Rodrik Ryswell

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Lord Rodrik was also known as Lord of the Rills.

Lord Rodrik had five children, Bethany Ryswell, Barbrey Ryswell, Roger Ryswell, Rickard Ryswell, and Roose Ryswell.

History: Upon the outbreak of Robert's Rebellion, Rodrik's daughter Barbrey gave the pride of Rodrik's herds, a red stallion, to her husband, Lord Willam Dustin, when he traveled south with Lord Eddard Stark. The stallion returned north, but Willam did not.

Recent Events: House Ryswell is one of the first houses to swear allegiance to Lord Roose Bolton of the Dreadfort after he is named the new Warden of the North by the Iron Throne.

Theon Greyjoy notices Lord Rodrik's golden horse head banner above Barrow Hall, the seat of his daughter Barbrey, Lady of Barrowton. Lord Ryswell, along with his sons and surviving daughter Barbrey, attends the wedding of Ramsay Bolton to "Arya Stark" (actually Jeyne Poole) in Winterfell. Theon sees Rodrik's gold horse head hanging on the walls of the Great Hall during the wedding feast.

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