Chapter Seventeen

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I don't know how long I'd been in this bathroom. It felt like hours, but I know that wasn't the case. It smelled so bad. But Ryan said not to exit the bathroom until he came.

There was a knock at the door.

"Mr. Urie?" Shit, it was the cop. "Mr. Urie open the door."

"I-I'm using the bathroom."

"You've been in there for fifteen minutes."

That's all?

"I-I don't feel so good."

"I haven't heard you vomit in there."

"Well, I have."

"Open the door."

"I can't."

I listened closely to see if she'd say anything else. But all I heard were footsteps. Thank god, she was walking away. Then I faintly heard her speak again. But I don't think she was talking to me.

"Do you have the key to that door." I heard her whisper.

"The bathroom?" A male voice answered.



"Can you go unlock it for me?"

"Is someone in there?"

"Yes. I'm an FBI agent and a man I'm looking after locked himself in there."


Shit. I could feel myself panicking. She was going to unlock the door and force me to come out. But Ryan told me to stay in here. What the hell was I supposed to do? I glanced around the bathroom for answers. But there was nothing in here I could use. Not even to block the door.

I could hear them walking back towards the door. Where the hell was Ryan? What was taking him so long? The door knob squeaked when someone tried to turn it. Didn't she tell him it was locked? And then I heard the jiggling of keys. There was nothing I could do but stand there as the door opened.

They stood on the other side. An annoyed look clear on her face. Her hands were resting on her hips. The man beside her lifted an eyebrow. He was a round guy with messy clothes. I'm assuming he's the gas station attendant.

"Let's go, Mr. Urie." She rolled her eyes.

The gas station's door open. The bell above it dinged, signaling that someone has entered. I glanced over at the entrance and nearly sighed in relief. Ryan! He'd changed his clothes. He was wearing a pair of black slacks and a long sleeved, black button up. I didn't want to think about where he'd gotten the clothes. His hair was parted and styled to the left. He looked neat and professional. It was sexy.

"Do you need something sir?" The man asked him.

He ignored him. His eyes only on me. Never wavering. "Didn't I tell you to go in the bathroom?"

"Yes." I answered automatically.

The woman looked between Ryan and I in confusion. She dug in the jacket pocket of her pantsuit and pulled out her wallet. Flashing her FBI badge.

"I'm agent Thomas, with the FBI. I don't know your rank or jurisdiction. But I've been authorized to-"

"Didn't I tell you to stay in there?" Ryan spoke over her. Ignoring her completely.

"Yes, I tried to but she-"

"Go in the bathroom, baby."

"Baby?" She repeated in confusion. Understanding filled her face a few seconds later. She laughed at herself and put her badge back in her jacket. "I'm sorry. I thought you were an officer or- never mind I'm sorry. Are you in a relationship with Mr. Urie?"

Ryan finally looked away from me. He frowed at agent Thomas. "Yes."

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I understand that may be confusing, but Mr. Urie is now under federal-"

"Go in the bathroom." Ryan told me again.

I stepped towards the dirty door. But agent Smith grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"He has to come with me."

"Listen, lady." Ryan stepped towards her. The gas station attendant pushed Ryan back away from her.

"I think the lady asked you to leave."

I saw the change in Ryan. He went from relaxed and calm I don't even know how to describe it. But the switch happened in the time frame of a millisecond. He turned to face the man. Practically shaking with rage. His long leg kicked out and slammed against the man's shin. Knocking him over. Ryan crouched down and grabbed the back of the man's neck as soon as his stomach hit the floor. And then, with more force than seemed humanly possible, he slammed his head onto the hard floor. A puddle of red began blanketing around his hair.

Agent Thomas let go of me. Crouching in a defense position. She drew her gun from her pocket and aimed it at Ryan.

"Stand up and put your hands in the air!" She screamed. "Turn around!"

Ryan glanced up at her and smiled. Both his hands shot up above his head and he slowly straighted to his feet. Ryan's eyes flickered to mine before he spun so that his back was to us.

"Brendon." He said my name softly.

"Y-Yes?" I was such a wimp, my voice cracked.

"Don't move, Urie!" The woman yelled at me as she slowly approached Ryan's back. She switched her gun to one hand and reached to her side for her cuffs.

"Brendon." Ryan said my name in same tone.

"Don't move!"

I stood in confused shock as I watched her step behind him. Her gun pointed at his back. My heart was racing so fast in my chest that I could feel the blood pumping in my ears. She snapped one handcuff around his wrist. She was trying to take him away. Adrenaline pumped through me. I charged towards her. Pushed her with all the strength I had. She fell sideways. The gun falling from her hands and spinning to the ground. Ryan turned around quickly. Slamming his foot on her stomach.

"Get out." Ryan barked the order. "Go wait in her car for me."

I rushed past them. Stepping over the man's dead body on the floor. And I pushed open the door. Refusing to look back at the gruesome scene.

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