My little enemy

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  Around the time I went to middle school, my mom runaway from home. Adjusting to a new school while dealing with her absence was incredibly tough. So I had quite a hard time. Having grown up in small circle, I knew nothing about how to communicate with others.

  I dreaded walking through those school gates. Since the school was close to home, I always arrived early. I really liked that time of the day there is no crowds there is no laughter and screaming there WA no one to see around, it was so peaceful with the cold breath of the summer morning.

After a few hour the sun start lighting up fully and the kids start to filled the school. Well it ain't no peaceful anymore obviously. The hallways were filled with chatter and laughter, but I always felt the weight of other's jugement .I walked with my head down, heading straight to the classroom. When I got there, I sit to my desk and opened my book .

By then, I had learned to blend into the background, like a shadow that no one noticed. I was the girl who sat at the back of the classroom, my head down trying to avoid the harsh stares and whispered. My teachers barely remembered my name, and my classmates acted like I didn't exist-except when they wanted to make fun of me.

My home life offered no refuge . My grandmother house was still chaotic, filled with the noise of my cousins and the constant arguments between my aunt and my grandma. I often wished to go somewhere so far away that no one would ever find me.

  I always hated my reality so I hid behind my imagination. Because of that I get to love watching animation movies, they were nothing like reality even tho everything was just someone's mind word everything was possible there, even the impossible one and within it I found peace.

  But at some point that habit of mine messed things up. I started to feel my surrounding as an imagination world, where my prince charming would rescue me from this messed up life. I start falling easily for someone beauty.

  I still remember my first day of school vividly because something unforgettable happened that day.

  The hallways were filled with chatter and laughter, i knew no one here I see new face everywhere. It wasn't that hard to find my classroom since I saw it on the day of regestration so I head straight.

    There was no one around in the classroom, so I opened my book and waited for the bell to ring. After a few minutes passed a bunches of kids start filling the classroom. I didn't bother to lift my head, still staring at the book infront of me.

After the classroom was full and the last kid had closed the door, the noise of their chatter filled the room. Then, after a few minutes, the door opened and someone walked in. Everyone's attaintion turned this person. who just walked in.

  They went silent so I thought the teacher walked in but when they start chatting and giggling I knew it wasn't that case.

I heared someone's footsteps walking towards me, while everyone eye following his every steps. then stopped besides me, staring down at me. But i still refused to lift my head up. Then I heard a voice. " Excuse me this is my sit ". Said In a voice.

  Ofcourse that's when I lift my head up too see the person, to my surprise it was him, the face I'm familiar with, We meet again. He doesn't even know me, obviously but I know who he was.

   I just didn't said anything as if the words couldn't get out of my mouth. I just stare at him nonstop, couldn't believe what I was seeing.

He was the first person to talk to me, he was the first person to even get closer to me.

  The whole class was waiting for me to say something, but I kept staring at him without answering.

  he just kept staring at her with his lovely beautiful small eyes.  I knew I have to say something but I just didn't know what that was.

  "Are you ignoring me on purpose? This is my seat."

She's still couldn't say a word at that time the teacher walked in. He raised his hand and told the teacher I was sitting on his seat and that I refused to get up.

  I turn around and sit at the back desk still couldn't take of my eyes off him. At that day I got my first crush.

She immediately took her notebook out and start doodling.

  Like a pathetic I couldn't do anything or say any word. This is one of the side effects of my imagination. I just become dumb infront of someone attractive. 

Just likethat my first day was filled with full of embarrassment. To your surprise, After that day I ended up in the same class with him, every year.

And yeah I got myself a long term crush............

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