Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

*Author P.O.V*

"I'll pay for lunch." Harry says as he takes out his wallet, making the blonde shake his head with a small smile.

"You don't have to. I'm the one who brought you here." Niall explains and the green eye male looks at him for a second before putting his wallet away.

"If you say so." Harry says with a shrug and Niall nods, happy that he and Harry doesn't really go at it about the check.

Niall looks over at him, seeing him playing with his hair looking in deep thought. He doesn't have enough time to stare at him anymore because the waitress comes over holding a heavy looking tray. She reaches for the check very slowly as she looks between the tray and money. Niall goes to go help her but the tray tips over with some of the dishes getting on the table with the rest falling to the floor. The taller male jumps in surprise then goes to help the waitress, who is apologizing and thanking them at the same time. Harry and Niall look up at each other as they grab the last bowl, smiling at each other. Both of them doesn't know that the other can be this nice and normal.

Harry takes the tray and settles everything on it, evening it out before sitting the check on top then hands the tray to the waitress. She smiles at him before walking away. Harry and Niall leaves the restaurant, making sure that they didn't leave anything behind. They walk down the street just taking in the fresh air and city noise, not really knowing what to say again. Harry can't help but steal glances at the nerd from time to time. He is just really hot in all black. Harry already got a chance to see his muscles and he bites his bottom lip at the memory. He just wants to scream for someone to fuck him but he wants to prove that he can go a month without sex.

He shakes the sexual thoughts away from his head and taking in a deep breath then looking over at Niall, who is on the phone. He does find it quite rude that he is doing that but the blonde instantly puts his phone away. He looks over at the taller male, who is picking at his nails with a bored but sad look on his face. Right as he is about to say something, he is hug tightly by someone. He looks to see who it is and a smile comes up on his face seeing Louis short body clung onto him. Harry looks at the two with a surprise look because first that is the guy he thought was the blonde's boyfriend.

"Are you guys dating?" Harry asks, crossing his arms over his chest knowing if they are he can't wait to tell Niall's boyfriend what they been up to.

"Hell no. No offense Niall." Louis states, pulling away from the hug as his friend shrugs because he was going to say the same thing.

"None taken and he's my best friend." Niall explains, ruffling his friend's hair, making him roll his blue eyes and smack his hand away.

"Why do you want to know any way? Are you jealous?" Louis questions with a smirk as he places his hands on his hips.

"Why would I be jealous of you? You're nowhere near imitating. Not one little bit." Harry says, a smile on his face when Louis clenches his fists at the word little.

"You may be tall but I have a bigger ass than you, slut." Louis states through clench teeth and his friend steps in between them trying not to laugh.

"Don't even talk to me boy lookin like a motherfucking uuuuhhhh." Harry says and the blonde let's out a laugh, covering his mouth as his best friend glares at him.

"That's enough you two." Niall states, putting one of his hands on Harry's shoulder and the other one on Louis' shoulder.

Niall successfully talks his best friend into going home and not doing anything stupid. Harry, on the other hand, is still mumbling insults and facts as the blonde tries to get his attention. Since Niall can't get it, he decides to do something the green eye male would do in a situation like this. He grabs his cheeks and kisses him hard instantly shutting him up. Harry's eyes grew wide as his hands goes to the nerd's shoulders before he can pull away Harry kisses him back. And now Niall starts to regret it because he really likes the way Harry's lips feel against his.

Niall can still taste the cheese fries and burger from a few minutes ago but he doesn't mind. The fact that Harry's lips are warm and plump makes him forget about it. Harry sucks on Niall's tongue, a moan leaving his mouth as his hand goes to his ass, squeezing it a bit. Right before anything else can happen, Niall pulls away breathing heavily as he wipes the corner of his mouth. He looks down at his shoes before looking up at Harry, who is smirking at him licking his lips. Niall pushes his glasses closer to his face before running his fingers through his hair as he looks around glad to see that nobody are looking at them.

"I'm sorry, but that was the only way I can gain your attention." Niall explains and the taller male shakes his head with a laugh.

"I don't mind at all that was a really good kiss." Harry says and Niall quickly puts his hand on his chest when he tries to get close again."Come on. It won't hurt to give me another kiss."

"Forget about it because its not going to happen again." Niall says and the green eye male pouts at him before grabbing his wrists and pulling him close.

"It is going to happen again on the day that you fuck me and I can't wait for you to dominate." Harry whispers in the nerd's ear, biting it lightly before pulling away with a smirk.

"Can we go one day without us talking about sex, arguing, or being touchy?" Niall questions as he gets out of Harry's grips with a very annoyed look on his face.

"No, not really." Harry says with a shrug before wrapping his arm around the blonde's shoulder, bringing him close again."Now what else are we going to do on this date?"



I just feel like deleting all my old stories and keeping the new ones up because they are way better. Plus I don't feel like going back and editing all that other shit I don't know man I'm trying to decide. Anyways leave a comment for this chapter because you guys leave really sweet comments that make me smile.

Bye my frogs.😚😔😏

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