The Cute/Funny text he sends you

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You were in the middle of class taking your math test, when you get a text from your boyfriend Thomas. Luckily the ringtone isn't on, so your teacher doesn't hear you.

Tommy💛: Knock knock?
You: Thomas I'm in the middle of test, it's not time for jokes...who's there?😒
Tommy💛: Olive
You: Olive who?
Tommy💛: Olive you💕
You: That's so cheesy, I love you too💛


Minho was currently away on a trip with Thomas and Newt, so he'd send you cute texts everyday. But today you sent him a text first, just to see what he'd do.

You: Hey babe, I love you❤️
Sass Master👑: Iloveyoutoo
You: Something wrong with your spacebar?
Sass Master👑: No, there's just no space for me to love anyone else💗


Newt was currently in that stage where he felt the need to send you adorable text messages 24/7, especially good morning texts. He was sorta like your alarm, especially since he'll send you a bunch of texts.

Newtie💌: So...I miss you
Newtie💌: You need to wake up y/n
Newtie💌: But don't
Newtie💌: Because you need sleep
Newtie💌: You're cute when you sleep
Newtie💌: But you should be sleeping with me
Newtie💌: So we can cuddle
Newtie💌: Yeah.
Newtie💌: Okay?
You: Okay❤️

Maze Runner Imagines//PreferencesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt