Minho imagine: Saying Goodbye

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This was supposed to be published yesterday but uh...oh well😅.

Today was the day.

The day your boyfriend would be leaving for college, which was half way across the world from you.

You both knew that long distance relationships never work, so you both decided that it would be best if you broke it off the day he leaves.

Which was today.

You walked in the airport hand in hand, knowing it would be a long time until you can do it again.

Just the thought of him leaving made your eyes glossy, and knowing Minho he already knew something was wrong.

He stopped walking and turned to you looking at you right in the eyes. "Please don't cry babe..." he started to sniffle.

"It's only going to get tougher when you actually leave..." You trailed off not looking at him anymore.

Just then he lifted your chin so that you were facing him, a smile formed on both of your faces. "But hey, don't you like tough? That's why you chose me babe" he said with a giggle and a smirk.

Gosh your gonna miss that cheeky smirk of his. Dammit Minho.

You both sat down, just trying to enjoy each-others company...while it lasted. He brought out his phone as you did the same "Selfie?" Minho said with a smile.


You both took a bunch of pictures silly and cute ones. The last one you took was with you kissing each other, and honestly that was the cutest one you took. He made it his background picture.

You gave him a look "You remind me of home" he said with a light smile.

There was only a few minutes left until his flight would be called, and you weren't prepared for it.

"Hey don't think about it okay? I wanted to wait until I actually left but I guess this is the perfect time" Minho took out a black box, and took out a necklace with a locket, there was a picture of you and him laughing in the middle.

That was the first picture you took as a couple. Your eyes started to become even more glossy, and a tear dropped from your eyes. "You're such a shuck-face" you said laughing.

He carefully put the locket around your neck and embraced you into a tight hug. Just then his flight was called. "I won't go until she calls the last one okay?" He said smiling, you nodded.

For last few moments you had with him was spent in a warm and loving hug, a few cheeky kisses here and there ;)

The last one was called and he backed up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he snaked his around your waist bringing you closer.

He crashed his lips to yours. It was filled with lust and sadness. This would be the last one until you meet again, so this kiss just meant the world to you.

You both broke off and stood there for a moment. "I guess it's official, goodbye Minho" you said trying to smile.

"I will never stop loving you y/n, I never will"
You kissed him one last time and he walked away.

Just a couple minutes later he texted you "Together forever" you smiled

"Ever and ever" you texted back

And that was it.

*** (Four years later)

Your phone rang from a new text.

"Together...forever?" You knew who it was.

The same boy that you fell hard for four years ago.

Just then door rang, so you went to go and open it.

And he stood there with a smile, you embraced him with a hug. "Ever and ever"


K if I made any mistakes I kinda don't care cause I don't want to edit it😹. Sorry if this was boring. K byeeee


Maze Runner Imagines//PreferencesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt