Chapter Four: To The Hideout

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After school, Sasha had decided to heed Master Wu's advice and started searching for the docks that'll lead her to the Secret Ninja Force's headquarters. She soon arrived to the docks, which was covered by the sea's mist and spotted an abandoned warehouse through the mist.
Sasha hummed thoughtfully as she gazed at the abandoned warehouse. She remembers seeing great dangers in the city, like giant snakes, a dark lord, ghosts, a cursed place, and natural disasters. Sasha has never been so scared during those unexpected attacks from those dangers that have happened throughout the last two years.
But she knew that the Secret Ninja Force are humans too. People like them and herself were bound to make a few mistakes in their lifetimes, but they sure can be brave and daring when it comes to protecting others in need. Over the last few weeks, Sasha has gotten the chance to actually know them and not by those stupid rumors at school.
Kai Smith is fiercely protective with a fiery confident streak towards the ones he loves while Nya Smith is very independent and intelligent when building something right off the bat. Even though Lloyd was mistreated by many people due to his father's past actions, but he's still very compassionate and honorable. Zane Julien is extremely loyal and kind to the ones he cares about. Then, there's Jay Walker, as talkative as he is and has a knack for making jokes, he's pretty clever when it comes to building inventions (as well as having a giant crush on Nya). And then there's Cole Brookstone, he is strong as the earth itself and is very empathetic towards others. Before the news of the Ninja's identities has been revealed, Sasha has made the connection between six students and the six Ninjas. Whenever they disappeared, the members of the Secret Ninja Force appears, but when the Secret Ninja Force disappears, the six friends reappeared. But instead of telling anyone, Sasha has sworn herself to secrecy at the six-membered group till they are ready to reveal themselves.
Thanks to the thoughts of the Secret Ninja Force in her thoughts, the memories of Sasha's childhood have entered her mind. She knows that she and her family used to live in Valiant Village that's in the southern lands of Ninja, beyond the New Ninjago City.
She remembered the Ninjago lullaby that her mother had used to sing to her in the cottage and the books that her mother had used to read to Sasha about Ninjago's legends and myths, though Sasha's favorite story was about a Master of Species and a Master of Magic taking on a giant serpent to protect a village.
She remembered all of those trips in the countryside of Ninjago on the weekends with her father and her older brother. She had seen the national parks, the mountains, the forests, and the lakes. In a way, those trips has been helpful for her sharpening her survival skills her father had taught her — how to navigate, how to camp, how to make a fire. She enjoyed stargazing with her father and learning the hidden meanings behind those stars.
She remembered the games she used to play with her older brother when he was done with school. He used to take her to the countryside to visit a few friends of his and let her pet the horses, who were curious about Sasha and seemed to be eager whenever Sasha petted one of them for some reason. She sometimes hitched piggyback rides on him and pretended that he was a dragon.
She remembered when she visited the countryside with her parents and her older brother, but Sasha had managed to sneak into a huge paddock with partly trained horses and the head stallion took her into the center of the herd to be cared for by the motherly mares and played with the three foals. It had almost gave her family a heart attack and a nervous breakdown to boot at the sight. It took both of her parents to talk to the protective horses into giving Sasha back to them.
She remembered watching her mother cooking delicious sweets in the kitchen that Sasha used to assist in and had cooked spicy food to keep both her father and her older brother out of the kitchen. Sasha and her mother had laughed at the startled expressions on their faces before they start running around in circles and Sasha quickly gave them two cups of cold milk to help them.
But unfortunately, Sasha remembered the horrible incident. She was fast asleep when she caught sight of an angry group of gangsters. She heard her parents and older brother yelling and screaming outside of her room. Her mother had came into Sasha's bedroom in her nightgown and took Sasha to the fire escape with a backpack and a duffel bag filled with Sasha's things and her family's possessions to remember them by. When the gangsters were arrested by the police for attacking an innocent family in the middle of the night, which caused Sasha to be sent into the city's orphanage. But Sasha never knew what has become of her older brother, which caused her to try safeguard her own feelings and emotions from other people.
She snapped out of her thoughts as she soon arrived to the abandoned warehouse. She knocked on the door, which has immediately opened in front of her. As soon as she stepped into the abandoned warehouse, she was surprised to see how homely it is. Far above, Sasha could see long metal trusses housing bright lights. A raised platform stood in the center of the room with a wide staircase that leads to a couple of brown couches and a small TV. Another staircase off the right of the TV led to a tall elevator that goes to the top of the base and has many walkways leading to different parts of the warehouse at each level.
Sasha soon spotted a series of training machines and dummies for the Secret Ninja Source. She figured she may as well practice to be prepared for whatever comes next. But like did she know, a certain group has saw her from the platform. But watching from the shadows were both Master Wu and Sensei Garmadon. Master Wu grabbed his cup of tea before he placed a napkin on his lap while Sensei Garmadon raised an eyebrow at that, impressed by her swift agility and strong determination.
The girl's long, wavy light golden caramel hair was in a partial braid, and seemed to shimmer like a waterfall of melted gold over her shoulders. He also caught glimpses of her face as she continued to change her positions. Her expression was very focused, and her blue eyes held a determined look in them as she stared at the obstacle course in front of her. Cole couldn't help, but subconsciously smile to himself.
Sasha did a flip as she kicked the dummies down quickly as Master Wu place his napkin on his lap. She jumped and flipped over the spinning pistons as Master Wu pour his tea. Sasha spun with the blades before hopping away as Master Wu place a couple of sugar on his tea, and as she was in the parkour pistons as she hopped quickly, but then she saw Master Wu about to drink his tea when she accidentally threw her katana at him, which knocked and spilled his tea. Master Wu saw her jumped out of the way of the axes and she flipped as he went to his cup and refilled his tea. But he noticed that Sasha is nowhere in sight.
"Whew!" Everyone jumped in place when they heard Sasha's voice, a little tired and yet still excited from her warmup, but she was stretching from her exercise. "That was an awesome warmup." She was soon seen getting some water from the water fountain, calming down her thirst.
"That was just a warmup?" Jay whispered-shouted, stunned. His friends quickly hushed him.
Sasha became alert at the sudden voice that was followed by the hushing sounds while finishing up with her drink and turning around to search for the speakers on the platform with wary curiosity. She frowned lightly as she gazed up at the platform to see the faintly outlined, huddled forms on the platform. The sight of it made her become more wary. There's about six of the huddled forms on the platform and there's only one of her. But she's unafraid of the incoming danger that she's staring at warily and is ready to face it head on. She let out a mimicry of a fierce dragon's roar, trying to provoke them into coming out of hiding.
The longer Cole looked at the brave and yet warily confident girl, he couldn't help but admire her with a soft smile. She stared up at him with blue eyes that glowed like a pair of clear pools of water, but he could see intelligence and courage in her eyes. The girl's long, wavy light golden caramel hair was in a partial braid and seemed to shimmer like a waterfall of melted gold over her shoulders. As the light shone down on her, it seemed make her skin twinkle as if it's a pattern of a priceless jewel.
"Ninja!" The Secret Ninja Force turned to look at Master Wu. "Go and meet your new teammate."
At those words, they each jumped off the platform without hurting themselves and landed in front of Sasha. On the left side was Kai Smith, the brave Red Ninja and the fiercely protective Master of Fire. Standing next to Kai was Nya Smith, the intelligent Teal Ninja and the independent Master of Water. By Nya's side was Jay Walker, the talkative Blue Ninja and the playful Master of Lightning. Standing by Kai's left shoulder was Lloyd Garmadon, who's a perfect combination of the members of the team and an even greater leader. By Lloyd's right shoulder was Zane Julien, the patient White Ninja and the loyal Master of Ice.
Sasha's eyes landed on the last Ninja that she had yet to look at, which was Cole Brookstone. She recognize him as the kind Black Ninja and the strong Master of Earth. The two of them both looked at each other with warm smiles. Her blue eyes locked onto his warm dark brown eyes. She couldn't help, but feel her heart melt at the sight of Cole and yet she was unfamiliar with these feelings going through her heart. She never had these types of feelings going through her before.
Cole couldn't help, but stare at Sasha the whole time. He loved seeing her so curious and eager, relaxed and calmer. It was nice. Not only because they all worried all of the time, but also because a smile really suited Sasha (and Cole really loved the smile of hers). Not like there was really anything that didn't suit Sasha. Of course, Cole wouldn't admit it out loud since she might not return his feelings.
Sasha pushed her feelings aside and smiled at the Secret Ninja Force. "Hi again."
"You all know each other?" Sensei Garmadon asked them, curious.
Lloyd smiled at him warmly. "We do. We go to school together."
Master Wu did Spinjitzu past her in a glittering bright golden tornado. As she spun around in the midst of his Spinjitzu and came out wearing a different colored Ninja Gi and weapons, in which is decorated with an animal emblem tied to her that represent her element.
She was wearing a new piece of clothing, but not just any clothing. It's an amalgam of fabric, leather, and metal Master Wu has put together as a new Ninja suit. She is now wearing a great purple Ninja suit, perfectly sized and crafted for the Purple Ninja herself while her animal emblem is the face of a tiger. Sasha couldn't help, but simply admire the beauty and craftsmanship of her new gi, and she took notice of the separate layers of the armor slowly as she inspected its durability. Without hesitation, she strapped her weapon onto her back (which has a katana that can change into a bow and back again).
Master Wu turned to look at Sasha and gently tapped her shoulders with his Bo-staff. "Sasha, you are now the Purple Ninja, the Master of Magic." She acknowledged him with a bow of her head. "You are brave and empathetic, much like a dragon." Her eyes widened slightly at that. Does he know? "But you are steadfast and quick to give a swift attack." Sasha smiled softly when he connected her to her element and her heritage.
She wasn't scared at all. If anything, she was downright excited. She might be able to have another family. And she's going to join one of the bravest heroes that she has ever met.

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