Chapter 8: Dinner Invitation

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The end of the week brought an unexpected invitation. Suzune Horikita approached Akira Kaneda in the dormitory's common area, her expression serious but tinged with a hint of curiosity.

"Ayanokoji," she began, her tone formal. "Manabu, has invited me to dinner this weekend. He and Tachibana are a couple now, and they want to catch up. He specifically asked if I could bring you along. He said he wants to see you again."

Akira raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and wariness crossing his features. "Manabu wants to see me? Did he specifically mention me by name?"

Suzune nodded. "Yes, he did. He referred to you as Ayanokoji. I told him about your new name, but he insisted on calling you Ayanokoji. I understand it's important for you to keep your identity as Akira Kaneda in public, and I'll respect that."

Akira sighed, considering the implications. Manabu was not someone he could easily avoid, especially given their shared history. "Alright, I'll go."

Suzune gave a small nod. 

The evening of the dinner arrived quickly. Akira and Suzune met up outside their dormitory, both dressed smartly for the occasion. They walked together to the restaurant, a quiet, upscale place that Manabu had chosen for its privacy.

As they entered the restaurant, Akira couldn't help but feel a bit on edge. It had been a while since he'd seen Manabu, and the circumstances were different now. He was no longer the enigmatic student from the White Room; he was Akira Kaneda, a university student trying to forge a new path.

Manabu and Tachibana were already seated at a corner table when Akira and Suzune arrived. Manabu stood up, a rare smile touching his lips as he greeted his sister with a hug. Tachibana, her expression warm and welcoming, followed suit.

"It's good to see you, Suzune," Manabu said, then turned his attention to Akira. "And you, Ayanokoji. It's been a while."

"Manabu, Tachibana," Akira replied, shaking hands with both of them. "Please, call me Akira in public."

Manabu's eyes flickered with acknowledgment. "Of course, Akira. It's good to see you."

They all took their seats, the initial formalities giving way to a more relaxed atmosphere. The waiter arrived, and they placed their orders. As the conversation flowed, Akira found himself surprisingly at ease. Manabu and Tachibana shared stories of their lives and their relationship, and Suzune updated them on her studies and experiences at the university.

At one point, Manabu turned to Akira, his expression thoughtful. "So, Akira, how have you been adjusting to university life? It must be quite a change from what you're used to."

Akira considered his response carefully. "It's been a significant adjustment, but a welcome one. University offers a different kind of challenge, one that I'm finding both stimulating and rewarding."

Tachibana smiled warmly. "That's good to hear. It's important to find your own path and embrace new opportunities."

Suzune, who had been quietly observing the interaction, added, "Akira has been doing well. He's made some new friends and is excelling in his classes."

Manabu nodded, his gaze steady on Akira. "I'm glad to hear that. It's important to move forward and build a life on your own terms."

The conversation shifted to lighter topics, and the dinner proceeded smoothly. There was laughter, shared memories, and a sense of camaraderie that made the evening enjoyable. Akira found himself appreciating the support and understanding from Suzune and the acceptance from Manabu and Tachibana.

As the evening drew to a close, Manabu raised his glass. "To new beginnings and the strength to move forward."

They all clinked their glasses together, the sentiment resonating deeply with Akira. It was a reminder that, despite the challenges and the weight of his past, he was on a new path, one that was defined by his choices and his determination to forge a different future.

After dinner, as they walked back to the dormitory, Suzune turned to Akira with a small smile. "I think that went well."

Akira nodded, feeling a sense of relief. "Yes, it did. Thank you for inviting me, Suzune."

She nodded. "You're welcome, Akira."

Akira smiled slightly, appreciating the balance she offered. "Thank you, Suzune."

As they continued their walk, Akira felt a sense of optimism for the future. The dinner had been more than just a reunion; it had been a reaffirmation of his new identity and the connections he was building. With each step forward, he was moving closer to the life he wanted to create, one that was free from the shadows of his past.

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