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The next day, Azalea followed the plans and met up with the Villains to go over their idea to get the book. They decided to meet at Morgie and Hooks dorm.

While Azalea sat with Morgie on his bed, Hook, Hades, and Maleficent sat on Hooks bed. Uliana stood proudly in front of the group, "now that we have Princess joining us, this is going to be almost too easy."

Azalea felt uneasy at the villains looked over at her a smirked, the serpent boy noticed and subtly place a hand on her back, she smiled at him. Hook rolled his eyes.

"here's what I'm thinking, we sneak into Merlin's office, I will grab the book, Azalea will open it and help up make the cupcake that will get Bridget back and I was thinking since you and Bridget were such good friends maybe you could give it to her," Uliana looked at Azalea as she finished, the blonde brows furrowed slightly.

"why me?"

"she won't trust a cupcake from me, stupid," Uliana remarked, rolling her eyes slightly. Azaleas raised her brows at the octopus.

"okay, now that we went over that, We'd need someone to keep watch for Merlin," Azaleas scoffed slightly, "castlecoming is tomorrow, we can't get detention or else the plan won't work,"

"maybe you're not completely stupid," Uliana commented before continuing, "Morgie will keep watch,"

As much as Morgie wanted to prove himself to the other villains, he didn't want to prank Bridget. He didn't not like the pink haired girl, he didn't hate anyone. He felt especially guilty for dragging Azalea in on this, but the duo had been getting closer since he did so he wasn't entirely unhappy with it.

"we will meet at 10:00 by the trees near Merlin's office, don't be late," Uliana pointed at Azalea specifically before pointing at Hades and Maleficent and leaving with the two.

"okay," she dragged out awkwardly standing up, "I'd better go, but I'll see you guys tonight,"

"let me walk you to your dorm," Morgie said quickly, standing up and almost tripping on a textbook that was placed next to his bed, "you never know what could happen,"

"oh, ummm, okay," she gave a tight lipped smile before the duo left the dorm room. She was supposed to meet up with Red and Chloe after their little meeting but she guessed she'd have to wait, "thank you for walking me,"

"it's no problem," he waved off, smiling at her, "I can tell you're kind of uneasy about this whole thing, that's why I wanted to talk to you,"

She nodded at him to continue, "you don't have to go through with this if you don't want to, Bridget is a nice girl and importantly your friend, I'd totally get it if you said you didn't want to do it and I'd even cover for you,"

She looked at him with her brows rose, she knew Morgie was the nicer Villain kid but she'd never expected him to basically tell her to back out.

"it's ok, if it helps me prove myself to Hook then," she shrugged as she droned off, putting her head down. Sure, she'd felt bad about lying to him but she needed to stick to the plan. She looked back up at Morgie grabbed her hand.

"you shouldn't have to prove yourself to anyone, if he can't see how great you are then that's on him,"

She smiled at him, and suddenly it wasn't a plan to get Hook to like her anymore. She should've noticed Morgie before she doesn't know how she didn't. Well, the truth was Morgie intimidated Azalea, he could turn her to stone if he wanted to, Hook was just a guy with a hook as a hand and a smart mouth.

Being with Morgie felt different than with Hook

"well," she cleared her throat, "this is my stop,"

"okay, I'll see you tonight then," he stopped at her door, he stood sort of awkwardly before leaning in a giving her a small kiss on the cheek, "remember what I said though,"

As he walked away, Azalea then noticed that they were still holding hands. She smiled to herself as she walked into her dorm, where Tyla and Bonnie sat with smirks on their face.

"so, you've made two villains go soft for you," Bonnie sarcastically remarked, snickering at the blush that heated up Azalea face.

"it's not like that!"

"sure," Tyla nodded, not convinced, "oh by the way, Red and Chloe's were looking for you,"

"oh shoot, yes, I'll be right back," Azalea quickly left, the two girls laughing at her as she closed the door. She made sure that the coast was clear before walking down the hall and knocking on the door.

"azalea there you are, come in," Red smiled, pulling the blonde girl into the room. Azalea had never been in the stardust dorms, but it was as beautiful as she'd imagined, she looked around the room in awe, "so what did they say,"

"right," she shook her head, "we are meeting up at 10:00 to go sneak into Merlin's office, but be careful because Morgie was forced to keep watch,"

"okay, so we will sneak into Merlin's office before they have the chance and steal the book before Uliana will get to it,"

"wait hang on," Chloe interrupted, looking at the two in disbelief, "we are sneaking in a stealing it? Why not just tell Merlin he will help us!"

"yeah right, he won't just hand us the book," Red rolled her eyes at the Princess, "it's banned remember,"

"we have the chance to do something good and you're thinking of stealing?"

"god, you sound like your mom," red said, azalea just stood quietly watching the scene unfold.

"good, I'd rather be like my mom than a bad person,"

"yeah and how'd that work out for her?" Chloe stared at Red as tears welded in her eyes. Azalea then understood that something bad happened to Chloe's mom and Red saying that was a low blow.

"guess come on, we need to work together," Azalea said quietly, rubbing her hand up and down Chloe's back.

That clearly didn't work as Chloe scoffed at Red, "wow, you know you're just like your mom," Red stiffened.

"maybe," she nodded, grabbing onto Azaleas hand, "but we are going to stop this," Red dragged Azaleas out of the room, Chloe followed but went in an opposite direction.

"what was that about?"

"nothing, it's ok," Red shook her head, sighing when Azalea shot her a look silently telling her to 'spill it' "my mom is a Queen, a really evil on and she sentenced Chloe's mom to death,"

"oh, Red-"

"I know it was a low blow, but she's such a goody goody and I-"

Red was cut off as Azalea pulled her in for a hug. Red wasn't a big huger but after her conversation with Bridget yesterday she'd been really wanting one. Not that Azalea knew, but talking to your mom as a teenager isn't exactly the easiest thing to do. Red wrapped her arms around Azalea tightly as tears threatened to fall.

"for what it's worth, being a goody goody isn't a bad thing," Azalea said pulled away from the hug, "but doing bad things, like breaking into the principals office, doesn't make you a bad person, it's for a good cause I know it,"

"thanks, Azalea, I really needed that," Red sniffled smiling as Azalea took her thumbs and wiped away the tears that flooded her face.

"of course, Red, you're my friend now, and believe it or not Chloe is your friend too, she will come around," Red nodded at her, she was really grateful for the new friendships she'd made, but that only made her more sad because she knew after they stole the book they'd had to leave.

Red was hopefully that she could change her and Chloe's story, but Azaleas as well, she deserved her happy ending.

Red went back to Azaleas dorm and hungout with Bonnie and Tyla too before the clock struck 9:30 and she left.

By 10:00, Bonnie and Tyla were passed out. Azalea changed into darker clothing, that she stole from Tyla and laughed quietly as she took the book that rested on Bonnie's face and placed it on the night stand.

She looked at her best friends before leaving the room and stepping into the cold, rainy night.

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