6. An Ambush?

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"What do you think that seal was all about?" asked Max.

"It looks like a containment seal," Dequan said, stroking his chin. "And by the looks of it seems like a pretty strong one,"

"I wonder what's sealed behind it," pondered Max. "Hey what's that up ahead?" At the end of the path stood a figure in a cloak blocking the path.

"You didn't actually think you'd be able to enter our headquarters and not be noticed?" They questioned. "I don't know how you found us but, it doesn't matter I will destroy you,"

"Stand back Max I got this," Dequan said as he got into a battle stance. Dequan's power is to merge animal features within himself to better fit him for combat. He can merge with any animal of lower or equal power to his current strength. The downside to using this ability is the physical strain of changing the anatomy of your body. "Beast Merger: Wolf," Suddenly Dequan's arms transfigured into large razor-sharp wolf claws. Dequan dashed at the enemy, slashing they're cloak. Underneath the shredded cloak was a woman ticked off that her attire was just rudely ruined.

"How dare you ruin my clothes!" She exclaimed gut checking Dequan. "Maybe this will teach you a lesson. Gravitational Push!" Dequan was still stunned by the sudden blow and was sent flying into a tree.

"Gah" He moaned. While the mysterious woman was still busy dealing with Dequan Max struck from above with a massive square slamming her down to the ground.

"I can't let you just go around slamming my friends like that now can I," Max said with a smirk.

"If you think this can hold me you're greatly mistaken," she said as she launched the square off her. "I am Silvia rank number 10 of the black hand, and I would never allow myself to be trapped by the likes of you,"

"Meh it was worth a shot," Shrugged Max. "Are you alright Dequan?"

"Yeah, I merged with an octopus at the last second to lessen the damage on my body luckily I didn't break any bones," said Dequan dusting himself off. "After seeing her fight, it seems that her arcane power is to control the force of gravity around her,"

"If that's the case I just need to stay away from her," said Max charging up his attack. "I've been working on this one for a bit. Parallel Lines," Two sharpened lines appeared in Max's hands. "With these I don't need to get close to you,"

"We'll just see about that," growled Silvia. Just then one of the parallel lines extended forward and slashed her cheek.

"You were saying?" asked Max, spinning one of the lines in his hand. Silvia blasted some debris at Max, who quickly blocked it leaving a cloud of dust in the air. Appearing out of nowhere Silva was behind Max.

"Let's see you block this one, 20X Intensity!" Said Silvia before slamming Max into the ground with an overhead slam. The gravity multiplier knocked Max out with a fracture to his skull.

"MAX!" Screamed Dequan as he slashed at Silvia. "Max wake up man, you have to wake up, please wake up Max," begged Dequan holding Max in his lap.

"All that boasting, and he's defeated just like that? tsk tsk tsk," teased Silvia.

"I didn't think we'd have this much trouble out here. I never thought that Max would be hurt this bad. I didn't want it to come to this, but I have to use IT," Dequan rambled. "Pure Technique, Spliced Evolution," Suddenly his body violently transformed into an amalgamation of every animal he could currently transform into.

"W-what is this?" Silvia asked in fear, taking a step back.

"I'm guessing you don't have one based on your reaction," assed Dequan. "In that case you have no chance of beating me," Suddenly Dequan appeared behind Silvia.

"Wait pl-," before she could even finish Dequan's fist ripped straight through her abdomen.

"I could never forgive scum like you," Dequan said as he ripped his fist back out.

Silvia gagged on her blood before saying, "Even if I die the others will finish you off, If I'm really going to hell, you're coming with me. Singularity Point Repulsion," A large shockwave shot out in all directions decimating the landscape, but before the attack could reach Max's unconscious body Dequan covered him with himself. After the dust settled Silvia's body laid motionless in the center of the destruction, she had perished. Suddenly Dequan's body started to morph back into his regular self.

"RAHG," Dequan yelled in pain. "I forgot how taxing this was on my body. I must get Max out of here,"

Barely holding onto consciousness he called out for help, for anyone. Just as he closed his eyes the last thing he saw was Melissa skating on her ice towards him.

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