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Profile: Sasha Bellator.
Little Warrior (by her parents).
Swift Foot (by Cole).
Magic Girl (by Kai).
The Purple Ninja.
The Magic Ninja (by Master Wu).
The Master of Magic (by Master Wu).
Sister (by the Ninjas).
Species: Human/Dragon hybrid.
Mathew Bellator (father).
Jessika Bellator (mother).
Peter Bellator (older brother).
Ninjago City Orphanage (formerly).
Wu's Academy.
Secret Ninja Force.
Elemental Masters.
Elemental Resistance.
Weapon(s) of Choice:
Ninja Bow & Arrows.

Official Biography:
Sasha is a simple girl who is connected with Element of Magic. She is extremely aloof and introverted towards strangers. But she's a caring soul, and is fascinated by the mysteries of life. With her quiet bravery and wisdom, she is pretty popular, while her empathetic and steadfast personality makes her an important element in a group.
Powers: Can perform a number of magic spells.
Strengths: Quick, calm, smart, confident, loyal, empathetic, brave, spirited, intelligent, creative, playful, sarcastic, wise, justice, honorable, and a bit mysterious.
Flaws: A bit too wary around other people she's not familiar with. Often looks to books for answers instead of within. She needs her space once in a while, which sometimes comes across quite rude.
Favorite Things: Books. Singing. Exploring. Ninjago Folklore and Legends. Animals and Birds. Dragons and everything related to dragons. Stargazing. Stars.
Dislikes: Snakes. Serpents. Spiders. Small spaces. Stage fright.

Sasha has long, wavy light golden caramel hair, which she wears in a partially pulled back braid. Her eyes are strikingly sapphire blue, but she has a scar marked over her right eyebrow. She also has a lightly tanned complexion that matches her time in the sun, but she has a birthmark of a bipedal dragon underneath her left wrist.
She typically wore a dark blue tank top that fades to white at the bottom and blue pants that is folded above her white sneakers with blue soles, laces and toes. Though, her only accessory is a simple blue threaded necklace with a silver bipedal wyvern that's with a glowing blue gem in the center.
After she became the new Magic Ninja, Sasha's new Elemental Ninja outfit is mainly purple in color with silver highlights. There's a silver tiger's face insignia printed in the center and a strip of a purple belt crosses her torso diagonally. She also has a purple shoulder-pad strapped on her left shoulder. Her jeans are black and have black combat boots. She also has a black hood with a silver headband and a black mask that covers her nose and her mouth whenever she's in her "Ninja Mode."
Although she was not trained as a ninja early on, Sasha is very capable of defending herself. Sasha is stubborn and is hard to get her to change her mind once she has her mind stuck and decided, with zero tolerance for anyone who dares to belittle her. She can be kind and sweet, though she rarely smiles largely only giving off a nod and a slight smile. She likes challenges and never gives up, she's known as a fighter. She sympathies those who don't have much, those living on the streets. She tends to help those who need it and those who can't help themselves. She's not afraid to stand up for herself or her family. She will do everything in her power to protect those in need, even if it means placing herself in harm's way.
Although she is shy and wary around new people she's not familiar with, she is wise and intuitive, and able to give sound advice when required. Sasha is extremely empathetic and feisty, while not as perceptive as Nya, still possessed a keen intellect just as well. She's very talented and competent, being skilled in a number of Ninja fields. She also expresses wisdom beyond her years and offers kindness and guidance to those around her. She prefer careful observation to action, and she's an excellent judge of character. She's quiet by nature, but when it comes to a great fight, she's a fierce adversary to go up against.
She also has a sarcastic, mischievous sense of humor, as she is quick to make witty or snarky remarks. Sasha is very cunning, clever and has good instincts when it comes to suspecting something about enemies. She can be impatient and short-tempered at times. Sasha is a loyal, steadfast friend that is always there to defend the people she cares about. However, Sasha proves to be both beautiful and capable; she is also fiery and independent. Sasha also retains a sense of honor and justice though, insisting that a fair and impartial battlefield should be used during the battles she fought in. 
Despite her flaws, Sasha still has a heart of gold. She cares for all of her friends, allies, and families (both adopted and biological) deeply, and is always willing to help and fight for a good cause. She has shown herself to be selfless, caring, brave, and a truly capable ninja. Sasha is tough when needed to be and always lends a helping hand to people in need.

Powers & Abilities:
Mystokinesis: Sasha can create spells, bend supernatural forces, and possess objects. Also, Sasha can use magic spells to attack or defend herself and her friends. She is therefore capable of casting a variety of both basic/low-level and middle-level spells of nearly all types of good/light magics.
Transformations: Sasha has the limited ability to change into any animal she wishes, mythical or real. But the animal can't be completely out of the ordinary such as an elephant mixed with a lion.
Elemental Magic: Like all Masters of Magic of both good or evil qualities, Sasha is capable of magically generating and controlling the classical elements.
Transmogrification: Sasha is able to alter the appearance of objects.
Mysto-Ergokinesis: Sasha can manipulate magical energy. She can manipulate the energy that can cast a specific effect.
Mystokinetic Blast: Sasha can release magical energy over a specific target, causing great damage or delivering great shock waves of force.
Mystokinetic Beam Emission: Sasha can create a potent beam composed of concentrated magical energy.
Teleportation: Sasha can teleport whenever and wherever she desire.
Mystokinetic Creation: Sasha can create something with Magic regardless of the environment and her materials.
Mysto-Elementumkinesis: Sasha can magically manipulate other elements and use them in battle.
Animation: Sasha can animate statues, sculptures, and drawings to life and control them.
Realm Travel: She has the power to travel through any realms (except the Departed Realm). Some magical rituals allow her to travel freely through all of the realms.
Portal Creation: Sasha can open up portals to other realms by use of incantations.
Container Imprisonment: Sasha is able to imprison the Souls of others in objects.
Banishment: Sasha can banish people into different realms for everyone's safety.
Summoning: Sasha has the ability to summon ghosts as her ally.
Mystokinetic Incantation: Sasha can cast and summon magical spells, curses, and enchantments.
Magic Enchantment: Sasha can conjure a powerful enchantment by chanting in an ancient tongue.
Elemental Power Absorption: Sasha can absorb power from another person or object and give it to herself. But she has sworn off of ever using it, since it's like stripping off one's identity.
Mysto-Telekinesis: Sasha is able to magically lift someone or something in the air and make them float unassisted.
Necromancy: Sasha can bring back the dead in the form of zombies or re-awakened skeletons. But she has sworn off of ever using it, since it freaks her out.
Mysto-Healing: Sasha has the ability to heal wounds and reverse curses to a certain degree. 
Spinjitzu: Sasha is capable of preforming Spinjitzu.
Airjitzu: Sasha is capable of performing Airjitzu.
Elemental Dragon: Like all of the other Elemental Masters who managed to overcame their fears, Sasha is capable of summoning her own Elemental Dragon at will.
Rising Dragon: Sasha is capable of preforming the Rising Dragon through her Spinjitzu.
Combat: Despite a lack of formal ninja training, Sasha is a competent fighter. Sasha is a highly proficient combatant as a well-trained ninja. Though she is more capable with weapons, her hand-to-hand combat skills are considerable.
Archery: Sasha is an extremely skilled archer, her arrows strike her target no matter how far they are. Her aim was so incredibly precise and fast that she was able to any target.
Swordsmanship: Sasha is a naturally talented swordsman. Her skills continue to grow as time passes, capable of holding her own against and defeating larger, more experienced, and more powerful opponents.
Martial Arts: Sasha was new about performing martial arts. But she's a skilled user of martial arts and she was able to easily defeat her fellow pupils in combat.
Stealth: Sasha has shown countless times of her amazing stealth. Many enemies have trouble spotting her whenever she's hidden.
Agility: Sasha has shown countless times of her amazing agility. She is able to make incredible feats, such as jump over tall objects with ease and climb over obstacles.
Speed: Sasha has also shown countless times of her amazing speed. Though, her Elemental Power sometimes takes effect during her sprints.
Teaching: Sasha is shown to be a calm and yet patient teacher when she trains new Elemental Masters to be a part of the auxiliary team and her friends the Rising Dragon. She compliments them on their skills.
Dragon Form:
Dragon Physiology: Sasha becomes a humanoid dragon due to her heritage.
Wing Manifestation: Sasha gains wings on her back.
Flight: Using her wings, Sasha has the ability to fly.
Vengestone Immunity: In Dragon Form, Sasha's powers are unaffected by Vengestone.
Infectious Crystal Immunity: Sasha is unaffected by infectious crystals.
Enhanced Elemental Powers: Sasha has her Elemental Powers heavily enhanced.
Purification: Sasha can undo corruption from the infectious crystals.

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