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( chapter ten. )

Edited 12/27/2015 @3:24 AM Edited 9/10/2018 @12:16 AM

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Edited 12/27/2015 @3:24 AM
Edited 9/10/2018 @12:16 AM


The battle had long since ended and the team was well on their way back to the Avengers Tower by now. Yet, everyone was silent in spite of the victory. Andy closed her eyes, hardly wincing as Natasha tended to her wound.

  Andrea had discarded of her suit and traded it in for the bloodstained tank top and shorts she wore beneath. The bullet-hole was left open for examination now. It was apparent that it wouldn't heal without aid.

"You're lucky that your abilities stopped the bleeding," Natasha told her as she picked up the sterilized tweezers from her small tray of medical tools.

  Rather than waiting to have a doctor properly look at the wound, Andrea chose to remove the bullet. It would let her healing take care of the wound, while also preserving the ammunition for examination. Otherwise, her abilities would destroy the foreign body.

At the sight of the tweezers, Andy shook her head. "Whatever they shot me with shattered upon impact," she spoke softly. Natasha rose an eyebrow, but didn't say anything as she set the tool down.

  Andy brought her hand to the opening at her stomach. She closed her eyes, reaching out with focus on her telekinesis. She could feel where the bullet had broken off, and she wanted no mark to show what HYDRA had done.

  Every movement could be felt as her powers found the scattered remains. Three in total. She was lucky. Her fingers drew back slowly, drawing out every piece with careful consideration.

Andrea opened her eyes. As the visible hue of her power slipped out of her wound, Natasha caught the bullet fragments with a tray as they fell. Andy grunted as the last fragment caught on her skin, fingers tensing.

She breathed a sigh of relief as she let her focus go. Pain still throbbed at the open wound, but Andy found that she didn't care much. This kind of pain was nothing in comparison to the ache that still thrummed inside her chest.

This mission had been her purpose; a show of strength. But, she'd failed─ and it was all because of a bullet wound. Andrea felt a rolling, immense wave of self-hatred wash over her. Her jaw went tight. She was tired of being weak, but never seemed able to prove herself strong.

Time and time again, failure after failure.

It was a vicious cycle. She hadn't been able to save Bucky, hadn't been able to keep herself from spiralling into depression, and, most importantly, she'd failed to avenge those who'd fallen at HYDRA's hand. She knew it was selfish of her to have wanted that glory; to say that she'd risen up and destroyed the organization that had carved a monster out of her.

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