| • Chapter 10...🦋

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The same day..(Midnight)

Author's POV

There he was..sitting all wasted and drained...in the royal bedroom...his muscular back leaned against the headboard while his slender fingers wrapped around the glass containing red wine...his clenched jaw...sweaty and messy hair...and heavy breaths were all making him look more godly than he already was...everything...was mess...his bed , cushions , closet....rather than these materialistic things...his mind was included too...his mind was all messed up...hewas drowning... drowning in the depths of emotions he never wanted

to feel...those emotions which make people weak...he was experiencing those emotions..his brain denied those emotions...it warned him the consequences further...while his heart..it gave a positive reply and assured him that he'd face all the consequences that'd we awaiting him....

He was having a war between his heart and brain which resulted in his messed up state...the darkness engulfed the luxurious room...theonly source of light there, was the pure rays of the moon...making the painting painted with red colour...to be specific painted with blood...shine bright red...the painting was disturbing yet beautiful in its own way...that painting unwantedly held him...he himself don't know why did he make it but...he just did was heart said...

He wanted to deny but...he couldn't..his mind repeated those moments...those moments which he oddly did not wanted to forget...it felt like he wanted to cherish those...but just why...?

Jungkook's POV

Grabbing the glass of the highly dangerous liquid...I took a sip of it staring at the picture in front of me...it was her...though painted with blood...it still looked beautiful..of course not as much as the real her...but.. beautiful enough to make me stare at it all day and night...she looked beautiful..the perfect yet messy strokes of the brush.. depicted the storm of my heart in a peaceful way...it was frustrating..I just have one question and that is...why..?

Why do I feel like just staring at her all day and night..? Why do I feel like I can lean on her..? Why do I crave for those warm hugs of her..? I don't remember myself being vulnerable in front of anyone..but then why her..? Who is she..? What is she..? And..what's all of this happening to me...Ughhh..?!?..grabbing the edge of the painting I flipped it over causing it to fall straight on the floor...taking the vase nearby...I smashed it on the ruined painting...

I felt angry...it felt like a warm sensation flowing through my veins...I needed to calm my damn nerves down... ripping off my clothes...I went in the shower turning it on letting the cold water flow down my body...I closed my eyes to encounter darkness...then suddenly a light...which beamed...her face...her smile...I felt my nerves soothing.. calming down in such a way they never did when I was so angry....

Punching the wall numerous times...all it resulted was my bleeding fists...It angered me..I swear to god...I need a treatment for real...I need to Fucking get rid of her thoughts...it was driving me insane...I looked at my messed up state on the mirror while leaning on the sink...I looked vulnerable.. Fucking vulnerable....I damn fucking hate being like this...making a eye contact with myself in the mirror..her voice echoed in my mind..

" Every broken person says that..."

"don't want to know whether you're broken or not...but...an empty mind is a devil's head...what if you do something stupid in daze huh..?"

" Yes..! She's proud of you..!"

" You see the brightest star...?! "

I smashed the mirror with the bottle that was kept nearby....I was insane...I don't know why...did I set her pic on my wallpaper...why did I call her the reason behind my euphoria...I don't just why in the fucking hell I smiled seeing her...?!?...all of it feels so wrong yet so pure....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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