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Daddy's Home

Daddy's Home

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☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

You and Danny walked into your house from your work.

"Sorry we're late. I was editing my feature on Great Moments In Bowling, and I got held up when I couldn't find a second moment. Y/n had to wait up for me." Danny apologises.

"So dad, after Stephanie's recital, we hit the big sale at the Fashion Mart. Everything is half off." DJ tells her dad.

"Of course that doesn't save me any money, because you'll just buy twice as much stuff right?" Danny asked her daughter.

"I like your attitude." DJ said.

Jesse then comes down the stairs in a tuxedo. "It's Saturday afternoon, I'm all dressed up, and where am I going? A munchkin ballet." Jesse said standing next to you.

"Uncle Jesse, hot outfit!" DJ approved. "Help Joey." The girl then pointed over at Joey who was wearing a very colourful suit.

"You are coming with us with this outfit?" You asked as Joey spread his hand in proud gesture.

Jesse takes a look at Joey's clothes and laughs. "Very sharp, Joseph! Where are you going after the ballet, Don Hoe's wedding?" Jesse teases.

The doorbell then rings and as you open the door, a blonde girl in a brown dress enters.

"Chao." The woman says as she leans against the front door.

You sighed, turning to Jesse. "Jesse, it's for you."

Joey scoffed in offence. "How do you know she's not here to see me?"

The woman then rushed into Jesse's arms. "Jesse!"

Jesse grins and hugs the woman back. "Adrianna, have mercy!" Jesse gasps as they share a kiss. "How are you?"

"If she's here to see you, she's very nice to your friends." You said to Joey.

Jesse pulls away from Adrianna. "Let me introduce you to my roommates. This is Danny Tanner and this is.... King Kamehameha. Jesse says as he points over to the two men. "And this is Y/n Danner, Danny's sister." Jesse introduced.

"You'll never guess how I met this one." Jesse grins.

"A PTA meeting?" Danny sarcastically guessed.

"Close, skydiving." Jesse says.

"He missed the target and dropped right into my Alpha Romeo." Adrianna said.

Jesse imitates Adrianna's Italian accent. "'Dropped right into my Alpha...' I love that."

"Anyway, she asked me to come back to her place, and it turned out her place was in Rome. Who would have known?" Jesse explains. "Come on, I'll make you some Spaghetti-Os." Jesse says as he takes Adrianna into the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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