Chapter seven

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*knock* *knock*

She immediately opened the door, and wanked me by my hand inside and dat on her bed.

"Tell me everything. NOW!" she said, with excitement written all over her face.

"Well.. when I came there, I couldn't find him at first, but then he said from behind me: Looking for someone? It scared the shit out of me. But then we went and sat down. He told me that I looked beautiful today-"

"He WHAT? Babe, he likes you back. I swear."

"Wait, there's more.. we were talking about him wanting to be a hero.. and then he asked if I wanted to go get drunk with him tomorrow.. because he wanted to get drunk for a while, but he just didn't have the time to do it. "

"Did you say yes?" she asked, I couldn't really read her face expression. She looked a bit concerned? or excited for the answer? I had no idea.

"Yeah I did. At first I didn't know if it's a good idea.. like what if he wants to just use me? But he seems too sweet for that, so I agreed. I mean.. you only live once, right?"

"Okay.. but be safe. Because I don't want anything happening to you.." she responded, concerned a bit. But I didn't blame her. I'd be concerned too if my best friend went to get drunk with a guy she met two weeks ago. But I was happy that she was there for me.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm not that stupid to do something where I'll be in danger."

"I hope so. If anything happens, call me. I'll be there in 10 seconds." she said it in a tone I never heard her speak with. It was so serious.

"Thanks Mina." I smile at her.

"Okay. What do you think will happen?"

"I dunno, I mean.. we will be drunk, right? So everything is possible.."

"Well, you might get the D y'know. "

"Omg Mina stop! We've known each other for like 2 weeks! And we saw each other only two times! That would be way too fast."

"You never know babe. I saw him once at the hero license exam, and he seemed like the type to fuck a girl the third time they'd meet. Not to mention, he wants to get DRUNK with you. What if he just wants to get in your pants?"

"Chill out. It's all gonna be fine. Nothing bad will happen. I promise."

"Fine, I take your word for it.." she smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"I'm gonna go take a glass of water. I'm really thristy. Give me a second." I stood up and went down to the kitchen.

I opened one of the cabinets and took out a glass. Then I went over to the sink and turned it on to pour water in it.  I went to grab it and I wanted to go back to Mina's dorm, but someone took it.

"Thanks for the water, dumbass." Katsuki took it and chugged it in one go.

"I was going to drink that Kats." I cross my hands and glare at him.

"Well too bad. Anyways, Eijiro keeps destroying my beacon. Can you come and play?" he asks puring more water into the glass, and hands it to me.

"Sure. Did I forget my switch in your room? Because it's not in mine." I ask him, last night when I wanted to play some minecraft, I couldn't find it. So I just assumed that I forgot it in his room.

"Yeah, you did. You should take care of your things more carefully, dumbass." he says and turns to go into his dorm.

"Oh come on. Just because I left my switch in your room ONCE doesn't mean I can't take care of my things, Kats." I reply and I follow him. I notice him stop for a second after I say the nickname I have for him.

"Yeah right."

A/N- again, this part of the chapter will just be minecraft gameplay, so if you're not interested in it, skip it. there will be a line where it stops.

We then come into his dorm and sit on his chairs like always. We both load into minecraft, and I look around where I last logged off. A lot of things were destroyed. It looked like a humdred creepers just spawned out of nowhere and exploded. I can't believe that Katsuki didn't kill Eijiro. I thought while running around the server and looking at all of the damage.

"Damn. He really did some damage, huh?" I say laughing a bit.

"You think it's funny dumbass? I put so much work in that. That fucking shittyhair had to ruin everything. I'll kill him when I see him." he glared at me, and then on his PC monitor. A few sparks flew out of his hand.

"Chill Kats. I'll help you repair everything." I put my hand on his shoulder and after that his face expression seemed to soften. He would normally wack the person's hand off. But not to me.

"Fine. Take the blocks in these chest and start rebuilding it. Also I need for you to bring some more cows in, and some pigs. That fuckhead killed most of them." he said pointing on his monitor to the chests.

"Okay." I go to the chests and take out the blocks. I then start putting the blocks on the places I remember on where I remember them being. I've got a lot of work to do. The stuff that was damaged was huge. I was gonna be recovering it for a while. So I placed block after block. Fence after fence. But I it didn't look the same. It honestly looked worse. So I decided that I'd make it how I see it in my head.

After quite some while, I finally finished at least one of the things. I then began to look for some cows, which was pretty hard. I couldn't find many, and I travelled more than 200 blocks.

"Where the fuck are all the cows?" I mumbled to myself.

"They probably got scared of you, and scattered to the fucking ends of this server. " Katsuki reaponded, and smirked.

"Okay fuck off. The only person they should be scared of is you.. and probably Eijiro. After all, he did the damage of our precious server." I said. And he just scoffed at that. He didn't like to hear that someone should be scared of him, but also he didn't like the fact that there was someone else that they could be scared of.

We then played minecraft for two more hours, and then we decided that we'd call it a day for to tonight.


We both logged off of minecraft and then we spun our chairs round and looked at each other.

"Do you wanna go see a movie with Eijiro and me tomorrow? I really don't want to go alone with that shittyhair after he did that." he asked, with a bit of worry of how I'll respond. Did he really just invite me to the cinema with him?

"I-I'm sorry Kats. I'm going to get drunk with Yo.. but maybe some other time!" I respond.

His eyebrows furrowed at the mention of Yo, and especially at the fact that I'm gonna go get drunk with him. "Are you fucking kidding me? What if he tries to do something to you? You've only known him for 2 weeks, Y/n." he said, with a bit of embarrassment that I rejected him, but also with huge anger and worry.

"Don't worry Kats. I'll be fine. If anything happens, I'll call you. I already agreed with Mina to do the same if anything happens, so you two can go rescue me together." I laughed a bit at the last part. But I was a bit taken aback from him saying my name. He never said it. And when he did, I knew that he was being very serious.

"Fine. Just promise me that you won't do anything stupid." he said and looked at me. I could see the worry in his eyes for me, and I was a sad that both of my best friends felt like that.

"I promise Kats." I replied.

After that we talked for a bit more, and then I went back to my dorm to get sleep for tomorrow. After all.. I'll definitely need it.

1418 words

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