Chapter 3 - Summer

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Soft sunlight streamed in through my curtained window, gently waking me from my restful slumber. The bliss of being able to stay in bed on a quiet Saturday morning simply makes me...




I swear that cat has lungs of steel.

Throwing off my covers, I sat up and allowed my body to adjust to the change in gravity before standing to my feet. Daisy thwapped me with her tail, demanding to be fed now that I was out of bed. Daisy weaved in between my feet as I made my way to the bathroom to fill her bowl. Why do cats like to try to trip us, especially when we are doing something for them?

Leaving a satisfied cat with her gourmet cat food, I decided to go ahead and get ready for the day. Maybe I will go to the coffee shop for some breakfast this morning.

Walking out to the living room, I found it to still be empty. I guess I wasn't the only one who wanted to have a lazy Saturday morning. I sent a quick text to Kay, so she doesn't worry when she wakes up to find me gone from our cozy apartment. She does the same for me whenever she is somewhere outside of her normal schedule. It is just a small gesture that helps me feel less anxious when I can't find her and helps her not worry that I have fainted somewhere again without her knowing my location.

I quickly counted out my six pills and placed them into a baggie before sliding the baggie into the pocket of my light jacket. I have to eat before I take my medications and since I want to go out for breakfast this morning, the pills have to come with me. I grabbed my keys off the hook and slipped my phone and wallet into my purse. Slinging the small bag over my shoulder, I decided to make my way to The Buttered Biscuit. Thankfully, the quaint little breakfast café is only a three-minute walk from my apartment building.

The doorbell jingled as I walked in, the delicious aroma of freshly baked biscuits and cinnamon rolls filling my nose.

"Good morning, Margaret!" I cheerfully greeted the petite older woman, and she offered me her signature smile as she pushed her forever-falling glasses back up her nose.

"Ahh, my favorite customer! You want your usual?"

I tapped my finger to my chin, "Actually, I think I want to try something different this morning."

Margret reached over the counter and placed the back of her hand against my forehead, "Are you feeling alright, dear?"

I laughed, "Yes, I am just fine. I was teasing you anyway. My usual would be great."

"Coming right up!"

"You're the best!" I called over my shoulder as I took my seat by the window. This is the best seat in the whole place because it allows me to inconspicuously people watch while also being close enough to the counter, the door, and the kitchen. It really just is the best place to sit.

My eyes wandered across the room, taking mental notes of who is here this morning. Mr. Jones was sitting with his newspaper in the opposite corner, drinking his probably black coffee. There was a couple sitting by the other window, quietly engaged in their own conversation. There was also another couple sitting in the booth next to Mr. Jones and she did not look pleased at the fact that he was working on his computer. She said something to him, and he visibly sighed before running a hand through his hair.

A plate with a homemade biscuit spread with cinnamon butter was set before me alongside a cup of steaming chai tea, prompting me to look up to thank Margaret but she was also watching the couple in the corner.

She clicked her tongue in disapproval, whispering, "Poor boy, he has been politely entertaining her company for the better part of half an hour even though he is clearly trying to work on something."

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