Lovely, Sweet Father

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As William Barlow opened the door, a pungent mix of weed and other substances greeted you and Dean but both of you maintained a composed manor. You had successfully - Sam did, to be specific - tracked down Adam's brother, William, in hope to discover any leads regarding Adam's disappearance.

"I'm agent Downey and this is agent Olsen, we're from the FBI. Mind if we ask a few questions?" Dean said, flashing his new fake badge.

"Sure, man, come in." William replied, stepping aside to allow you both inside his house. "I didn't expect the FBI to care about my brother's disappearance. Lately have gone missing a lot of people." He said, leading the way to the living room where he casually took a sit on the couch. "Unless you're here for that Cassandra too."

Sharing a glance with Dean, you replied. "Both. We suspect the cases may be related."

"What do y'all wanna know?" William asked, lighting a cigarette. Despite his brother's situation, he seemed remarkably unfazed.

"Let's start with Cassandra and Adam." You began. "Why did they break up?"

William shrugged. "My brother mentioned she was becoming distant, probably because of her father. They started arguing daily."

"Her father? What about him?" You kept asking, glancing over at Dean who was taking his time looking around, probably searching for something since it was Adam's house too.

William pinched the bridge of his nose. "Her father was an asshole, man." He scoffed. "God knows how many times Cassandra started to come here at night because that douche bag treated her like garbage. I don't know much of it, me and her weren't close, but I remember listening to a conversation she was having with my brother where she was quite hysterical."

"Must run in the family." Dean mumbled, but you sent him a deadly glare.

Ignoring Dean's comment, you pressed on. "What were they saying?"

"She was going off about her father's behavior, you know... a cheater stays a cheater?" William started to explain, gesturing with his hands. "She found some texts on her father's phone with guess who? Her biological mother."

You were surprised to hear that. "Her biological mother? What were the texts about?"

He leaned back, propping his feet on the coffee table. "Nothing too intimate, as far as I know, what really set her off wasn't that he was talking with her, not really. It was that her biological mother was asking about her other daughter and not her."

You frowned. "So... Mr Sawyer had another daughter while he was away all those years?"

"No." William shook his head. "Cassandra's biological mother did. She had a child with someone else, and apparently Mr Sawyer knew that all along. Cassandra always knew she wasn't Mrs Miller's biological daughter and had been wondering about her birth mother for as long as I can remember. I suppose finding out that the person she had been searching for didn't care about her but was interested in this mysterious other daughter took a toll on her."

"Is this Adam's phone?" Dean interrupted, holding up the device.

"Yeah." William confirmed.

"Can I take this with me? We want to take a look at it." Dean requested.

"I already went through it and I didn't find anything... but yes. You can have it." William replied, offering half a smile.

"What can you tell us about Adam? Can you think of anyone who might have wanted to harm him?" You asked.

"Pretty much everyone in the State." He scoffed. "Adam is always been a troublemaker. But I think..." He hesitated for a moment before deciding to speak his mind. "He had this friend, Malcom. They met at a bar and hit it off, until Malcom started to develop an obsession with Cassandra."

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