double date

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Yeh im okay with that baby ( giving confused smile to seo) then let go. Lily ask Have you had a lunch.
Nah!! That great let have a lunch together. Do you have any recommendations for hotel.
Ohh i there is one left side of bridge.
Ohk lily hold Kim hold ( trying to make jelouse by being lovely couple) and said let go there.
Seo said Let go babe take a purse from her and hold her hand.
After reaching at hotel.
Nice place you have a great choice
Seo said yeh she did bcz of it she chose me.
They started ordering food
Lily ask Kim wht would you have.
Umm I would like to have chicken wht about you xiaoki. Me
I would like to have pasta bcz it's is speciality of this restaurant seo said just order two.
Do you want something else xiaoki asked seo
You can order for me. Ohk would you have some drink yeh!!
Kim said Let me guess what would you order in cold drink.
Strawberries mint julep mocktail am I right xiaoki. Seo said No she didn't like it anymore
You don't know her Kim said I know her very well wht she have in lunch/ drink/ sweet. I know her very well bcz we spent alot time together.
They both grazing at each other.
And seo said yeh it was past she changed alot you don't know what she like or dislike. I know her better than you bcz she is my gf
Pull xiaoki chair near to him.
And grab her hand and by kissing on her hand he say babe order whatever you want and don't look at price just look at me. And plz order mine also you know better wht I like and dislike.
( Kim getting jelouse)
Ohk xiaoki replied would you like to have Mexican horchata. As you wish darling ( xiaoki blush ) ohk then 2 Mexican horchata.
( Lily is getting jelouse of her)

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