Chapter Three: A New Ninja

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The sky shimmered and shined, like a giant rainbow had blanketed the sky and stretched out over the land. It was early morning, but the night stars continued to shine. Despite the lightness of the dawning sky, the stars were so bright and clear like distant diamonds sparkling in the morning sky. While the faint outline of the moon was in a pale circle of silver, glowing faintly in the dawning sky. As the sun started to rise, it had caught the colors of a blazing, aflame ember as it rise in the east. At the warehouse, it was secretly a hideout for the Secret Ninja Force.
In the building, five teenage boys and a girl were training on the dummies and the targets in the courtyard. The Red Ninja is Kai Smith and he fought with his sword on one of the dummies. Nearby, the Blue Ninja is Jay Walker and was working on his fighting technique. The White Ninja is Zane Julien and was hitting the targets with swift aims. Then, there's the Black Ninja who's Cole Brookstone and was taking out the targets. Lastly, the youngest of the team and yet the leader of the Secret Ninja Team was the legendary Green Ninja, who goes by the name Lloyd. He was skillfully taking down his targets with his respective weapon, but one could see that his mind was being weighed down by last night's nightmares.
"Calm down, Kai! You must think before you strike, you must keep careful control of your movements!" The Fire Ninja paused, taking a brief glimpse around at the training equipment in the room. Most of the wooden components were on fire now. He swallowed a little. Maybe using his Elemental Power on a wooden training equipment hadn't been the best idea.
Luckily, he had backup. A few jets of water washed over the deck, dousing the flames. And then another one hit Kai, soaking him.
"Hey!" The Red Ninja yelled, quickly reaching up to straighten out his hair as he glared at his younger sister, then he glanced toward the older man who was on the main deck with them. "Sorry, Sensei Garmadon. I'll try harder to be more controlled." Then he looked at Nya, glaring a little bit. "You messed up my hair, Sis, you know the price for that."
Nya smirked. "Oh, do I?" She quickly jumped out of the way as Kai lunged at her. The siblings began to fight, though it was all in jest. Still, Sensei Garmadon shook his head a bit, setting his staff against the railing and moving over to reset the nearly dismantled training dummies.
But when Lloyd glanced at his father with a hesitant smile, it was in this moment that a punching bag struck him in the side. Lloyd tumbled across the floor with a loud "Oof!" The others all looked at him, laughing a bit at the clumsy tumble he'd taken.
"And the Mighty Green Ninja has been defeated by the Evil Punching Bag!" Cole chuckled.
Lloyd picked himself off of the ground, snorting softly. "Nah, it didn't defeat me. It just caught me by surprise for once. Hngh!" He sent a kick into the punching bag, which broke free and skidded off to bounce against the ground. "Now, the evil punching bag has been defeated... Muahahaha!" He snorted, breaking off quickly.
Kai rolled his eyes. "Come on. We heard enough of that when you were pretending to be the next Dark Lord by stealing candy." Kai smirked as he playfully trapped Lloyd in a headlock. Lloyd wheezed as he tried to escape the older teen's hold, laughter bubbling in his throat. Sensei Garmadon leaned against the wall, watching their antics with a slight smile and clearly reminiscing of their brotherly bond at the sight of the duo. He was soon joined with by Misako, who also watched the playful nature between the two brother-like boys with an amused smile.
But in one of the private rooms was Master Wu, who was peering through the mist of his pot as he sat down on his mate within his room, searching for any incoming visions that might be connected to the Secret Ninja Force. Master Wu closed his eyes as the mist have started to take affect. Darkness flashed before his eyes, and then a strange image, in bits and pieces like puzzle whirling together.
A teenage blonde-haired girl with warm blue eyes could be seen standing boldly in front of him, her blue eyes shone with empathetic compassion and determined courage. But as Master Wu observed her, he could see that she was wearing the outfit of an Elemental Ninja, clearly showing the new Elemental Master of Magic.
The image soon changed to show a familiar-looking man standing at an island at midnight. With a horrified jolt, he recognized the man. The man was former Master Chen. He had betrayed humanity and the Serpentine Tribes to fake purple Anacondrai.
In the last vision, the sight was so amazing that Master Wu was stunned at the sight before him. He soon spotted Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Nya, Cole, Zane, the mysterious Master of Magic, and other Elemental Masters appearing from the light of the sunrise and was opposing the man and his allies who came from the starless night.
Master Wu soon snapped out of his vision from the mist. He carefully stood up with an uncertain frown. He has a feeling that one of the Ninjas might know this mysterious Elemental Master of Magic. But first, he has to warn them of the incoming danger.

The branches rocked to the silent rhythm of the breeze and leaves were carried off by the wind, spinning and twirling like tiny dancers as they fell. In front of everyone was a grassy field and a small pond in the distance. One could see a few woodland critters scampering through the clearing as they returned home. Some foxes went into a burrow. A couple of deer could be seen bounding away. Squirrels and chipmunks scattered about, grabbing their acorns to stash inside their tree-trunk homes and went into hiding. From above the birds started flying back to their nests. It was calm and peaceful around them in the gentle forest clearing.
Walking steadily through the town was an elder man. He has a long white beard that went past his chest, he was wearing a white kimono and a conical straw hat. He was walking with a single bo-staff to keep his balance from any unexpected accidents that might involved him slipping on the ground within the city. As he continued walking through the park, he spotted his late comrade's daughter. She was quietly reading a book called, "Legends and Prophecies of the Elemental Masters."
Sasha leaned against the tree, her nose in a book as always. The gentle breeze made her hair blow around her tan face. Her blue eyes matched the sky as she read the book thoughtfully. Books always calm her down when she's thinking about.. her family. She sighed and shook away the thoughts. She was startled when she heard something pour into a cup. Her blue eyes snapped over to her right where a familiar old man with a long white beard a tan cone-like hat sat on his head. He was calmly pouring tea into a blue tea-cup with his blue kettle.
She spun around instinctively to gaze at him with wary curiosity and put her book back into her satchel. She slowly and cautiously walked towards him, eyeing him warily. "Who are you?"
The old man took a sip of his tea before replying, "I am Master Wu."
"And I'm Sasha." She sat down in front of him, looking confused. "What brings you to..." Sasha glanced around. This isn't her home, just where she spends most of her time reading and some of her free time in the park whenever she's feeling homesick. "...around these parts of Ninjago?"
"I was looking for someone special," Master Wu said, looking at the girl.
Sasha narrowed her eyes. "Me? Why would you come looking for me?"
"There is a great light inside you, Sasha," said Master Wu. "But great darkness as well."
"Thanks a lot." Sasha crossed her arms, wary and unimpressed. "What do you need from me?"
"I don't need anything." Master Wu smiled kindly. "But I believe you are familiar with the Secret Ninja Force, correct?"
Sasha raised an eyebrow at his question. "Who isn't?" She gave him dejected look, not sure if she's ready for the path ahead. "But why would you need me, though? I'm not special. I-I'm..." Sasha shrugged helplessly. "I'm just me."
Master Wu shook his head. "There is something special inside you, Sasha. You just need to embrace it." He stood up and stepped back and Sasha's eyes followed him curiously, all wariness forgotten. Master Wu twisted himself in a circle and a bright golden spiral/tornado surrounded him.
Sasha's eyes brightened at the sight. "Wow, okay. That's pretty awesome."
Master Wu came to a stop and the golden tornado disappeared. He smiled at her through his long white beard. "If you let me teach you, you can do that. Will you accept?"
Sasha was in complete awe. "Wait...wait, wait. I can do that too?" Master Wu nodded patiently.
But she soon remembered the million dollar question. "But what's my Elemental Power?"
Master Wu smiled at her warmly. "Yours is Magic."
She nodded understandingly at her new Sensei and smiled at him. "When do we start, Sensei?"
Master Wu smiled, his brown eyes filled with warmth. "Soon. But first, come to the abandoned warehouse at the docks tomorrow after school. I'll be there."
Sasha tilted her head at him curiously, but she nodded to him with a smile. She wasn't scared, she was excited. She might be able to have another family.

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