Chapter twenty-one

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Two weeks had passed since the party, and we were sitting in english class that Present Mic was teaching us. It was honestly the most boring thing to ever exist. I honestly wish that something would happen so we could get out of this..

"Am I not entertaining enough for you, miss Aizawa?" Present Mic asks, looking at me. While the whole class looks at me as well, and a few snickers could be heard.

"Y-You are.." I quickly sit up and start paying attention again.

"Good. Now where was I.. So as I was saying about present perfect.." his attention then went back to the chalk board, and continued talking about the lesson.

I tried to focus, but then I heard a psst from somewhere. I looked around me and saw that Katsuki was passing me a paper. So I took it and read it.

what are you thinking about dumbass?

I looked back at him and rolled my eyes before writing a response on it.

I just wish that something would happen so we wouldn't need to have this stupid boring class

I then passed it back to him when Present Mic had his back turned to us, and I watched Katsuki as he read it and snickered. But before he could respond, an alarm started going off with a small red light blinking in the hallway..

a few minutes earlier, 3rd person POV

While the students were in their classes, a group of people stood infront of the school.

"God I fucking hate this place." a guy with purple burn marks said, looking at the school.

"Can we go in now? I want to see Izuku again!" a girl with blonde hair and a knife in her hand said while jumping up and down.

"No. Not yet. There's no way that we can just step in to the UA property just like that.." a man with hands all over him said.

"Should I make a clone of myself and send him in first?" someone with a whole black suit with a white patterns on it said.

"I'm not going to stand out here the whole day, Shigiraki. Let's do it already." the guy with the purple burn marks said, clearly annoyed.

The other three were just complaining about standing there, and the guy with the hands all over him, Shigiraki, looked at the UA front gate, and stepped inside with his one foot. But then, a barrier around the whole school suddenly appeared, and alarms could be heard blaring from inside the school.

The three which were arguing were now in shock, and just looking at the barrier, when Shigiraki stepped closer and touched it, and it decayed.

"Dabi." Shigiraki said as he stepped away from the now hole in the barrier, and signalled to the guy with the purple burn marks, Dabi, to use his quirk on the inside of UA.

He listened and stepped closer, setting the grass and a few trees on blue fire. Then a warp gate appeared, and they all stepped through it.

present time, Y/n POV

As we heard the alarm, everyone started freaking out. We all went to the windows and looked through them, just to see the front yard of UA being lit with blue fire. Dabi. I thought.

In a matter of seconds, a few pro heroes came out running from the school, and started looking around the property for the people or person who caused it, while a pro hero with a water quirk extinguished the fire.

After a while of searching and extinguishing the fire, the pro's came back in the school, and the alarm stopped.

"Please sit back down in your seats." Present Mic said, and we all went to sit back down.

This wasn't really what I had in mind.. I think, and then I feel someone poking my back, so I turn around and see Katsuki handing me the same paper from before.

careful what you wish for

I looked back at him and passed it back to him, and then continued to pay attention to Present Mic about what he said.

After a few hours, we were back in the dorms and most of us were in the common room, just talking about what happened, and theorising about who it was. Everyone said that it was definitely the League of Villains, and that the blue fire was caused by Dabi, and that Shigiraki got rid of the front barrier. But then, the front door suddenly opened.

"Hello students. Please pay attention to me for a little while." Aizawa stepped in and all of our gazes went onto him. "And call everyone else that isn't here right now to come here, it's urgent."

A few people then went to go for the other people that were in their dorms, or just somewhere else, so Aizawa could say what he needed. After around 2 minutes the rest of the people that were missing came, and he started talking.

"Now that I have you all here, I can finally start. So as you all know and saw, there has been an incident with villains today. Shigiraki and Dabi, we don't know if there was anyone else, attacked out school. Because of that, we are going to have to connect your dorms so you won't be alone. I have a list of names of how you will be in your dorms, so pay attention to when I say your name." everyone want silent, and listened to him to see who they will end up with, "Ashido with Aizawa, Bakugo with Kirishima.." he then said, and me and Mina looked at each other with smiles on our faces.

"As you can see, you will be in a room with the same gender. Now, if you have a problem with your roommate.. then it's your problem. Please go and rearrange your dorms so two of you can fit in one. The dorm in which you are going to be moving in was the first person's that I read from the people. You are also not going to be able to leave the dorms after 8pm. If you have any questions, they you know where to find me." he said and walked out the door leaving us all shocked and frozen in our places.

1059 words

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