged from Charlie's chest barreling towards Star Scourge. Right before the attack landed a barrier encase The Black Hand Member.

Leroy had emerged from the stairway then said, "You hold your head quite high for a mere piece of gum,"

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