Chapter 81

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Dj pov

Another week

Nova is breathing on her own; the baby heart is getting a little stronger but is still very weak.

Nova still hasn't woken up.

Nova's parents and siblings were here.

"Damn, this hospital bill is going to be hella expensive." Trey said, looking over her and talking.

"Nigga u act like that's gone help, she being a spoil brat rn, she knows dad and mom gone pay for it," Jamari said, laughing.

"In yall mad for what?" Chanze said on his phone.

"How bout you, hush?" Reny said, holding Saaliyah.

"Shii, we for sure is gone Pay for our baby hospital bill. Didn't we pay for your Reny when you gave birth to our granddaughter?" mom said.

"Yup, Fosho did," Reny said.

"Give me my grad baby," Pops said, getting up and grabbing Saaliyah.

"Dad, you sound like a grandpa?" Jamari said

"I just realized my parents are grandparents," Chanze said.

"Boy, hush, we  still young," mom said.

"Shii mom, you look nothing over 20," I said.

"What about me?" Pop said, looking at me.

"Yeah, no dad," Reny said, shaking her head.

"At least my grandbaby loves me," he said, looking down and smiling at her.

"Damn, Nova girl, you still ain't up." Trey said, shaking her.

"Boy, stop shaking your sister," mom said.

"Right, leave her alone," Reny said.

"Naww, because she didn't leave me alone when we were little, always jumping on me or trying to get me to play dress up or go to a tea party, always wanting me to make her something to eat, or always in, I swear, she always wanted me to be her test dummy for every single thing," Trey said.

"Shii, I mean, hey," Jamari said.

"Shut up, you were annoying asfc," Trey said.

Chanze in Remy just started laughing.

"Reny, you can't be talking, always following me around and trying to hang around me with my friends, and let's not forget the crush you had on one of em, pissed me off." Trey said

"And Chanze, you're still annoying, always begging for some damn money," Trey said, laughing.

It was all silence.

"Damn, he got yall in hushed mode." I said, laughing.

Mom and Pop were laughing.

"Don't ever forget, I'm the reason mom and dad are even parents." Trey said

"Shut up, let's not forget I'm the baby, so I get whatever I want. I bet you used to get told no all the time," Chanze said.

"Ion understand why yall think we just spoil Nova and Chanze when in reality we spoil all yall muthafuckers; what every yall asked for we gave to yall," Pops said.

"We've at least said no to all of you, including Chanze and Nova, a couple of times, but I'll say Chanze and Nova probably asked for more and received it, compared to all three of you who really didn't asked for a lot, but Chanze you asked for way more than Nova, but when she was living in the house, she used to ask for everything," mom said.

"Shiii, imagine just going shopping with her. She literally grabs things she doesn't need; she likes them she gone grab it; she spends at least over $5,000 at the mall every time, and most of the time I'm swiping my card. I don't care how much it is; she gets what she gets," I said, looking at Nova and laughing.


The next day

I was really not feeling it today; I was tried, and I just wanted Nova back at this point, like I was really going through it.

The nurse came in.

"Heyyy, djjj," the nurse said, coming

She checked to see how the baby was doing and how Nova was

"The baby looks fine but still has a very weak heartbeat," the nurse said as she was looking.

"Damn" I just shook my head and put my head down.

"Her breathing seems normal; that's good," the nurse said.

"Ok, good," I said.

I was really stressed at this point.

The nurse came in and sat next to me.

Her name was Katie.

She has been trying to be there for me with everything. Sometimes we will talk when she has free time, but she has been really supportive and has tried to help me out through all this stuff.

"Everything will be fine, DJ; don't give up," she said.

"I'm trying not to, but it's been a month and two or three weeks, still nothing; it's about to make two months," I said.

"Yeah, but Doctor Rob did say it might be months, but you gotta have hope and believe that she will wake up any minute," the nurse said.

"Yeah," I said.

"Don't stress yourself out in what I told you; at least five minutes a day, try to do something for yourself; you have to, because your mental health is very important too," she said.

"Yeah, I am!" I said knowing damn well, my whole mind is on Nova.

"Alr, I gotta get back," she said, checking her page.


2 hours go by.

I'm starting to have a panic attack.

"Nova, please just wake up," I said, walking around the room.

"You better not die on me," I said.

Ok chill DJ I said to myself,

I sat down and just grabbed her hand.

"I'm here, Nova. Whenever you wake up, I'm here. Whenever, just come back to me, please. I need you. I need to tell you how sorry I am. I need to ask you to marry me one day. I need you to know how much love I have for you and how much I love you and I only wanna be with you." I said it with tears coming down my face.

I just kissed her hand.

And I laid my head down and held her hand.

5 minutes go by

I'm just begging that she wakes up with tears coming down my face.

Omniscient POV

Dj was lying down on the side of her bed, holding Nova's hand, with tears coming down his face.

He was emotional.

Out of nowhere

Nova squeezes DJ hands

He looked up and looked at her, seeing that her eyes were still close.

"Nova," he says.

He looked back down, realizing that he was probably just scared

She squeezed it again.

As he looked up, her eyes opened slowly.

"Dj," as that's the first thing she says, but very soft.

"Nova babyyyy," Dj said with excitement as he hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"Ouch, that hurt, and you smell like Shii," she said so softly and started blinking, then turned her head, looking at him.

"Let me get the nurse," he said, laughing and getting up with excitement.

He sprinted to go get the nurse.

The nurse ran in, seeing her looking around the room.

DJ came back into the room.

"Welcome back to the living, she said.

"I'm going to go get the doctor to make sure she is okay for sure. We got to keep a close eye on you," she said.

"Ok," Nova said softly.

DJ came in and sat back down.

She looked his way again, with pain in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" he said.

"My body, everything hurts," she said softly as tears came down her face.

"Noo noo, don't cry; everything is going to be fine; you're just in pain,"  DJ said, whipping her tears.

She couldn't stop crying.

"Hey, listen to me, everything is going to be fine. I need you to calm down," the DJ said, grabbing her face.

"Mhmmm," she said, shaking her head.

He whipped her tears

The doctor came in.

"Kaxoriyah Brown, it's so good to see that you're up. How do you feel?" the doctor said.

"Like Shii," she said.

"Yeah, you have been through a lot. I'm going to get you some painkillers, but I need to run a couple of tests first to make sure everything is okay," the doctor said.

"Ok," Nova said.

DJ went outside while the doctor was running tests in stuff.

He called and texted everyone.


Hour later

The whole family was up here.

DJ was helping Nova drink water.

The doctor came back in with the results.

"So you passed everything; your brain looks great; you just need to take it really easy, I know your in a lot of pain, in I know it's hard for you to talk right now, but you need a lot of rest; we're going to keep you for a couple of more days to make sure you and the baby are okay," the doctor said.

"Baby," she said, looking confused.

"Yes, baby, you have been pregnant for at least three months now, but your baby's heartbeat is very slow, but now that you're up, maybe we can start getting food and the things you need back in your system," the doctor said.

"No, no, no, that can't be possible. I'm not pregnant." nova said she was starting to freak out.

Nova was shaking. Her life flashed before her eyes; she didn't want to be a mother, nor was she ready to be one.

She started crying.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't cry; it's going to be okay." DJ said tryna hold her.

"Don't touch me," she said, looking at him.

Her parents and siblings walked in.

She looked they way and just laid her head back, looking at the ceiling.

She put her hands over her face.

"What's wrong, baby? her mom said, going up to her and hugging her.

"I'm pregnant, I'm not ready, and I'm in so much pain," she said as touching her throat.

"It's okay, baby girl; you're gonna Be just fine." Her dad said he was coming up to her, hugging her, and kissing her forehead.

All her siblings came in and gave her hugs and kisses.

She was freaking out, like crazy.

"Maybe you need a shower. Uh, let's wash that funky hair," Reny said.

"Ok, yeah," Nova said, shaking.

"I knew she was gone, freak out," Trey said.

"Shii mee tooo,Jamari said.

"I already knew once she heard pregnant, it was over," the DJ said.

"Somebody is in trouble." Trey said

"Can yall shut up like I'm still right here?" Nova said so softly.

She couldn't raise her voice like that, her throat was very sensitive and; it will cause a huge headache.

She took her time getting out of bed.

"You got it or you need help." Dj said

"I'm fine," she said, standing and grabbing her crutches.

Dj was looking at her back and saw even more bruises from her back to her ass.

She walked very slowly.

Everyone was just silent.

"Ewwww, she got on those granny pants." Jamari said tryna make her laugh

"Shut up," she said, looking back at him, and then went to the bathroom.

Reny shut the door behind her.


Reny pov

I was giving Kaxoriyah a bath, and I was just looking at all the bruises on her body.

Tears started coming down my face.

"What's wrong?" she said, looking at me.

"Ooo, nothing," I said, trying to whip my tears

"Yes, there is," she said.

"Look at what they did to you; omg, you took all of this, and god forbid you not see how bruised up you are," I said as my voice cracked.

"I don't just see them, but I feel it, and my eyes hurt so bad, my neck is really sore, I feel like it's burning, my back hurts so bad, my ribs are on hell right now , and it just hurts from head to toe," she said.

I started washing her hair and stuff.

"Reny, stop," she said, as she wasn't feeling well.

"I don't want to continue," she said.

"Are you okay? I have to get the shampoo out of your hair," I said.

"No," she said, sitting on the ground and balling herself up.

"What's wrong?" I said as I sat on the toilet.

She started shaking.

"Nova, what's wrong?" I said.

"I'm cold," she said.

She started having a panic attack.

"Nova, calm down," I said.

"No, no, no, I told you, I'm not telling you where they were at," she said, rambling.

"Nova" I was trying to touch her.

She flinch

"My head hurts." She said, putting her hand down and her hands over her head.

I started getting scared.

I ran out of the bathroom.

"Something's wrong with Nova," I said, looking at DJ.

Moma ran into the bathroom.

DJ got up and came to the bathroom; everyone else just got up and stood by the door.

DJ grabbed the towel.

"Honey, what's wrong?" my mom said.

"I'm sorry, I'm not good enough. I tried to fight them back, but it was too many of them; they grabbed me and took me," Nova said, panicking and breathing really fast

"That guy shot me in the leg, and he did all these horrible things to me," she added.

She started going back and forth.

"MY HEADDDDDDD," she said trying to get as loud as she can starting to touch her throat

"Baby, what's wrong?" mom said, trying to touch her.

But she flinched again.

"Alright, let me try,"  DJ said, coming

I moved Moma out of the way.

"I need you to look up and look at me," DJ said.

"Please don't hurt me," she said shaking her head

"I'm not," he said.

She looked up and looked at DJ.

She started talking about small parts of what happened to her while she was at that place.

She kept saying her brain hurt.

Next thing you know, she passed out, but before her head could hit the shower ground, DJ caught her, wrapped the towel around her, and picked her up.

"Go get a nurse," the DJ said, carrying her.

"Omg," I said.

DJ put her in bed and covered her up with covers.

I went over and put her here in a bun.

The nurse ran in.

"What's wrong?" she said.

"She passed out; she was saying a lot of stuff and was cold, then next thing you know, she passed out," I explained to the nurse.

She checked Nova's heartbeat, her eyes, and stuff.

Nova slowly woke back up.

"What happened?" she said, looking around.

"You passed out," DJ said.

"Omg, what's wrong with me?" she said.

"Nothing, nothing is wrong with you," I said.

Holding her hand

The doctor walked in.

"What happened?" He said.

The nurse explained to the doctor what had happened.

The nurse checked her eyes to see if something was wrong

The doctor asked all of us to step outside, except for chanze.

Chanze stayed with Nova while we all went outside.

"Ok, so Nova is suffering from PTSD; she's fine, but she needs a lot of therapy," the doctor said.

"Ok, so what's up with her passing out a stuff?" my dad said.

"Yeah, and her being really cold and her saying her heads hurt, my mom said.

"She's just really overwhelmed; she has woken up and had a lot of bad news handed to her; she's in a lot of pain, and that's a lot to handle; she's going to need to be on bed rest for a couple of weeks up to a month; she needs to eat three times a day and take her pain medicine; she's going to have a lot of mood swings in no TV or any type of screen for the first week; just because it can make her headaches worse, she needs to get as much rest as she can," the doctor said.

"Ok," we all said.

"We are going to keep her for a couple of days, then she will be able to go home," the doctor said.

"Ok, thank you," my dad said.

We went back into the room and saw Chanze laying in bed with Nova.

Nova looked really stressed.

"Uhhh, let your sister get some space," dad said.

"I'm going to have to figure out where she's going to stay," my mom said.

"Mom, no, I'm going to my apartment." She said it softly.

"Baby, you're going to be on a lot of bed rest, so if you want to stay at your apartment, we all have to rotate to take care of you," mom said.

"I'm fine. I can take care of myself," Nova said.

"No, u can't." Dj and Trey said at the same time

"Can you shut up, and please stop talking?" she said.

"Hey, we are all here for you; we are all going to take turns taking care of you; you need to stay calm, and yes, DJ is helping out," I said.

"Can you all just be quiet?" she said.

We all just sat there, looking at her.

She laid her head back and covered her face.



The next day

"I need you to eat," I said, looking at her and just staring at her food.

"No," she said.

"Come on, please," I said.

"No, I'm not hungry," she said.

"I just need you to at least eat a little bit, if not for the baby," I said.

She looked at me.

Then I looked away.

"Can you get out?" she said.

"Wh-," I said before she cut me off.

"Dj, please, I just need a little space," she said.

"Ok, I'll let you be for a little bit." I said, getting up and kissing her forehead.

She just sat there staring at the wall I could tell she was irritated with me

I left the room.


Nova pov

DJ left the room.

Tears just came out of my face.

I was in so much pain, and I was pregnant.

My life felt over I felt so miserable and stuck.

I was depressed, and I hated the way I looked.

The bruises all over my body and the cast on my leg

I felt ashamed and weak.

Omniscient POV

She whipped her tear and got out of bed slowly, grabbed her crunches, and went into the bathroom slowly.

She looked at herself in the mirror and observed her bruises all over her

She felt like shit and looked like it.

She used the bathroom as she whipped herself, and she stood up and flushed the toilet

And she washed her hands and left, opening the bathroom door, trying to get back into bed.

As she was trying to get back in bed, she felt something running down her leg. She looked down.

And she saw blood dripping down from her leg.

She started feeling light-headed.

She started panicking and breathing fast

The next thing you know, she falls to the ground.

She passed out.

The blood spot is just getting bigger.

Nova was just lying on the ground, and a puddle of blood

She laid there for 10 minutes before DJ came back.

"NOVA," he said as he saw her lying there in a puddle of blood.

He went over to her and grabbed her

"NURSEEEEEE," the DJ said.

"NURSEEEEEE," he called again and again.

The nurse came running in, seeing DJ holding Nova.

"She's having a miscarriage," the nurse said.

The nurse went in and ran to get the doctor.

The doctor came back.

DJ picked her up and placed her in bed.

The nurse got the ultrasound ready.

The doctor pulled her gown up.

The nurse put the cold gel on Nova's stomach.

The doctor starts looking around.

The doctor tried to catch a heartbeat, but nothing

Dj was just standing there, coved in her blood.

Nova POV

I woke up and saw DJ just sitting there, thinking.

"What happened?" I said.

"You lost the baby," he said, looking at me.

"Oo," I said, looking away from him.

I didn't know how to feel, but I knew DJ wanted a child, but I didn't.

"It's okay, I just need you to get better," he said, holding my hand.

I just shook my head.

I was so overwhelmed.



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