Chapter twenty-two

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The whole class was frozen from what Aizawa told us, we were just sitting in the same place where we were before he left, and then after a while, we came back to reality and we just looked around the room, looking at other people's expressions after hearing that.

"So we're supposed to just take the beds from our dorms and carry them to the other person's dorm?" Denki asked, not really aiming the question to anyone specific.

"It looks like it." Momo says.

"What if both of the people have a lot of stuff? How are we supposed to deal with that?" Jirou asks.

"We will just have to deal with it. Okay class, let's all go to our dorms and pack our stuff so we can move into the other person's dorm! If anyone will need help moving their bed, we will help them!" Iida said with a few hand gestures.

We then all started standing up, going back to our dorms to either pack, or make place for the other person to move in.

As I was standing up, I saw Mina and Eijiro talking to each other, almost whispering,  but I didn't really think much of it, since both of them were pretty close. So I started walking to my dorm to pack my things up. I grabbed a suitcase and started packing my clothes and some other stuff that I had lying around. Fortunately, I didn't have a lot of stuff that I had to pack, so everything fit in one suitcase. So I quickly looked through the room, to see if I missed something, and when I was sure that I had everything, I closed up the suitcase, and took it to Mina's dorm.

"Heey-" I opened her door just to see someone else's suitcase on her ground, "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to live with my uh.. girlfriend." Eijiro looked at Mina that was standing beside him, and she just looked back at him in shock.

"Really? You two are together?" I raise my eyebrow at them.

"Yeah." he replies and puts his hand around her waist, and she just smiled at me.

"Since when?" I asked, clearly not believing them.

"Since last week. Right, babe?" Eijiro looked at down at Mina while holding her, and she nodded.

"Yeah you're not fooling me. She always tells me everything the moment it happens." I cross my arms, still not buying what they're trying to do.

Eijiro then looks at Mina, and pulls her closer to him, kissing her. I stay frozen in place just watching what just happened in front of me. He then pulled away and both of them turned to me and smiled at me.

"Okay. You really did not have to do that in front of me." I do a fake disgusted face and look away.

"We just wanted you to believe us." Eijiro replied smiling at me.

"So where am I supposed to live now?" I ask looking at both of them, a but worried about who I'll end up living with.

"Katsuki." Mina replied, winking at me.

What the fuck? I stayed silent for a bit, just switching between looking at both of them, not really knowing what to reply. It's not like I didn't want to live with him.. But it would be just weird. Right? And I was really looking forward to living with Mina, but I guess that this will also be fine. Right?.. Right?..

"You're kidding right now." I said, almost not believing them.

"We're not. Now go to your new roommate babe." Mina then started pushing me out of her dorm, and I just let myself be pushed by her. She then told me to text her later, before she closed her door.

I stood there for a second just replaying in my head what had happened in this short amount of time, and then I just shook it off and started walking to Katsuki's room. I then knocked on his door, and after a few seconds he opened it.

"What are you doing here, dumbass?" he looked at me, and then he noticed the suitcase in my hand.

"I'm moving in." I replied.

"What? I'm supposed to be roommates with shitty hair, not you, dumbass." he said.

"Well.. You were. He decided to switch with me so he can live with Mina because apparently.. they're dating." I say looking up at him.

"The fuck? Since when?!" he growled.

"Apparently since last last week. Now can I come in?" I ask and he moves away from the door so I can come in.

I go in and open my suitcase and start unpacking it, placing my clothes into the closet which was once only Katsuki's. While I was unpacking, Katsuki sat on his bed, watching me as I unpacked.

"Will you help me move my bed please?" I ask turning around to him.

"Do you really need it though?" he smirks at me.

"Oh shut up. Yes I do." I laugh a bit while I continue to unpack.

"Fine. We'll go for it when you finish unpacking." he says and lies down on his bed, going on his phone.

After a little while, I finally finish unpacking. My clothes were placed into the closet next to Katsuki's, while some of my other stuff was on the desk next to the closet. I then told him that I was finished and we could go take the bed.

So we want to my dorm, and at first we were thinking about how we want to fit it through the door, because it looked too wide for it to fit through, but luckily it just fit perfectly. So we carried it through the hallway, and we placed it on the other side of the room from where Katsuki's bed was.

"I didn't think that the bed would fit through the doors." I said laughing a bit.

"Me neither. But thankfully it did. If it wouldn't then you would just have to sleep with me." he says and I just look at him after what he just said. "Don't look at me like that, dumbass. We already slept in the same bed. What difference would it make?"

"It wouldn't. But privacy is something nice too." I say and go to sit on my bed.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" he frowns at me and sits at his own bed.

"That wasn't aimed at anything. Don't worry Kats." I smile at him.

He just glared at me for a second but then he smiled. We talked for a bit until he decided to go to sleep, because he always went to bed early. So we took our turns to change into our pyjamas and we went to bed. I wonder how living with him will be..

1144 words

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