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Did you set today schedule?
Yeh sir you have meeting with mr min,  lunch with your family, and also  we have to choose model for our new ad's and etc.
And also mr Lee send a email.
Who is mr Lee
Sir he is a famous business man of our country &  he came under top 10 business man in world. Blah blah blah
Seo reply then wht he e mail you.
Sir he said that for his new project he want a business partner and so he said that to make presentation about our product & wht we will do advantage and etc. sir I think we are very lucky if we get this opportunity.
It will also help us to grow our company fast.
Hmm I think we have taken participate in it & prepare presentation.
Sir but there is one problem he is coming tomorrow.
And we have only today time to complete that presentation & the person who represents presentation is also taken holiday for today & tomorrow we have to find someone who can explain it clearly.
Hmm tell other employees that we have to stay at night here until are project is done.
Okay sir,
After few hours,
Let start making presentation.
Xiaoki asked Sir what I write first.
Write introduction then sub details, details, our product thyme, our mind set ,advantage/ benefits and etc.
Okay sir this presentation take a 6 hour and now it's 3 am and they done with presentation . Sir now we have to find someone who can represent better.
Okay let do one thing
Do one by one let me see who can explain better.
After all employees done with there representation. Seo said I don't think so anyone from you explain better.
Xiaoxi said Sir can I try.
Try it
After representing all people started clapping and seo said I think you can represent the presentation for tomorrow.
Now it's 3:30am
Seo said Done then let's go home
it's already late
Okay sir everyone left
Seo asked xiaoki should I drop you.
She said no sir I will go home don't worry.
I m waiting in car come fast by saying this he leaves...

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