Whalen Frey

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Ser Whalen is the son of Walder Frey and Alyssa Blackwood, born 267 AC.Ser Whalen married Sylwa Paege, and together they had two children Hoster Frey and Merianne Frey.Recent Events: Whalen and his half-brother, Ser Danwell, attend their father, Lord Walder Frey, during the parley with Lady Catelyn Stark at the Twins.Whalen passes out while drinking with Lord Greatjon Umber during the Red Wedding.Walder Rivers tells Ser Jaime Lannister that Whalen participated in the slaying of Gray Wind. Ser Raynald Westerling grabbed Whalen's ax in an unsuccessful attempt to save the dire wolf, and Whalen claimed the wounded Raynald vanished into the Green Fork.

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