Chapter four

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I look down to my phone to see that Katsuki had texted me.

KATSUKI: You're going with me for groceries.

Y/N: What if I don't want to?

KATSUKI: Well too bad. We're leaving in 5 minutes.

Y/N: Fine

I turn to Mina and she has excitement written all over her face.

"It was Bakugo, righttt?" she asked.

I sigh a bit and say, "Yeah. He told me that I was going with him to get groceries. I didn't even have a say in it." am I really going to just listen to what he says?

"Oh yeah. He's in charge of grocery shopping this week- WAIT, he just told you that you were going? Like he didn't ask?" she sounds surprised. I was too. I've only known him for a few hours- well, known him personally. But it was still weird that he did that, right?

"Yeah, it was like an order." I point the chat to her and she quickly reads through it, "Anyways, I have to go because he said 5 minutes, and it's already been like 4." I stand up and go to open the door.

"Okay babe. But come to me when you come back, I need to heard everything." she winks at me.

"Of course. Don't worry." I reassure her and go down to the front door where Katsuki was already waiting for me.

"I said 5 minutes, not 7 dumbass." he turns to me and glares at me a bit.

"Chill out. 2 minutes won't kill you." I slip on my shoes, and we leave.

We start walking to the shop, neither of us saying a thing. I was just looking at my surroundings. Everything looked so colourful. I really liked it here. I wish I could stay here forever- wait. How long can I be here? How long does this last? Will I automatically somehow just wake up in the real world? Or is this now my real world?

"The fuck are you thinking about?" he asks me. I didn't even realise that I had zoned out until he zapped me out.

"Nothing, just uh- trying to recover some memories from my past." I lied. Well I couldn't really tell him the truth.. Could I?

"Well leave that for later. Because we're here already, and I need you to find some things." he shows me a list of the groceries, and holy shit it was long.

"Looks like we're gonna be here for a while.." I say and we step into the grocery store.

We first start looking for the easy things like milk, eggs, salt, cheese, ham, bread and some fruit. When we get those, we start looking for the other things which our classmates wanted. There were types of spices that I honestly couldn't even read, types of ramen noodles, and some other things that I've never heard of.

So we start going aisle by aisle. Some things were a bit easier to find like the other ones, like the ramen noodles or the spices, but the other ones were nowhere to be found.

"Do those things even exist?" I mumble to myself.

"Yeah. Why did those idiots want shit that is hard to find, and then give it to me? They should've bought their groceries themselves if they want shit like this." he says getting angrier by the second.

"Maybe we should ask someone for help-"

"I DON'T NEED HELP." he shouts, and everyone starts looking at us.

"Okay fine. Then let's just go checkout and we'll tell them that we couldn't find it. Because we've been here for a while, maybe they don't have them." I say.

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