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"Eilish, you have thirty minutes" Y/n said as she checked her board, Billie nodded taking a long stretch , she was basically ready all she had to do was change

"Got it got it" She said a bit sleepy, Y/n smiled softly at her as she sat down next to her, it had been two months since she started working for her, they got along so well, became friends almost instantly, Billie being happy that someone around her age besides working for her really wanted a friendship with her, Y/n after being done with everything they had to do would always invite Billie out, either a walk, drink, etc.

"Dude i have a question" Billie said as she scrolled through her phone, locking it in the process, Y/n hummed shutting her eyes waiting for the question

"You don't have to answer but...what really happened between you and Jenna? "

Billie could see Y/n's eyes snap open as she stared at the ceiling, she could see so many things in her reaction...but the main one


" I wish i could tell you, but i signed a NDA as well" Y/n said softly, and she really did want to tell Billie what happened, Billie would know what to say

"So i'm gonna ask and you can only nod, did you two date?"

Speaking would be breaking the contract, a nod wouldn't... if no one found out of course

Billie gasped a bit seeing Y/n nod

"I wish I could tell you everything... your opinion would be amazing honestly, all i can say is that she made her decision "

Billie's heartbroke hearing this, Y/n had become one of her best friends, it was obvious she was a nice and sweet person, hearing the hurt in her voice...

She remembered when the Ellen interview aired, the cheating scandal happened, her being the daughter of someone important being exposed suddenly to the world like that...

She had to admit, she understood, she could see why Camila and Jenna fell in love with her, and maybe she would too fall for her charm but she knew better, she also knew Y/n could be the greatest

"Your dress is here, imma go get it eyelash" Y/n said as she checked her phone, Billie nodded snorting at the nickname as she got up slowly .

Y/n stood frozen as she saw her mother getting down the car as her assistant handed her the bag of clothes

"Mama, what are you doing here?? Your not dressing Billie" She asked with a frown as she pulled her in for a hug "I know but i asked Simone to personally deliver it for her since i'm bringing yours as well"


Y/n frowned "What you mean mine...? "

"Your not going like a bum, no daughter of mine will go to a fashion event not dressed well, i have to go, te llamo despues mi amor ciao" (I'll call you later my love, bye)

Billie frowned seeing two bags "I know i know..my mom is dressing me to be your p.a i guess, she said Billie can't have a bum as a assistant" She said Billie nodded right away with a smile "She right tho, get your ass dressed " 

Billie sat down waiting for Y/n to get dressed, Y/n stared at herself in the mirror, she felt like she's seen this before, but then again she never pays attention to what her mom makes , the design was amazing tho

The moment she walked out Billie's eyes widened seeing her, she looked away quickly as she grabbed her phone, Finneas raised an eyebrow at his sister, she smirked a bit "Looking good Y/n, doesn't she look good Pirate ? "

"So nice of you Fin, you two look good too" Y/n said with a wide smile, Billie was thankful that she answered and blushed a bit too .

"Met Gala here we come" Finneas said 

Y/n's eyes widen...Met gala...? 

Will Jenna be there...?  

Personal Assistant 2.0  | Jenna OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now