Chapter Two

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"Ryan." He smiled so I did too.

He didn't address himself as an officer. Probably to make me feel more comfortable talking to him. But I didn't need for him to try to fill me with false comfort. That man was gorgeous enough that I would tell him anything he wanted to know.

"So." I glanced down at the table. "Are you going to start or..." I trailed off without looking up.

"You want me to start?" He sounded shocked. Amused.

Was that not how this went? Wasn't he supposed to be asking me questions?

"I guess I could start. You know, tell you what I know." And get Trevor in trouble with the police.

"What you think you know." He leaned across the table towards me.

"I'm pretty sure I know."

"Oh really?" His perfectly trimmed eyebrow rose.

"Yeah actually." I said  bitterly.

Leaning over the table the same way he was to mock him. I hadn't even told this guy my side and he already thought I was lying. What was the point of me being here? Cops were all assholes.

"But do you have proof? Proof is essential." He moved in closer.

"I don't need proof. I know who did it." I was starting to get annoyed. Past annoyed. I was getting angry.

"You think you know." Our faces were inches apart. "Your eyes darken when you're angry." He smiled again.

"Well stop making me angry." I could feel a strong tension between us. It made me uncomfortable in a terrible way. But it also excited me. Maybe cops weren't so bad.

"But I like the  color darker." He spoke slowly. "Its extremely sexy."

I drew back. Sexy? A man just called me sexy. There were so many things wrong with that. Albeit, I'd called him gorgeous in my head but that was just an observation. He was extremely attractive. First, I know for a fact that I am not sexy. No one in my life had ever called me sexy. I was passable. Barely. But no more than that. Second, I'm not gay. At least I don't think I am. I'd never been sexually attracted to a guy. But I have wanted to have sex with a girl. Almost every girl in the office. Maybe I just wanted to have sex. Maybe I was gay. How should I know? I'd never had a chance with a guy or girl.

"That's inappropriate." I managed to say without my voice cracking.

"You don't think I'm sexy?" He stuck his bottom lip out into a pout. And I had to admit. It was sexy. But I couldn't tell a cop that.


His eyes narrowed. "You're lying. I can tell when someone is lying to me."

"Maybe you should just accept that you're not my type." I sat all the way back and crossed my arms over my chest. "Or maybe not sexy at all."

That got to him. "Of course I'm sexy!" He slammed his hand on the desk in front of me. "Do you think I could do what I do if the people weren't attracted to me?"

"You don't need to be attractive for that. Anybody could do it."

It was true. I'd met cops with IQ's equivalent  to their shoe size. I could tell I was making him upset. The same way he'd been making me upset. Let's see how he liked being angry.

"Anybody could do it huh?" He stood up, still leaning over the table.  "You think just anybody could kill?"

Kill? When did a cop in this town ever have to kill? Something glimmered in the light off of his wrist. A bracelet? I glanced down at it in confusion. Ugly bracelet. It was thick and metal. Maybe it was supposed to match his fiftieth century look. But then I noticed the chain attached to the bracelet. A chain that connected the bracelet to another bracelet. His bracelet was connected to the table like handcuffs?

Handcuffs! They were handcuffs! I got up from the table and stepped away from it. As far away from him as I could in the small room. His eyes lit up with excitement.

"W-Why are you wearing handcuffs?" Was that my voice? I was such a sissy.

"You'd rather I be free to roam the room? Tell your little cop friends that." He turned to face the large mirror on the side of the wall. "You hear that? He wants me uncuffed."

Wait. My cop friends? He was the cop. No, of course he wasn't idiot. He was cuffed to a table. He was a criminal. A criminal with nice eyes and a great smile. But still a criminal!

"I'm not a cop." I told him. And then to the mirror. "I'm not a cop!"

Ryan smiled again. "You're not? You mean to tell me they put some random guy in the room?" He laughed. It was beautiful. "You incompetent fools!" He'd better be talking to the mirror. "And I was having so much fun with you."

The door slammed open and two uniformed police officers barged in. They both grabbed me by the shoulder and began pulling me out if the room. I'd never been more afraid in my life. I could hear Ryan. Calling after me. Saying he wanted to see me again. Oh God, I was so done for. Once I was a safe distance away, one if the cops pulled out his walkie-talkie.

"All's clear. I repeat, all is clear. The subject had been saftly removed from the Social Stabber's room."

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