Operation: Recruiting! //3//

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“What a great generation to be in…” Lucifer spread his arms through the air, feeling the breeze as the markings of his presence slowly faded from Yuki's body. Yuki's form returned to normal, and he opened his eyes, bewildered by his strange pose.

(Yuki’s Thoughts: Huh? Why are my hands in the air?!)
He embarrassingly lowered his hands, still clueless about his surroundings. He glanced at Callisto, whose expression remained serious and cold as he approached.

As Callisto stood a foot away, he gently pointed his two fingers from his right hand at Yuki. The gesture made Yuki curious about what was happening.

“Sleep,” Callisto commanded in a cold, serious tone. Within seconds, Yuki’s eyes drooped, and he fell unconscious. As his body began to collapse, Callisto swiftly caught him, laying him gently on the ground.

Callisto looked down at Yuki, his expression softening for a moment. "Rest now, Yuki. You've been through more than enough." He checked Yuki for any signs of harm or lingering effects of Lucifer's possession, ensuring the boy was stable.

He took a deep breath, his mind racing with thoughts about what Lucifer had revealed. Yuki's connection to Lucifer's bloodline was both a curse and a potential key to understanding the demon's resurgence. Callisto knew he had to report this to the Angelic Defense Force and come up with a plan to protect Yuki and prevent Lucifer from exploiting the boy's lineage.

With Yuki safely unconscious, Callisto lifted him effortlessly and began making his way back to the base. He would not let Yuki face this danger alone. Together, they would find a way to overcome Lucifer's threat and ensure that the future remained safe from the grasp of darkness.

Callisto stopped momentarily and gently laid Yuki down on the surface. He then called out, "Violet."

A portal shimmered into existence, and from it emerged a figure with an expressionless face. At first glance, the newcomer appeared to be a girl.

Violet - Introduction

Violet is a special exorcise student from Cluster 2, knowned for using an instrument as a weapon.

(Back to the Situation)

“What makes you call me here?” Violet asked coldly, her eyes scanning the area before landing on Yuki. (Her tone sounds like a man.)

“Who is that?” she inquired, her voice devoid of emotion.

“This is Yuki,” Callisto replied. “I’ll explain everything later. For now, bring him to the examination room in my mansion. I’ll be with you in a moment.”

Violet nodded, moving with swift efficiency. She approached Yuki and, with a surprising gentleness, lifted him into her arms. Her expression remained unreadable, but there was a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Without another word, Violet activated the portal again, stepping through it with Yuki securely in her grasp. The portal closed behind them, leaving Callisto alone to gather his thoughts.

He took a deep breath, his mind racing with the implications of what had transpired. Yuki’s connection to Lucifer was troubling, but Callisto knew he needed to stay focused and gather as much information as possible to combat the threat. After a brief moment to steady himself, he followed through the portal, emerging into the sterile, brightly lit examination room where Violet had already laid Yuki on a pristine white bed with a glass dome, Yuki's mouth had an oxygen mask and the other parts of his body has a medical instruments.

Violet stood up and looked directly at Callisto before speaking.

“What happened?” she asked, her tone cold and unwavering.

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