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"20 July 2012, An 18-year-old boy, gone missing 2 weeks ago, has still not been found. His last location was seen near the forest-" *voice fades slowly*

"We can only observe a particular location in time TV, if we don't know which way he went, we can't trace him through this" *mumbling continues*

"When did you two become so close Nobita?"



Nobita's eyes opened softly. With a heavy sigh, he lifted his head,

"I am sorry to disturb you Sir" The lady bowed,

"No-no it is fine" Nobita grunted softly.

"Sir it's already past 6, employees are asking for permission to leave.


"Thank you so much, sir"

The lady traced her way out.

Nobita checked his phone, which is usually placed upside down.

Akira: Dinner tonight?


"Your food will be here soon sir" The waitress smiled at the two men,

"So, how's work?"

"As Usual," Nobita answered as he took a sip of wine,
"What about you?"

"Mind fucking, what do you expect? Teaching edgy teens is a hell of a job"

"Well, who told you to become a lecturer? That too of Mathematics"

"Not everyone can be the chosen one like you"

"the chosen one?"

"CEO of a multinational company, I bet your parents flip their hair in the neighborhood every day"

Nobita chuckled softly.

Akira smiled, "how is Doraemon?"

"He is good, I always have a great sense of relief that he is with my parents"

"I know, living far from your parents, it's quite stressful, you don't know how glad I am that my sister is there with them"


"Tokyo.. it's just that it doesn't seem as appealing as it did when we graduated"

"I know right? My college went crazy to get a settlement in Tokyo"

The waitress arranged the plates on the table. The scent of hot food was relaxing.

"How is Ida?" Nobita asked, hesitantly.

Akira's smile faded a little, "I don't know, we rarely talk"

"Akira, he is your boyfriend"

"Really? Is he?"

"Nowadays he is leading a serious operation and-"

"He has a very stressful job, I know"

"I mean, you know that recently the drug mafia has increased drastically, I heard that one in ten adults is under the influence of narcotics,"

"Yeah, it was the headline of today"

"I can't remember the rumored name, I think it was something related to demon-"


"So you do talk to each other"

Akira sighed, "It's the rumored leader of this whole drug mafia, 5 years and no one has been able to trace, let alone catch him. There are a lot of theories, some say Youkai is just a myth, some say there are lots of leaders and all are collectively known as Youkai."

"I mean, realistically it's very difficult for a single person to control such a big mafia,"

"Right? It seems impractical"

"If it's one person, they must have a hell of an IQ for this"

"Who knows?"


The injured victim vomited blood as he was kicked in his chest, again. He was surrounded by a bunch of men, dressed the same as if they were part of a cult.

"This is such a fucking mess," A man said as he lit his cigarette.

"He is here" The other one whispered as a black Jeep reached the scene.

The goons bowed down to greet a young man who stepped out of the car,

"Youkai," they all said simultaneously, still facing towards the ground.

The victim with blurry eyes observed the tall muscular figurine walking toward him. Black leather jacket, those heavy footsteps, he recognized them, it was his death approaching.

The young man cupped his bloody cheeks, bringing him to his knees.


He placed the gun inside the man's mouth,

"Didn't even think about your family?"

The victim's eyes widened, tears falling down his cheek,

"Well, see you in hell then"

A loud gunshot echoed in the stranded forest,

With blood over his hand and a little splatter on his face, he looked up, the stars were beautiful as always.

One of the goons came up to him, "Youkai"

"What is it?"

"This is the police officer who raided one of the storehouses"

The young man keenly observed the photograph,

"His name-"


"Senior inspector Ida Matsumoto, posted at Tokyo, Central police station"

The young man smiled creepily,

"Well, this is going to be a hell of a reunion, Ida"


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