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"surprised you actually showed, Princess," Uliana whispered, menacingly, shooting a look at Hook. Azalea caught that, she started to think maybe it was a good thing she'd lost feelings for the Caption, it was clear to her now that Hook had feelings for Uliana, not her. Azalea smiled as she moved to stand next to Morgie.

"yep," was all she said, the group stood under the trees as Hook hoisted himself up onto a branch and used his telescope to peek into Merlin's office.

"coast is clear," he announced as he noticed Merlin wasn't in sight, he jumped back down and stood in between Morgie and Azalea. Morgie shot him a glare.

"okay, Morgie if you see Merlin, make a noise or something," Uliana said as the group began to creep forward.

"oh, I could do a wolf," he exclaimed excitedly, azalea chuckled at him, "or a dog,"

"wait!" Uliana whispered putting a hand in front of them, "look what we have here," the group looked over and saw Red, sneaking up the then office. Azalea mentally cursed herself, she thought Red would go earlier.

"I can do different dogs," Morgie proudly announced, nodding his head to the blonde girl. She looked at him with an amused smile, he just shrugged at her with a dopey smile.

"just in time for the show," Uliana smirked as she also noticed Chloe. Azalea tried to hide the smile that creeped up her face, Morgie noticed and bumped his shoulder on hers. When she looked up at him he gave her a look, it was her turn to shrugged before turning back forward, missing the proud smile that found its way on his face.

"let's go," Uliana motioned them forward and they all followed her inside the office. They peaked through the  glass windows watching the girls fight off an owl and floating swords. Azalea grimaced, she should've known that the office was enchanted.

After Chloe sacrificed her rhinestone shoes to hit the owl into the fireplace and block it off with the table, Uliana pushed the doors open and they all walked in.

As they planned, when Red and Chloe saw Azalea they had a look of betrayal, they were amazing actresses, "Azalea?"

Uliana cackled, pulling the Princess to the front, "aw, how sad," Uliana pouted, "your friend betrayed you, how awful that must feel," she laughed again.

Red looked at the book, Uliana noticed and used her tentacle to grab it quickly, "too slow," she cackled again. It took every ounce in Azaleas body not to roll her eyes as Uliana annoying laugh.

"no-" red tried to move forward but Chloe put her arm out.

"it's over, Red," Chloe said, giving Red a look, "it's two on five,"

"that's right, we won," Uliana laughed, what she forgot however, was that the book was enchanted. Azalea failed to remind her, "now let's see what kind of mischief you have for us," they group, except Azalea, laughed.

"wait-" Hook tried to grab the book, he was the only one who remembered but it was too late. Azalea moved out of the way as Uliana opened the book, the spell hit them as the book flew out of their arms and into Azaleas.

The villains all froze, Uliana's scream muffled.

"there's one thing you forgot, Uliana, all banned books are enchanted to keep you guys out of it," Azalea smirked as Ulianas muffled scream rang out again.

"nice job, Lea," Red praised, smiling at the group of villains, she hummed before pushing Hook down. He left out a muffled yelp and complained as Red stole his shoes, "new shoes? My treat,"

"thank you," Chloe said taking the shoes, Azalea look over at the blocked fireplace, picking up a piece of the glass shoe.

"that's such a shame, I really liked those shoes," Azalea complained, Chloe laughed quietly.

"it was time to lose the glass shoes,"

The girls walked over to Merlin's desk and eyed the book in Azaleas hands, Azaleas smiled before handing the book to Red, "you should open it,"

"no way," red shook her head, "you said its enchanted to keep it out of the wrong hands, and these are definitely the wrong hands,"

"no, Azaleas, right," Chloe agreed.

"but you said it your self, I'm evil just like my mom," Red sighed looking down, "I lie, I cheat, I steal,"

"but you also just stopped a bully," Azalea's commented.

"and you saved me from being fish food putting yourself at risk," Chloe smiled, "you do so much good, Red, I'm sorry it took me so long to realize,"

"you got this,"

"okay," Red sighed, she grabbed the book from Azaleas hands, hesitantly opening it. She laughed as the book opened for her, "how'd you know?"

"I was only like 80% sure,"

"I could've been perma- frozen and you were only 80%?"

"wait guys," Azalea shushed them as she heard Morgie howling like a dog, "we have to go,"

They froze as they heard Merlin talking, Azalea quickly opened the window and the trio jumped out of it.

They laughed quietly as they heard Merlin talking from inside. As they walked she looked over and saw Morgie still in the trees, "you guys go, I have someone I need to talk to,"

Red and Chloe gave each other a knowing look and pushed Azalea towards the trees, giggling like school girls.

"so, I see you were playing us," Morgie grinned as they met in the middle, "I had a feeling,"

"how'd you know?"

"you're very easy to read, Azalea, I may not be good with book but I'm semi-good with people, especially you," he informed, taking her hand in his.

"I wanted to ask you something," she smiled up at him, he urged her to continue, "I know normally the boy asks the girl but do you want to go to castlecoming with me?"

"I'd like that," he pulled her in by her hands and wrapped his arms around her, "especially considering none of my friends will be there,"

Azalea laughed at him, " I feel bad about not telling you about the plans with Red and Chloe,"

"eh don't be," he pulled her hand again so they were walking on the pavement, "when you're double crossing, you can't tell the villains, I get it,"

"no, you're different," he looked at her expectingly, "you're not a villain, you're just a boy who gets into bad situations,"

He smiled at her, it was nice to know someone didn't think he was evil. Everyone was scared of him because of Uliana, it cut off a lot of chances to get to know other people. He was just glad that out of everyone, Azalea saw the goodness in him.

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