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The next day, Azalea sprinted to Red and Chloe's dorm, excited to tell them all about her talk with Morgie the night before. She knocked loudly, waiting for a bit, a huge smiled on her face. She'd figured they'd be getting ready for castlecoming in their dorm like all the other students. She knocked again, furrowing her eyebrows as nobody answered. She turned the knob and noticed it was unlocked so she pushed her way in.

When she was inside, red and Chloe were gone, only the book that sat on the bed. She walked up and grabbed it, she looked to the side and noticed a note. Gently picking it up and unfolded it.

Dear Azalea,

We are sorry we had to leave without saying goodbye, so Chloe thought we should leave a note. I don't really know what to say so I'm going to hand the pen and paper over to her.

Hi Lea, you were such an amazing and unexpected friend, we are extremely grateful for how much help you've been to us. It wasn't easy to leave you, Bridget, Ella and the girls but we had to, we knew from the start we couldn't stay. Red and I are glad we could change your story, and lead you to have the ending you deserved.

We hope you have an amazing time at castlecoming for us, we miss you and hope to see you again in the future. Thanks for being a kind friend we can go to.

also have fun with Morgie, he was always the better choice.

Red and Chloe.

Azalea let out a sob, Chloe and Red were really gone. They left last night and Azalea didn't even get to say good bye to the girls who became some of her best fiends. She wiped the tears off her face as she shoved the note in her pocket. She looked sadly around the room one last time before closing the door.

It didn't feel real that Red and Chloe were gone. She'd spent so much time with the two girls she couldn't imagine her life without them. She was upset at them for leaving but she knew that they always did what they thought was best, and Azalea could live knowing they were okay. She knew she'd see them again someday, as they said in the note. And she knew she'd never forget them.

When Azalea walked back into her dorm, Bonnie and Tyla immediately stood up once they noticed the tears in their friends eyes. They didn't ask what was wrong, they knew she'd tell them when she was ready, so instead they gave her a hug and held her as she cried.

They wiped her tears and told her it would be ok. Since it was still castlecoming, they led her over to the vanity and Tyla worked on her makeup while Bonnie did her hair.

Azaleas tears had dried, she promised herself she'd have a good time at the dance, for her friends.

Tyla put a light blue shimmery eye shadow on her with blue rhinestones and butterflies. Bonnie styled the girls blonde hair in a float curl bring two sections from the front back, leaving face framing strands in the front and did a braid, putting blue clip in butterflies in the braid.

They sat on the beds, make up and hair done, and chatted all together when a knock was heard from the door. Azalea stood up and opened it, Bridget and Ella stood smiling on the other side.

"you guys look gorgeous!" Bridget gushed, she pulled open a tray up cookies, "I made these for us, they're sugar cookies, no special magic added,"

"yum," Tyla hummed grabbing one of the cookies, the rest of the girls followed in suit.

"where's red and Ella?" Bridget questioned, looking around the group. Bonnie and Tyla looked at each other, they silently confirmed that that's what Azalea was upset about.

"they had to go back home, some emergency," Azalea answered, lying straight through her teeth, "but they said to have fun tonight, for them,"

Bridget smiled sadly putting her hand on Azaleas, "then we will do just that!"

When the clock read 7:00 the girls all got into their dresses. Azaleas wore a light blue dress, butterflies adorned the corset top, Tyla was in a flowy sage green dress, that had an open back and flowed nicely down in the front, Bonnie was in a light yellow dress with a tight bodes and puffy skirt, Bridget wore a pink dress decorated with red hearts and Ella was in a blue suit, with a lighter blue heart design.

They all gushed about how good they all looked. A knock sounded at the door, however none of them noticed as they continued to complimenting each other. The person knock again this time Bridget heard it so she went over to open the door.

When she saw who was on the other side she smirked and looked over at Azalea, "it's for you," she moved out of the way to show Morgie standing nervously on the other side.

"hi," she smiled walking over to the door, ignoring the girls snickers, "you clean up nice,"

"so do you," he laughed, she rose her brows an amuse smile on her face at the boys nervousness, "not that you don't always look good, you do I'm just saying that you look especially good right now,"

Azalea laughed at him, waving at the girls before closing the door behind her, " so no evil plans tonight I hope,"

"unless you talking about my wicked dance moves you've got nothing to worry about," he chuckled.

"can't wait to see them," she grinned, lacing her arm with his. Azalea had to admit, light blue looked really good on the boy, it was different from his normal green and black.

When Red and Chloe said that he was the right choice, Azalea believed them. He'd always been nothing but kind to her, staying back while Uliana tormented the group of girls, rolling and eyes and pulling Hook back when he was being a jerk.

Azalea didn't even know why she had a crush on Hook when Morgie had always been right in front of her.

"I've got to admit I'm really excited to be there with you," he admitted, " I've had a crush on you since, like, the first day of school, but then you like Phillip and Hook.."

"I'm sorry I put you though that, I didn't know,"

"it's not your fault," he waved off her apology, "what matters is that we're here now,"

Music pounded through the walls of the ballroom as kids danced and ate the multiple arrays of food at the dance. Azalea laughed as she pulled Morgie with her to the snack table, he wore a goofy smile. A slow song came on and Azalea looked over to see Ella and Charming dancing together.

She signaled over Bridget, "look! Ella finally got her Prince Charming," Bridget and Azalea giggled together as they looked at the pair. They always knew Ella and Charming would get together, they were perfect.

"care for another dance?" Morgie said, holding his hand out to Azalea, she chuckled nodding her head and grabbing a hold of his hand, his cold rings sending shivers down her spine.

The duo walked away from Bridget and onto the dance floor. Azalea smiled as she wrapped her arms around Morgie neck, pulling him closer as they swayed to the music.

Bridget watched with a proud smile, she was happy her friends had someone they liked, even loved, she hoped one day someone would be as interested in her. She jumped as someone tapped her shoulder, she turned around to see Bonnie standing there, grinning at the pink haired girl.

"care for another dance?" She mocked, holding her hand out to Bridget. She laughed sweetly, taking Bonnie's hand and the two slow danced together.

"thank you, Bon," Bridget said, smiling at her friend. Bridget had expressed to Bonnie how she was upset that nobody wanted to go with her, so Bonnie made it her person mission to make tonight the best night for Bridget.

"what are friends for?" She said, Bridget laughed, hugging Bonnie tightly as the song came to an end, "now, go do your Cupid shuffle," Bonnie pushed Bridget.

The rest of the night had been the best for all of the girls. Ella and Azalea had fun with their 'princes' and best friends.

Azalea remembered how she wished she'd find a prince at Merlin Academy, but looking back on it would make her laugh. She found something way better, and made so many more friendships along the way.

This was the happily ever after Red and Chloe were talking about. This was the change in her story she was waiting for.

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