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( chapter eight. )

Edited 12/27/2015 @3:14 AM

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Edited 12/27/2015 @3:14 AM

ANDREA PAUSED MIDAIR, WATCHING AS Tony rammed uselessly into the energy field surrounding the building. He cursed as he flew back around towards Andy, but the brunette ignored his irritation. She was too busy studying the colour that had become visible upon the impact of Tony hitting the field.

The blue was similar to Andrea's own energy, so, with curiousity overtaking the female, she drew closer.

"Language." Steve replied to the Stark man's sharp choice of words. Andrea felt a smile twitch at the corner of her lips, but her attention was still on the invisible barrier between her and her goal. The brunette pressed her hand against the force field, pushing hard. There was a loud buzzing where energy met energy; fire fighting fire.

It was a useless effort, Andrea knew it would be. But, she'd held onto hope that she might've been able to do something about the barrier. The Jones womans sighed.

  "J.A.R.V.I.S, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve asked the AI. Andrea glanced below, trying to ignore the way her palms went clammy as she realized just how high up she was.

She could see the fight still occuring from below and knew that she should've been down there, helping her team. But, they were holding fine on their own.

  "The central building is protected by some kind of energy field. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." J.A.R.V.I.S reported to the group.

The Jones woman withdrew her hand from the force field. "I'm heading down to you, Barton." Andrea said, giving a nod to Tony before she descended back towards the ground. She was no use up here when she couldn't fight without the risk of falling.

Andy sped up, only slowing when she was a few feet from the ground. Her landing was soft as she concentrated on remaining standing and she was quick to take cover behind a tree, out of sight from the bunker that searched the woods for any sign of them.

Barton stood across from her, hidden as well. He glanced over at the Jones woman, raising an eyebrow in questioning. Andrea knew he was asking about her newfound telekinetic ability but, with no time to properly explain, the brunette only shrugged.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it." Thor spoke up, his words catching Andrea's attention. "At long last." The God audibly muttered.

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