Pool side

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ok this is my first smut chapter, if its shit idc hehe 

Taylor's POV: 

                                                                                   🫶🏻 Selena 🫶🏻

Sel: babe get the fuck out of the house. i love you yk that but ever since joe you have bearly left the house.

Tay: Sel i don't feel like it babe, maybe another time. 

Sel: please come over tonight, there gonna be a bunch of guys here. take one upstairs and have a one night stand.

Tay: SEL! i'm not like that yk

Sel: babe i'm not saying you are, just come over please. if you don't like it, leave 

Tay: alright fine, ill be they're by 9 

Sel: YAYY thanks babe ilyyy

Tay: ily too be they're soon x

I turn my phone of and climb out of bed. i don't think i've showered in a week or at least a couple days.  i walk into the bathroom and stopped in my tracks. tears slightly welling up in my eyes as i look at my self. How the fuck did i let it get this bad? the past month almost i've felt my self slipping in the pit of depression. but the worst thing is, is i don't care.  My hairs is knoted and greasy, my face has breakouts everywhere and my jumper that joe left is fused to my skin. 

"time to sort this shit out" i mutter to my self ripping the hair tie out. i stripped out of my clothes and threw them in the bin. time to move on. as much as i loved joe, i really needed to move on. its been almost 4 weeks since he walked out and 2 months since he told me to get an abortion unless he would leave me, i did and he told me he would love me forever. But i guess he didn't.

 For years i knew he would break up with me, i felt him falling out of love with me. i tried so hard, for ages to fix us. to make my self feel like a shiny new toy. but joe liked sleeping with is co-workers instead. he told me loved me but ended up going away. but today was the day or night really. i was going to go out tonight, get blackout drunk , have a mind blowing orgasm and wake up with a random guy in my bed. sounds like a night to me.

I step into the shower and scrub away remnants the of the man i used to call home. i shaved every inch of my body, double washed my hair and did my full skincare routine. I slid on my most revealing lingure then zipped up a tight black dress that showed of my legs. i added some 2 inch black stilettos.  i did my hair, nice and straight and did my makeup with and extra dark shade of red lip. i was just about to head out when i got a text from selena. 

                                                                                         🫶🏻 Selena 🫶🏻

Sel: sorry babe i forgot, its a pool party. you don't have to swim just bring ur swimmers just incase. 


Tay: why didn't you tell me! i just did a full face :( 

Tay: bitch 

Sel: sorry babe i forgot

 Sel: just don't swim

Tay: no its ok ig i'll just hang around in the pool 

i strip out of my black dress sighing to my self and slipped of my lingure and put on my black and red lacy bathing suit. i didn't look to bad. i threw on a black silky dress over my swimmers and headed downstairs. i texted greg my driver that i was ready and he told me he would be here in 5 minutes. sitting on the couch i pulled out my phone to check my socials, something i haven't done in a while. messegses from my team came spilling in like crazy. replying to as many people as i could, i opened trees contact. 

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