Act III: Cat's In The Cradle

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Cherie sits at the hotel desk. She grabs the telephone and starts to spin the rotary dial to call her dad.

Cherie: Maybe I should call my dad... wait a second. What am I gonna do if I don't have a voice? I can't talk to anyone! Gosh! What am I thinking? He must still hate me after our fight anyways.

Cherie begins to cry and she smashes the telephone back on the hook to hang up. She turns her attention to the notepad and pen. She tears a few pages out to write a note about the witch and everything she went through so far to lose her voice. She decides that she wants to mail the note to her father. Cherie finishes the note, but she changes her mind.

Cherie: Oh, come on, this sounds silly. Who's gonna believe a twat like me? This is so crazy. My daddy would never believe me. I'm just like he is, stubborn and hard. So, just throw this junk away! I don't really care about him anyways.

Still crying and now super frustrated, Cherie crumples up the paper and violently throws it in the trash can. She also angrily swipes the notepad off the desk. Suddenly, Jackie walks by.

Jackie: Cherie, what is your problem?

Cherie puts her head down on the desk in tears. Jackie walks away. No one realizes that Cherie had accidentally swiped the notepad into the trash can too.

Cherie: I know how to look after myself! I'm 17, I know how to make my own decisions like an adult!

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