Ch.18 Wrath of Dragon

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Porchay wandered through the dimly lit hallways of the Castle his curiosity piqued by the strange sounds and eerie atmosphere

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Porchay wandered through the dimly lit hallways of the Castle his curiosity piqued by the strange sounds and eerie atmosphere. Ignoring Chan's word.

He reached a staircase to the right, its shadows seeming to beckon him deeper "What's Wrong with this place?" he muttered to himself, the memory of the empty hallway from earlier fresh in his mind. Ignoring a prickle of unease, he decided to explore further.

The entire wing was a tomb draped in darkness, the only light flickering like dying embers from a few scattered torches. The walls were etched with scratch marks, stories of struggle corrode  by unseen claws.

They sent shivers down Porchay's spine, whispering a restless past. As he ventured deeper, the air grew thick with dust and a strange, musky scent that tickled his nose. "What is this?" he whispered, his voice echoing eerily in the stillness.

At the end of the corridor, a heavy oaken door, like a foreboding giant, stood guard. Curiosity, a wild stallion in his gut, whinnied. Hesitantly, Porchay raised his fist and knocked.

Silence. He waited, his breath catching in his throat like a fly trapped in a spider's web. Just as he decided to retreat, the door creaked open with a groan that sent shivers down his spine.

A sliver of moonlight, a pale finger, peeked through the opening, revealing the silhouette of a room beyond.

Curiosity, a wild beast now, overpowered his fear. "Hello?" Porchay called tentatively, his voice barely a whisper swallowed by the vastness of the old house.

There was no answer. Peeking inside, Porchay saw the room was ancient, its grandeur dimmed by neglect.

Cobwebs, like ghostly curtains, draped the corners, and dust motes danced a slow waltz in the pale moonlight that streamed through a high window.

In the end of the room, bathed in an ethereal glow, stood a single, magnificent rose. Its crimson petals, like a spilled goblet of wine, seemed to radiate an otherworldly beauty.

Its stem entwined with a thick, gnarled creeper that snaked its way in from outside, like a reaching hand.

"Wow," Porchay breathed, mesmerized. He took a hesitant step forward, drawn to the captivating flower.

Suddenly, a monstrous roar, a sound that ripped through the silence like a knife, shattered the room's tranquility.

A dark shape, a blur of wings and fury, hurtled through the air, filling the room with the beat of powerful wings. Porchay froze, his blood turning to ice.

The Dragon like figure landed with a bone-jarring thud, transforming before his terrified eyes.

It was Kimhan, his face contorted in a mask of rage, fangs bared and eyes blazing with an inferno of fury.

"What have you done?!" Kimhan roared, his voice echoing in the cavernous room like a thunderclap.

Porchay stumbled back, his heart hammering against his ribs like a frantic bird in a cage.

The sight of Kimhan, half-man, half-beast, was a nightmare come to life. His sharp fangs, leathery wings, and fiery eyes sent shivers down Porchay's spine.

"I... I didn't do anything," Porchay stammered, his voice barely a whisper. Kimhan advanced, his rage a tangible thing, a storm cloud rolling in.

"Don't lie to me, thief!" he boomed, his voice dripping with venom. "Why are you here?"

Porchay flinched, tears welling up in his eyes like overflowing fountains. He didn't understand what was happening. Why was Kimhan so angry? What was the big deal about a rose?

"I-i..i," Porchay stammered, his voice choked with fear. "I just... I just saw the light and came to see."

Kimhan's fury intensified, a firestorm consuming him. "Have you touched it with your filthy hands?"

Porchay, trembling, managed to let out, "I-I didn't touch anything. I was just curious."

Kimhan's eyes blazed even brighter. "Curious? You dare enter my domain out of curiosity? You son of a thief!"

"I didn't mean any harm," Porchay pleaded, tears welling up. "I was just looking—"

"Looking at what doesn't belong to you!" Kimhan cut him off, his voice a thunderous growl. "Do you have any idea what this rose represents? What its roots signify?"

Porchay shook his head, his voice barely above a whisper. "No, I don't. Please, I'm sorry." Kimhan advanced, his presence overwhelming.

"Sorry won't fix what your family has done. Do you know the price of stealing from me?" Porchay's knees buckled, and he fell to the ground.

"I didn't steal anything. I swear!"

Kimhan sneered. "You might not have, but your bloodline is tainted. The sins of the father fall upon the son."

Porchay's tears spilled over, and he tried to get up on his feet. Kimhan grabbed his hand and yanked him up, his claws digging into Porchay's flesh. With rage, he roared, "GET OUT!" and released his grip.

Porchay, without thinking, bolted for the door. He ran as fast as he could, his heart pounding in his chest, the sting of Kimhan's claws still fresh on his skin.

The ghostly hallways and flickering torches blurred as he sprinted, desperate to escape the terrifying encounter.

Bursting through the heavy door, Porchay didn't stop until he was far from the wing, his breath ragged and his mind racing.

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