Chapter Two: Ninjago School

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Sasha dreamt that she was running through a jungle. She caught glimpses of the glowing full moon and the starry night sky through the canopies of the trees, casting long shadows through the jungle. Sasha was aware of her terrible sense of direction, but she's not sure how she ended up or how to get out of this jungle without getting hurt.
The wind was howling vigorously like a pack of wolves at a full moon. Running through the trees, Sasha looked around her surroundings into the evening for any sign of danger. Navigating through the moonlight and dark shadows, she continued running through the jungle, swiftly moving with the shadows as one. She jumped gracefully over a log and noticed that she was standing next to a moonlit waterfall.
When she looked away from the waterfall, she was stunned at the sight before her. At first, she couldn't see anything in the valley below her, but a sea of mist with a few spires and pinnacles rising from it; but as the light increased and the mist cleared away Sasha can see more.
The land rose in a hill and every bit of that hill, up to the palace and the great pyramid of the dead at the top, was completely covered with buildings — terraces, streets, zigzag roads or huge flights of steps bordered with metallic plants, roof-gardens, balconies, courtyards, deep archways, pillared colonnades, spires, pinnacles, and battlements.
With her stunned amazement at the sight of the unknown city, the ledge had suddenly gave away underneath Sasha's feet and it had caused her to fall into a dark hole. She watched as the dark hole began to start changing all around her. She felt as if she was levitating in the hole.
But a glowing circular object appeared in front of her. Then, another glowing circular object appeared in front of her too. Both of the objects were in the color of the cloudless sky. But as Sasha continued staring, she realized with a jolt that the glowing circular objects were a pair of eyes. And at that moment, an image of a beautiful white transparent dragon had suddenly appeared before her very own eyes. It almost looked like the dragon was staring into her very own soul.

Even though she'd convinced herself the night before that she was looking forward to her first day of school... The same couldn't be said for how Sasha felt the next morning. It was like all of her confidence had sapped out of her body while she slept restlessly that night, only to wake up three hours earlier than planned. Granted, she's always had trouble getting a full night's sleep, but this time was different. For most of the night and the early morning, all she could do was stare straight up at the white ceiling above her, not even trying to get any last-minute rest.
Until finally, when her clock struck six-fifteen, Sasha heard her aunt trudge down the hallway from outside of her door and head for the kitchen, intent on cooking breakfast. Sasha took that as her cue to push herself into a sitting position.
With the mindset that perhaps, even with the lack of sleep, she could still try to find some positives to the upcoming day, she rose into a standing position to further get ready. However, when she joined her aunt at the kitchen table for breakfast a little while later, she found that she didn't have the stomach for it. But once she felt her stomach calmed down a bit, Sasha started eating her cereal quietly.
The ride to school was short and silent, such as Sasha expected it would be. She looked up at the building as they pulled into the drop-off line, taking in its scale.
"They'll be expecting you in the office, so you only need to tell them who you are and everything will be set," Aunt Irma said, breaking Sasha out of her thoughts. "And we're clear on how you'll get home?"
"It's a fifteen-minute walk." Sasha's voice was quiet, but filled with a hint of annoyance in her voice.
Her aunt rolled her blue eyes fondly at her granddaughter's comment before she gave her a one-armed, sidelong hug and kissed her forehead. Sasha's blonde was pulled back into a partial braided ponytail. She's wearing a dark blue tank top that fades to white at the bottom and blue pants that is folded above her white sneakers with blue soles, laces and toes. Though, her only accessory is a simple blue threaded necklace with a silver bipedal wyvern that's with a blue gem in the center.
"Bye Aunt Irma." Sasha opened the car door and started heading towards the school, she waved as her dad drove away from the driveway.
Sasha had went towards the main office that her parents had instructed her to before she left the house. The principal was waiting to give a welcome speech, locker keys, her schedule, and a few words on the importance of being punctual. Sasha left the front office and went towards the hallway lockers by different classrooms. She used her combination and opened her locker, Sasha placed her heaviest notebooks into her locker.
The best part about starting at a new school when you're already nervous enough as it is?
Nobody cares. Much.
To Sasha, it felt like all those movies she's seen over the years really overhyped the sensation of being the new kid; the best-case scenario being promises of mesmerized onlookers asking her endless questions regarding who she was or where she was from, and worst-case being mercilessly bullied just for being new. After a quick trip to the office to get her class schedule and locker number in order, she simply walked to and from her designated classes throughout the day, almost blending right in with the other students. Other than the teachers who helped get her up to speed on what they were covering with their subjects, nobody bothered her — unless she counted the occasional passerby doing a quick double-take, but only because they've never seen her before. As quickly as they looked, they just shrugged it off and moved along.
After lunchtime, Sasha had went outside towards the high school's park to find some peaceful and familiar solitude before her next classes started up again. She sat down at a picnic table that's in the shade of a huge oak tree and started working on her homework ahead of time. Once Sasha had finished her homework and had put her things back into her backpack, she had caught sight of a small group (five boys and one girl) being insulted by somebody named Cheng (Chen's nephew) and his group of friends (aka bullies).
"Excuse me." Sasha stepped out of the shadows, casual elegance rolled through her. The two groups of people turned to her.
Cheng eyed her warily. "Yeah?"
"Why are bugging these people?" Sasha asked innocently.
At first, he blinked and the burst out laughing while saying, "Because they are the Dork Squad, the Garma-dorks that's why."
Sasha stared at him with a questioning, but unimpressed look on her face. "Garma what now?"
Everyone looked at Sasha in surprise, then Cheng started pointing during his explanation. "That's Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon, and this is his friends the Garma-dorks."
Sasha hummed understandingly and fixed an even glare on Cheng while using her famous sarcasm. "So, you decided it was a great idea to pick on someone who is related to Garmadon and yet he's not an evildoer as Lord Garmadon was." They all looked at her in surprise, then the group of six started laughing while Cheng just stared at Sasha with a dumbfounded expression. "I may be new around these parts, but even I know that Garmadon isn't evil anymore after the Green Ninja had defeated him, so quit bothering these people and get going." After saying those words, Cheng and his gang had went back to the school.
Sasha turned to look at the six membered group that she had protected, immediately recognizing them from the news. There's Kai Smith, fiery and brave, as well as the Red Ninja and Master of Fire. There's Nya Smith, independent and intelligent, as well as the Teal Ninja and Master of Water. Standing next to Kai was Zane Julien, loyal and patient, as well as the White Ninja and Master of Ice. Standing at Nya's shoulder was Jay Walker, talkative and creative, as well as the Blue Ninja and Master of Lightning. Stepping out from the protection circle that his friends had made was Lloyd Garmadon, the Green Ninja and the Leader of the Secret Ninja Force.
"Thanks for helping us," said Lloyd warmly. "But you didn't have to."
The girl smirked at him playfully. "But I wanted to."
Sasha soon spotted Cole Brookestone, the Black Ninja, the Master of Earth. Sasha has to admit that the Cole is especially handsome to her eyes. He seemed stronger and well-muscled than his other teammates. He has medium length, shaggy black hair and warm dark brown eyes. Something about him made Sasha drawn to him and fight by his side.  
Cole's breath was hitched in his throat when he and her locked eyes. It was a girl. Cole had seen many girls, but not like her; the others were children while others were quick to judge. This girl was definitely attractive, but unlike some he had came across, she wasn't jumping to any sudden conclusions immediately. Her gaze was... studious, as if she were trying to figure just who or what he was.
Everyone else was smiling at her warmly and when Sasha looked at Cole, she saw he was looking at her too, though he looked away quickly. Was he... blushing? Sasha pushed those thoughts out of her mind and started chatting with her new friends. The important thing was that she made friends and they didn't seem that bad. It turned out that they all shared a few classes; social studies, art, history, and English. Despite everything, Sasha was glad to have befriended her new classmates.

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